0:00 This is Brent coming at you with another power exercise, except in this 0:03 video we're not doing max power, we're doing an exercise that I've actually 0:07 got great results from, that all of my clients have got great results from, 0:12 you're going to have to give this exercise a chance. I know some of you 0:15 guys are going to look at this exercise and go ah that's not that bad, but when 0:20 you try it, it's far more challenging than you thought it was going to be, and 0:24 perfection take some serious practice. This is the power stability exercise hop 0:30 down to stabilization. I'm going to have my friend Kamal come out and help me 0:33 demonstrate. We've been breaking Kamal down on this one a little bit, trying to 0:38 perfect his technique. So all he's going to do is he's going to get up on a step, 0:43 now the first cues that we're going to use on this exercise we actually went 0:47 over in the posterior tibialis reactive activation exercise. So this is actually 0:54 a progression from that. If you guys are thinking about really sophisticated 0:57 periodized programming, you could have started with this reactive 1:02 activation exercise in your corrective exercise program, and now you could be 1:05 progressing to this. So what Kamal is going to do is he's going to have good 1:09 posture, we're still going to line up his kinetic chain checkpoints. I'm going to 1:13 have him take the leg that he's going to land on out forward, this knee is going 1:18 to stay slightly bent, his foots going to be down, his toes are going to be up, 1:24 basically like he's aiming the ball of his foot at the ground. Ok so i can 1:30 actually help Kamal out a little bit to cue him, help him bend his knee, put 1:35 some weight through the ball of his foot so he gets what I'm talking about. Now 1:39 all Kamal has to do is basically fall off the step, try to land on this foot 1:46 softly and stabilize, and that was pretty good. That was pretty 1:52 good, he didn't quite stabilize long enough but uh we're getting there, we're 1:57 getting there right. So let's let's go ahead and get back up there, same thing 2:01 we're just going to keep doing this over and over again. We can do a few more reps 2:05 with this exercise, we can start working up towards that 12 maybe even 15 rep 2:10 range, since this is power stability it's not quite that maximal power effort 2:14 where we need to really crank down the reps. So let's try that again, let's get 2:19 some practice here good, knee bent, so you're nice and soft, you're going to put 2:23 force right through the ball of your foot, and go ahead and step down, good 2:27 better, and then hold for three. I want Kamal to be able to hold so long that it 2:35 feels like you could hold it forever. You guys could even do a couple tests if you 2:39 wanted to. I know when I've done this exercise I know if I land and I 2:43 stabilize, I should be able to go through my jump shot motion without putting the 2:46 other foot in the ground that's how well balanced I am. Let's try again, let's try 2:50 the other foot. 2:54 Alright so once again he's going to put that foot out forward, knee bent, foot 2:58 down, toe up. It's a lot of cues to remember it first. So he's just landing 3:03 here, and then land down, good. Obviously we don't have to start with a step this 3:11 high either guys, this is a 12-inch step, we could start with just six inches. All 3:16 right let's go ahead and progress this exercise, actually Kamal probably 3:20 should stick to the sagittal plane right now, but we do want to show you guys what 3:23 frontal plane looks like, maybe even what transverse plane looks like. Alright so 3:28 frontal plane all he's going to do is he's going to step off to the side, let 3:33 me get on the other side of you actually, and he's going to actually give himself 3:37 a little fall off that way and try to stabilize, and he's still having a hard 3:42 time stabilizing, but you guys kind of get the idea. The idea is to land on the 3:47 ball of the foot, land softly, and be able to stick the landing. Alright so let's 3:53 show them one transverse plane one. Alright so transverse plane you're going 3:58 to start off this way alright, so set up like you were doing the frontal plane 4:02 one. So this time I want you to give yourself a little hop and end up facing 4:06 that way all right, and the cueing is the same. So those 4:13 are your your progressions as far as planes of motion go, and then of course 4:17 you have the height of the step is another progression. Now as I'm sitting 4:21 here breaking down Kamal I know you guys saw the tire flip video, he can 4:24 obviously produce an extremely large amount of force there's no doubt about 4:29 that, and Kamals competitive career is is passed and now he's a trainer here and 4:35 does a great job with training his clients, but let's take a step back, let's 4:40 imagine Kamal was still in his competitive career, I doubt this stuff 4:44 was actually all that much better, and then we think about what type of 4:47 competitive edge could we have given him if when he cut, he planted his foot, he 4:54 had the stability and control to go wherever he wanted off that one foot. So 5:00 rather than having to step, see a defender and have to keep going forward 5:05 because he really can't stop himself right, if he does goes here he's going to 5:09 want to put the foot here, but instead he can stabilize and cut this way, how much 5:15 further could his career have gone. How, which I know sounds depressing, but how 5:19 much how much more could he have got out of his performance. Guys try to 5:23 remember that power without control is nothing, there are a lot of great 5:29 athletes out there who could be a little bit better if they had more accuracy. We 5:35 also see some less powerful athletes do really really well in the professional 5:41 arena because they have that much more control. Guys I hope you will try this 5:46 exercise, I know it looks easy on camera, but I'm betting that if you try it, I'm 5:51 betting that if you give it a shot, that if you work on perfection, all of your 5:55 other lower body power exercises will improve. I hope you guys enjoyed the 5:59 video, thank you Kamal so much, talk with you guys soon.