0:05 This is Brent with the Brookbush Institute, live at The Independent 0:09 Training Spot, bringing you a quick glute max and glute med activation 0:14 circuit, and all you need is a fit loop. 0:17 I'm going to have my friend Jordan come out. Now, many of you guys have asked, "how do I 0:22 get so much done inside of an hour with all the release and activation, and 0:27 reactive activation, and core, and sub system integration, resistance training, 0:31 and all the stuff that has to be done?" 0:33 Well, little protocols like this, like I'm about to show you, that help you get 0:37 three, four, or even five exercises done in quick succession, definitely help 0:42 shorten your overall time, or get more done within the same amount of time, 0:46 which is going to help you guys be more effective as you get more techniques in 0:51 the amount of time allotted for your patients or clients. Now, this particular 0:55 circuit is going to start with clams, side lying leg raise, 1:00 and then we're going to go to that glute max activation that I did in a previous 1:02 video, and then we're going to do bridges. Now I should mention you've done all of 1:06 this stuff in previous videos with me. 1:09 Usually, I use an ankle weight. I prefer ankle weights, ankle weights have a nice, 1:15 even resistance. I think it's important to be strong in all positions. 1:20 There's a little bit of a lesser effect with a band that only gets resistance 1:26 at end range, but, ankle weights are generally expensive, and they're heavy, so 1:32 they're not very portable. 1:34 Something like a fit loop I can make sure that Jordan takes with him no 1:37 matter what gym he goes to. 1:39 If he's going to go play basketball, if he's going to go play football on the 1:42 weekends, he can still take his fit loop with him and do this as a warm-up, 1:45 and it's cheap. I can give these out, this is two dollars and fifty cents, as 1:50 opposed to an ankle weight that might cost me anywhere from 15 to 40 bucks. 1:54 Alright, so Jordan has had some problems with a weaker glute on the right side 2:00 due to some lumbar pathologies, so we're going to stick all of this on the right 2:03 side. 2:04 Ideally I'd have Jordan do this up against a wall, but for reasons of 2:08 shooting this video and just being here so I can talk and demonstrate this 2:12 exercise, I'm going to go ahead and 2:14 act like Jordan's wall, and he's going to start with an exercise you've all seen. 2:18 So let's go ahead and do those clams, try not to roll back at your pelvis, 2:22 hold for two, and back down nice and slow. 2:26 Now, I will say, Jordan's done these a few times. It will probably take you a couple of 2:32 sessions, or maybe three sessions, to teach people all of the queuing that 2:38 goes along with these few exercises. I'm going to quickly talk about some of the 2:42 overactive synergists, and some of the queues that I use in these exercises that 2:46 have been in previous videos, but we're going to try to run through this and see 2:50 just how long it takes us. 2:51 So that's the fifth rep, right? -Yep. Good. 2:55 Down, two, three, four. So we can either do that four, two, two count, concentrating on that 3:02 eccentric load, or sometimes, what I like to use is a two, four, two count, if I want to 3:07 concentrate on that end range. I can go up for two, hold two, three, four, back down 3:16 for two. 3:17 How many is that, eight? -Eight. 3:20 Alright, let's go for 12. Alright, you can remember that your activation 3:24 exercises, we're talking between 12 and 20 reps, that four, two, two or two, four, two count, one 3:30 to two sets, 3:31 this isn't something you're going to do three or six sets of. This is going to be 3:36 part of Jordan's integrated warm up before he works out. 3:41 Good. Where are we at? -12. 3:45 Good. So, as soon as he finishes this, now I'm going to have him go into this side lying 3:49 leg raise. 3:50 Now, notice that the way this band is, if he keeps this bottom leg bent, 3:56 he has to use his glute to extend this leg back, which means this glute max is 4:01 already active, helping us to reciprocally inhibit that overactive 4:05 synergist of the TFL, and he goes right back into side lying leg raise. 4:10 Alright, slow down a little bit, speeding up is cheating on these 4:15 exercises. 4:16 I want it to burn, and he's dying a little bit. 4:20 Good. We've already done a couple of takes, so I can't totally blame this on 4:25 Jordan, this is like set number four for him, normally I wouldn't do that to him. You 4:31 can see him pushing really hard to keep his leg back, and just going through that 4:36 same side lying leg raise that we went through in that previous video. Now, as 4:43 soon as we get through 12 here, all Jordan's going to do is flip onto his 4:50 belly. 4:51 Alright, you ready? 4:53 Let's go prone. Now, if you remember from the glute max activation video, 4:58 he's got to draw-in to keep his lumbar extensors out of it, 5:02 he's got to make sure his quads are really tight, and his knees locked, and 5:06 I'll have him point his toe. Then, to keep adductor magnus out of it, he needs to abduct a 5:11 little bit. Well if he abducts a little bit, I get a little gluteus medius 5:14 activation because of this band. 5:17 I get a little bit more resistance, and I'm going to have him go into 5:20 extension, with a slight amount of abduction against that band, and just 5:25 because that band's there, this is going to be a little harder. You don't have to 5:28 abduct quite so much Jordan. 5:31 There you go. Perfect. Get a nice glute contraction. Squeeze. I want him to get 5:36 his leg only as high as he can get it by squeezing his glute. I don't want him 5:39 cheating and starting to arch his back. 5:43 You can do 12 to 20 reps. Especially on an exercise like this we'll usually do 5:48 that two, four, two count, really making him squeeze at the top. 5:51 This range of motion is really short. 5:56 Remember, people don't have a whole lot of hip extension to begin with. 6:05 Good, let's go ahead and flip on your back, and the next thing we're going to 6:07 do, that's his activation exercises, now we're already moving into core. 6:12 Alright, so I'm going to have him line up his feet, knees, and hips, and if he was 6:17 doing this at home I'd have him do it off the floor. If he was actually doing 6:20 this here with me, I'd probably do a ball bridge, rather than a floor bridge. But, 6:25 for ease, we'll just do this right here like this. 6:28 Go ahead and squeeze your glutes up tall. 6:31 Now the challenge for him, is to make sure that he maintains optimal hip, knee, 6:36 and ankle alignment, and doesn't let this band drive his knees inward, and then 6:42 back down nice and slow. 6:44 How's that right glute starting to feel? -It's good! You will 6:48 notice that as you start going further, and further into this, you start to burn 6:52 really badly. Now, if I wanted to go even further with this circuit that I've 6:57 created, I can go right into reactive integration, so I've done my 7:01 isolated activation with the clam side lying leg raise, glute max activation, 7:06 then I'm doing my bridges for my core work, my reactive activation could be 7:10 that sidestepping circuit. He's already got the band on, so I can have 7:14 him stand up and start doing all of those different sidestepping patterns, 7:17 whether its lateral, zigzags back and forth, sideways zigzags, or quarter turns, 7:23 and just make sure his glute is really active, and we're getting a little 7:29 conditioning going before he starts his resistance training, or starts his support, 7:34 or if we're just doing this in a therapy environment, at least I'm continuing to 7:38 progress him so that he continues to see results. 7:41 I hope you really enjoy this circuit, I hope you see how I start 7:45 to create protocols, 7:46 this makes a great home exercise program! I will talk with you soon!