0:04 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute, and 0:06 in this video we're going to progress 0:07 from our static self-administered 0:09 release techniques with a foam roll, and 0:11 move on to our dynamic self-administered 0:14 release techniques, or pin and stretch 0:16 techniques. So we're moving on from 0:18 addressing those trigger points within 0:20 our muscles, to starting to address the 0:22 fascial adhesions and layers of 0:25 connective tissue. I'm going to have my 0:26 friend Melissa come out she's going to 0:28 help me demonstrate this technique. She's 0:30 going to start in a long sitting 0:31 position that she used for her static 0:33 release technique for her calf, we're 0:35 gonna use her trigger point roller here. 0:36 She's going to survey her entire calf, 0:39 maybe from calcaneus all the way up to 0:42 the back of her knee, and she is going to 0:44 look for that most tender spot. Although 0:47 there are some other ways to assess 0:50 fascial restriction, most of them being 0:52 manual techniques, we're going to go 0:54 ahead for our purposes here and being 0:56 that they're self-administered 0:57 techniques, assume that that most tender 1:00 spot is also a site of additional 1:02 dysfunction relating to connective 1:04 tissue. Maybe an increase in cross- 1:06 bridging between layers of connective 1:08 tissue that we need to free. Once she 1:10 finds this most tender spot, I actually 1:15 want her to move the foam roll just 1:18 distal to that spot. So if this is the 1:23 the most tender spot, the little ball of 1:27 connective tissue restriction, she's now 1:30 got the foam roll abutted against it 1:33 like this. My hope is is that i can use 1:36 now her tibialis anterior to pull her 1:40 foot up or dorsiflex, and pull the 1:43 fibers of her gastroc and soleus through 1:46 that connective tissue binding, breaking 1:49 up some of that cross-bridging and 1:51 freeing up that fascial tissue, so that we 1:54 increase extensibility. So we started by 1:58 finding the adhesive point, moving the 2:00 foam roll just distal to it, and now we're 2:02 using her tibialis anterior to pull 2:05 those fibers through the adhesive point. 2:07 Now Melissa is fairly advanced here, so I 2:11 need to consider how to progress my 2:14 techniques which we go back to that 2:17 formula, 2:17 pressure equals force over area. To 2:21 increase force maybe get a little deeper 2:24 within this muscle, all we have to do is 2:26 add the weight of her other leg. So she 2:30 can start by having her foot on the 2:31 floor and only a small amount of the 2:34 weight of this leg putting pressure on 2:36 this leg, all the way to putting this 2:39 foot over her other foot so all of the 2:43 way of this leg is adding additional 2:44 pressure. One thing I don't like to see 2:48 guys is the butt up off the ground, 2:51 thank you. If you put your butt up off 2:53 the ground what I think you guys will 2:54 find is, number one -it's very hard to 2:56 hold a static position, hold a nice 2:59 position for long enough to finish the 3:02 technique. I think you'll also find that 3:04 you add a lot of additional tension 3:06 throughout your musculoskeletal system, 3:08 or myofascial system. It doesn't give us 3:12 much of an opportunity to get a good 3:14 release. So we've started by increasing 3:18 the pressure here and then I would have 3:20 her do her 10 to 20 repetitions, with a 3:23 two to five second hold at the very top 3:26 of this movement, trying to break up as 3:28 much of that connective tissue binding 3:30 as we can. But again Melissa is a very 3:34 advanced exerciser, I don't think this is 3:38 intense enough for her, painful enough 3:42 for her because you know, I'm just a 3:44 little sadistic as a trainer and 3:46 therapist. So we're going to find a way 3:48 to not only increase force, well let's 3:51 decrease area. Now one thing you guys got 3:54 to remember with these particular 3:55 techniques is we don't want to decrease 3:58 the perpendicular width of whatever 4:02 we're using for this dynamic release 4:06 technique. We need to decrease the 4:08 surface area this way, so that we 4:11 increase pressure, without decreasing 4:14 what we're using to block that adhesive 4:16 point. So although in some videos you 4:19 guys see me to go to a softball, softballs 4:22 are a little rough to use to increase 4:24 pressure for dynamic release, or pin and 4:27 stretch; because you get the adhesion 4:29 pinned and then as soon as you go to 4:31 pull the gastroc and soleus through 4:34 it, it just goes right right around the 4:36 ball. So that's where this stuff comes in 4:38 real handy. This is a quadballer and 4:41 this is a footballer, and you guys can 4:42 notice that I get to keep the 4:46 perpendicular width, but decrease the 4:49 surface area. So i'm going to have 4:50 Melissa try this one first, 4:58 go ahead and put her foot over and add 5:01 as much pressure as she needs. See now 5:03 we're getting a little closer to that 5:05 that tender area, that site of 5:08 dysfunction, and she's going to do the 5:12 same thing here to second holds 10 to 20 5:16 repetitions, hoping to break up some of 5:19 that fascial binding, that connective 5:21 tissue binding and increase our 5:23 extensibility. You want to try this one? 5:26 Great! So all these products are trigger- 5:30 point products guys the trigger-point 5:32 foam roll, the quadballer, the footballer 5:35 come in very handy for these dynamic or 5:38 pin and stretch techniques. I know this 5:40 isn't an assessment video but let's 5:42 quickly break down why I would use this 5:43 particular technique, number one I would 5:45 assume that I've already done static 5:48 release with Melissa for probably four 5:51 to six weeks. I've gotten everything I 5:53 can at a static release and now I need 5:54 to progress this technique. Why I would 5:57 address this muscle at all, if I'm using 5:59 the overhead squat assessment it would 6:00 be things like feet turn out, feet 6:03 flattened, knees bow in, knees bow out, 6:06 excessive forward lean, and potentially 6:08 an anterior pelvic tilt. That stuff can 6:10 all be related to lower leg dysfunction. 6:14 If i was using goniometery I'd have a 6:17 restriction in dorsiflexion that I had 6:20 already tried to reduce with static 6:23 release techniques and perhaps 6:24 stretching, and I still needed maybe an 6:28 extra 3-5 degrees. Let's say I got 6:31 Melissa to 12 degrees of dorsiflexion 6:33 and my goal is 15 to 20 degrees, maybe 6:35 I'll progress to this technique and see 6:37 if I can get a few more degrees of 6:39 dorsiflexion out of it. Or if I'm using 6:41 that gastroc soleus muscle length test, 6:43 I can look at that test and if I see 6:46 that there's restriction primarily in 6:50 the gastroc complex, that would help me 6:53 narrow down what I need to release to 6:56 just the upper half of the calf complex; 6:59 as my gastroc does not continue all 7:01 the way down to my 7:02 calcaneus. I hope you guys enjoy using this 7:05 technique. I hope you guys see additional 7:07 benefit from progressing from static to 7:10 dynamic release, or pin and stretch, and I 7:14 look forward to hearing all about the 7:15 outcomes you guys get with your clients 7:17 patients and athletes. I'll talk with you 7:18 soon. 7:26 you