0:00 This is Brent once again coming at you with a power exercise, in this video I'm 0:03 going to show you guys how to transform the normal push up into a plyo or 0:08 plyometric push up. I'm going to have my friend Kamal come out and help me 0:11 demonstrate. Now Kamal is just going to set up a normal push-up position. You guys 0:16 know what the form for a push-up already is, you guys have seen this may be in a 0:20 previous video, or you're just starting to get those kinetic chain checkpoints 0:24 down. So I'm going to have his feet, knees, hips in a straight line, he's not 0:29 squeezing his thighs together, he's not letting his feet touch, he's drawn in, his 0:33 chin is back and tucked, and his shoulders are back and down. Now Kamal 0:37 has been working on push-ups and obviously is very good at push-ups. Now 0:40 the question is is how do I get the most out of this from a power perspective, so 0:46 that I increase the capacity of his chest to produce force with a 0:51 significant amount of velocity or speed. So first question is where's the 0:56 amortisation phase on a push-up, well eccentric is on the way down, and the 1:02 amortisation phase is that isometric contraction between eccentric 1:06 deceleration and concentric explosion. So what we have to remember with this 1:10 push-up is Kamal is going to spend as little time as possible in the bottom of 1:14 this push-up as he possibly can. So let's go ahead and see a good push up from you 1:20 first, give you a little warm up here All right now what I want you to do is the 1:23 same thing, except I want you to spend no time at the bottom and explode, so that 1:28 your hands actually leave the ground on this one. Boom, good, and that was pretty 1:33 good. One thing Kamal did and I'm glad he did it so we can show this to you on 1:37 video, is he actually hit his hands into the ground. Now plyometrics a good phrase 1:43 for you guys always to keep in the back of your head, is plyometrics should be 1:47 seen and not heard right. We want that quiet landing, we want that efficient 1:53 eccentric deceleration of force, that's the only way Kamal is going to be able 1:58 to turn it around rep after rep. So what I'm going to have Kamal do this time, is 2:03 we're just going to work on one push up at a time. He's going to explode from the 2:07 bottom, and then concentrate on a really soft landing when he comes back to the ground. 2:14 Much softer, that was better. You can actually let yourself lower all the way 2:18 to the ground. So let's try another one, boom, and nice soft landing. Alright guys 2:23 as he starts softening that up a little bit i can start turning this around, and 2:27 go okay let's see two in a row good, good. Now I know some of you guys are thinking 2:35 well why not just clap, or why not just clap behind the back, or why not touch 2:39 the thighs, I have seen all of those variations, one thing i don't like about 2:42 those variations much is they take somebody's hands out of position right. A 2:46 lot of times they end up also doing one of these things, where we talk about that 2:50 efficient eccentric deceleration I've seen a lot of clapping push-ups and I 2:53 know Kamal has too, where it's like clap and then they catch here, well that's 2:57 that's no longer a power exercise. We need to push through actually leave the 3:02 ground this way. So let's talk about a regression because what I find most 3:05 often is people can't actually do this effectively from the ground, this is 3:09 actually an extremely hard exercise. The fact that Kamal can do it is 3:12 ridiculously impressive. Let's go ahead and elevate a little bit, that's going to 3:17 shorten the moment arm of the body. You guys could use a standard bench if you 3:22 wanted to. Alright so we're going to get Kamal elevated a little bit just like 3:29 you'd elevate a push-up, and now we're going to work on the same cueing. He's 3:33 going to lower himself down, explode, spend as little time here as you 3:37 possibly can and then you're going to land as softly as you can, and we'll just 3:40 do one of these at a time. Poom, and soft, that was actually wonderful, that would 3:46 be a great place to start if I can get all of that set up. Let's see one more 3:50 of those because that looked absolutely fantastic. You guys saw nice height and 3:54 then that nice soft landing, let's try two in a row. 3:59 Poom, soft landing explode through, good good. This time I want you to do two in a 4:04 row but spend less time with your chest on the mat. Poom poom, nice. So even 4:12 with Kamal although I liked the way his pushups looked on the floor, that looked 4:16 better; and if I was trying to set up a power exercise where I wanted him to do 4:20 repetitions, like I wanted him to be able to do that six to ten repetition range, I 4:25 might have him elevate on the box. Now i am going to show you guys a progression, 4:29 if i was working on max power, all right this is that absolute all-out effort 4:37 right that one almost to the point of like a one rep max sort of type of 4:42 effort but we're talking about max power instead, so this is the most ballistic 4:46 you can be, we could start turning this around in to drop in style push-ups. 4:52 Alright so now we're going to increase the eccentric load to try to increase 4:56 the stress on those connective tissues, increase the stress on that that stretch 5:01 reflex right, more miles out of reflex to try to get more concentric, more power on 5:06 the concentric phase. So what we're going to do is we're going to turn this around 5:09 a little bit, 5:13 we're going to use two boxes, Kamal is going to set up, 5:21 and I think you guys can see where this is going come. Kamal is going to 5:25 give himself a little bit of a bounce, he still got to use the same cues, I still 5:30 want him to land soft, but now he's going to have all this momentum that he has to 5:34 turn around at the bottom to explode up and get himself back on this box. Alright 5:41 so let's see it Kamal, good luck. Poom, you can see that was pretty hard. Let's 5:47 try to soften up that landing. I'd go through back through the same cues now 5:49 guys, it's still the same exercise. Good, can you soften up your landing on the 5:54 box even if you have to go back down into a push-up, that's okay. Poom, good 6:01 good. All right Kamal i'll let you go ahead and relax, that was obviously way more 6:05 reps than we would do in one set of power training. Kamal did a wonderful job, 6:09 thank you so much for coming out. I hope you guys got some tips and some tricks, 6:13 and I hope you guys will focus on the quality of human movement rather than 6:16 just the quantity of human movement with this power exercise. I know you guys 6:20 will get great outcomes.