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June 6, 2023

How do we reach the 85% of people who do not belong to a gym or healthclub?

Discover effective strategies to connect with the 85% of individuals who don't belong to a gym or health club. Maximize your reach and impact with these insights.

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Panel Discussion: How do we reach the other 85%?

Only 15% of the nation has a gym membership and roughly 20% get the recommended amount of physical activity. How do we change these statistics?

Moderated by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS

This Panel Discussion was originally posted on my facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/brent.brookbush - on April 1, 2012

Jemimah Simms Education. Scare tactics don't work.

April 1 at 10:30am

Crutchfield Jennifer Partner with your local hospitals, health centers, etc… Instant access to the community.

April 1 at 10:43am

Brent Brookbush Hey Jemimah, What type of education, and how do we get it to those people who are not currently part of the fitness community?

April 1 at 11:04am

Brent Brookbush Great thought Jennifer, what type of program would you offer that community - lectures, private training, fitness screening, small group training, group classes, etc.?

April 1 at 11:05am

Crutchfield Jennifer All of these can be offered and done on site at the hospital, center etc… Offer it to their staff and community ( patients). This would increase exposure, employee wellness and surely fall in line with the health organizations initiatives- diabetes, obesity, etc.

I can offer a much more detailed plan. Email me Jcrutchfield@Jrmc.us so that I can further discuss an share my ideas with you…

April 1 at 11:36am

Brent Brookbush I guess the next logical question for this panel discussion would be, how do we fund this initiative, who is going to do it, and are the funds enough to make this program attractive for quality professionals?

April 1 at 11:39am

Crutchfield Jennifer Health & Wellness is at the top of everyones list for obvious reasons…HMO's, private insurance companies, etc. would have the budgets to fund such projects along with other organizations seeking to create Programs that would highlight "healthy lifestyles "… Corporations embrace the opportunity to make such Programs accessible to their staff- less call outs, boosts staff morale, etc… For their patients and clients- enables them to be proactive in regards to their plan of care… A Win Win for everyone! Let's not forget… There are Grants as well!

April 1 at 12:07pm

Jemimah Simms We read an article in research about adherence/compliance with women down south and their diabetes education. Some of the adherence/compliance issues came down to frustration over not understanding the instructions. As people who are getting into the medics field, it is imperative that our patients know and understand the treatments and why. The are a lot of medical professionals that don't take into consideration that our patients might have medically illiterate. It's important that other professionals giving care educate their patients because it's a part of their profession. Not throwing them a piece of paper with medical jargon on it saying: good luck!

April 1 at 2:54pm

Brent Brookbush Great points Jemimah… Communication is a science unto-itself. As an educator this is a skill I must spend time researching, practicing, and refining. I think how a message is communicated is often not given enough consideration leading to great information that results in little, if any, actual increase in comprehension and efficacy.

April 1 at 7:20pm

© 2014 Brent Brookbush

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