0:02 This is Brent, President of B2C Fitness and we're talking about the single leg 0:06 touch down to scaption, and the single leg touch down to PNF carry away, one of 0:10 my favorite integrated exercises. Now, one of the prerequisites for all integrated 0:15 exercises, is that we can do all of the exercises that the integrated exercise 0:20 includes, before we start trying to put them all together. So you might want 0:24 to go back and look at the single leg touch down video that we've already 0:26 published, or the scaption video, or the PNF carry away, just to see the finer points 0:31 in form and technique for those prerequisite exercises. I'm going to have my friend Leeann come out 0:37 and help me demonstrate how to integrate these exercises, and we'll talk about some of 0:40 the benefits of this integrated exercise pattern. So Leanne's got the weight in 0:44 this hand, which means we're going to work this leg, so I'm going to have her 0:49 raise this leg off the floor, just a tiny bit. Now Leanne is going to go ahead and 0:54 reach down, touch as far as she can maintain optimal alignment, come up, 0:59 squeeze her glute, draw-in, and then go into scaption. Now, you guys can see that 1:04 just by going on one leg she has to work just to keep her pelvis level. That's a 1:09 whole lot of gluteus medius strength, to try to keep frontal plane stabilization, 1:14 and then when we have her bend down and touch, now her glute max has to work to 1:19 extend her hip. So this becomes an incredible glute activation and 1:24 strengthening exercise, that gets even harder when we reach out this way, 1:29 creating more of a lever arm, a larger moment arm in the frontal plane, for this 1:34 glute to stabilize. So let's go ahead and try that 1:37 one more time. 1:43 For those of you guys who have watched some of our subsystem integration 1:46 videos, this is a huge exercise for both lateral subsystem integration, as well 1:52 as posterior oblique subsystem integration. This exercise can be used 1:56 for either one. Good. We're going to go ahead and progress from this exercise, to 2:01 one of my absolute favs, which is the single leg touchdown to PNF carry away. 2:08 So all the stuff we were talking about before, she's using this arm, so now 2:13 she's going to use this leg, which means I'm going to have her raise this leg slightly 2:15 off the floor. All of the stuff we were talking about before is still happening 2:20 here, so the frontal plane stabilization of her pelvis since she raised one leg, 2:24 she's got a larger moment arm in the frontal plane, but now the PNF carry 2:29 away we get a little different thing happening, I'm going to have her go ahead and touch down. 2:32 You'll notice immediately that now resistance isn't down, it's pulling that 2:37 way, so as she pulls this way her body not only has to stabilize a frontal 2:44 plane moment arm, but a moment arm trying to pull her this way. So her glute 2:50 has to externally rotate her hip to keep her neutral. So the glute max and 2:57 glute medius in this exercise, 3:01 get a huge amount of work as they get pulled into internal rotation, pulled into 3:05 flexion, they have to work out against it, and then we get all of this wonderful 3:09 activity in the shoulder, using our PNF patterns, in this case a PNF carry away, 3:15 adding external rotation and horizontal adduction to our shoulder activity. You feel 3:23 that in your glutes? -Yeah. One more. 3:30 She's drawn-in, glutes tight, keeping good alignment of her spine. Now if we 3:39 wanted to get really tricky we could start adding our proprioceptively enriched 3:43 environments, maybe using a thinner Airex pad than this to start off with, a half 3:47 foam roll, or discs, or maybe even a BOSU ball or balance ball 3:53 if somebody is really really advanced. I hope you enjoy these 3:56 integrated exercises. Thank you Leanne.