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Overhead squat assessment set up
Continuing Education2 Credits

Overhead Squat Assessment: Signs of Dysfunction

The Overhead Squat Assessment is an effective starting point for a comprehensive movement because it challenges the dynamic flexibility and neuromuscular control of the large joints of the human body.

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Course Description: Overhead Squat Assessment: Signs of Dysfunction

All fitness, performance, and rehabilitation programs should start with an assessment. The goal of assessment is to refine exercise and technique recommendations, with the intent of improving client or patient outcomes. This course describes the Overhead Squat Assessment (a.k.a OSA, OHSA, squat assessment, overhead squat, and similar to the deep squat of the Functional Movement Screen).

The Overhead Squat Assessment is particularly effective as a starting point for a comprehensive assessment of movement quality because it challenges the dynamic flexibility and neuromuscular control of the large joints of the kinetic chain. Following a few repetitions, a movement professional can quickly identify reliable signs correlated with altered shoulder mobility, scapula dyskinesis, altered core strength, hip mobility, knee joint alignment, and/or ankle mobility. These signs can be used by professionals prior to more specific assessments that may aid in identifying altered recruitment patterns, muscle imbalance, muscle overactivity, muscle underactivity, loss of muscle strength, or increased joint stiffness. For example, the sign "Knee Valgus (Knees Bow In)" may be indicative of lower extremity dysfunction , implying that it may be beneficial to perform goniometry of the hip, knee, and/or ankle. The combination of the Overhead Squat Assessment and Goniometry may highlight a lack of dorsiflexion, a lack of ankle stability, and muscle imbalances including a loss of calf flexibility , and/or a loss of invertor strength .

This course includes unique content only available from the Brookbush Institute . Unlike other education companies that also teach a squat assessment; including the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the Functional Movement Screen (FMS), the Brookbush Institute provides an evidence-based analysis of muscle imbalance and joint dyskinesis. But, perhaps most importantly, the Brookbush Institute is the first company to teach a methodology that includes assessment using a preset group of reliable signs, analysis of the impairments implied by those signs (including altered muscle activity and length, and joint dyskinesis), development of an integrated approach to addressing the analysis, and reassessment to determine the efficacy of the intervention. This industry has always been poor at describing the link between assessment and technique selection. The Brookbush Institute addresses this issue in this course with a clear methodology for all sports medicine professionals to build on (personal trainers, fitness instructors, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, etc.).

For an introduction to the Overhead Squat Assessment (OHSA) including intent, validity, reliability, signs of dysfunction, analysis, and set-up please review:

This course thoroughly describes each sign including instructional videos, solution tables with analysis and intervention recommendations, and relevant research.

Printable PDF of the Movement Assessment Template (including the OHSA):

Overhead squat assessment set up
Caption: Overhead squat assessment set up

Study Guide: Overhead Squat Assessment

Feet Flatten

2 sub-categories

Feet Turn Out

2 sub-categories

Knees Bow In

2 sub-categories

Knees Bow Out

2 sub-categories

Excessive Forward Lean

2 sub-categories

Anterior Pelvic Tilt (Excessive Lordosis)

2 sub-categories

Arms Fall

2 sub-categories

Shoulders Elevate

2 sub-categories

The Next Step


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1. Feet Flatten

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