Research Review: Acute Enhancement of Power Performance From Heavy Load Squats
By Sean Butler BS, CSCS, CES, DPT Student
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Original Citation: Young, W. B., Jenner, A., & Griffiths, K. (1998). Acute enhancement of power performance from heavy load squats. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 12(2), 82. ABSTRACT
Why is this study relevant: Post-activation potentiation (PAP) is a phenomenon in which a muscle's force is acutely increased as a result of its contractile history (1). Research suggests that while fatiguing muscle contractions may impair performance, non-fatiguing muscle contractions may enhance performance (2). This 1998 study tested the effects of heavy barbell back squats on subsequent loaded countermovement jump performance. The results support the use of back squats to improve subsequent jump performance, with more pronounced effects in stronger individuals.

Back Squat (Half Squat)
Study Summary
Study Design | Quasi-experimental, cross-over design |
Level of Evidence | IIB Evidence from at least one other type of quasi-experimental study |
Participant Characteristics | Demographics
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion Criteria:
Methodology |
Data Collection and Analysis | Data Collection:
Statistical Analysis
Outcome Measures | Average LCMJ height. |
Results |
Our Conclusions | Heavy loaded back squats (5RM) are effective for increasing LCMJ height, with greater results in individuals with higher strength levels. Those looking to improve power output should incorporate heavy back squats prior to performing the desired activity. |
Researchers' Conclusions | Power performance is enhanced when preceded by a set of half-squats using a 5RM load. Short-term performance enhancement has implications when designing competition warm ups. |

Review & Commentary:
This study adds to a growing body of research on post-activation potentiation (PAP) by investigating the potential of the back squat to improve subsequent power activity performance. In addition, the findings suggest that PAP appears to favor stronger individuals. Based on the findings, human movement professionals may confidently recommend back squats to promote PAP, and should be aware that the effects of PAP may be larger for stronger individuals. This finding may also imply that PAP is more appropriate as a progression for more advanced athletes.
This study had several strengths, including:
- Any performance increase due to the warm-up or repeated jumping was accounted for by having participants perform 2 jumps prior to data collection.
- The repeated measures design allows athletes to act as their own control group. This design aids in accounting for confounding variables such as sleep, nutrition, training experience, genetics, etc.
- All participants were familiar with the half squat exercise, with at least 1 year of experience; this aids in accounting for the potential of learning effects.
Weaknesses that should be noted prior to clinical integration of the findings:
- A loaded countermovement jump (LCMJ) is not particularly functional - the biomechanics of the movement and load are not similar to sport. This may have implications on the generalizability of the study findings.
- The small male-only sample size (n=10) makes the results less generalizable.
- A single inter-set rest period (4 minutes) was tested between back squats and the LCMJ. A shorter or longer rest period may have augmented or diminished LCMJ performance.
Why This Study is Important:
This study adds to the growing body of research on PAP training by establishing heavy 5RM back squats as an effective exercise for eliciting an increase in performance on subsequent power activity. Further, this study may imply that stronger athletes have more to gain from PAP training.
How the Findings Apply to Practice:
The findings confirm that 5RM squats may be used for PAP, perhaps as part of strength/power supersets during high/intensity training periods. Further, because stronger individuals demonstrated larger increases in performance post 5RM squats, it may be appropriate to consider this training technique as a progression for more advanced individuals. Novice and/or weaker athletes may gain more from dedicated strength training prior to implementing PAP as described above.
Related to Brookbush Institute Content
As an evidence-based practical education company, the Brookbush Institute (BI) reviews and compiles research studies to aid in the design of recommendations and protocols for best practice. This study supports the use of "heavy" (1 - 5RM) back squats as an exercise for PAP style training, and also seems to support the idea that PAP is an advanced training method. Perhaps PAP is best used with athletes who have a solid foundation of training including one or more hypertrophy/max strength phases.
The BI recommends block periodized programming to improve performance, progressing from endurance/stability and hypertrophy/general strength phases to high-intensity training that includes max strength and power exercises. PAP training could be considered a training methodology for use during the second or third cycle through all appropriate phases, replacing traditional max strength or power training in that cycle.
- Endurance/Stability: Increase reps or progress exercise (toward stability)
- Hypertrophy/General Strength: Increase load, increase training volume (small progressions in exercise may be appropriate)
- Max Strength: Increase load, and it may be appropriate to regress exercise to more stable environments
- Power: Increase speed, height or distance
Below are videos related to the exercises in the study:
Back Squat
Bilateral Box Jump
- Robbins, D. W. (2005). Postactivation potentiation and its practical applicability: a brief review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,19(2), 453.
- Lorenz, D. (2011). Postactivation potentiation: An introduction. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 6(3), 234.
© 2017 Brent Brookbush
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