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Influential schooling, texts, philosophies and mentors

Discover how influential schooling, texts, philosophies, and mentors shape who we become as individuals. Learn how to find and embrace these influences for personal growth and success.

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Panel Discussion: Influential schooling, texts, philosophies and mentors

In this discussion I want to take advantage of the wisdom and experience of my panel - What school of thought, cluster of information, philosophical perspective, book, degree, or mentor changed the direction of your career to make you the elite professional you are today, and how can others access this information?

Moderated by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS

This Panel Discussion was originally posted on my facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/brent.brookbush - on July 13th, 2013

Brent Brookbush Since everyone seems to like the idea of this discussion, but are bashful about posting I will start:

First - I have Rick Richey to thank for inspiring a career in education. 10 years ago I watched him present the "Foundations of Personal Training" course at NYSC and was so taken back by his ability to present the information with clarity, use the classes discussions as a point of departure, and engage with analogies and stories I decided I wanted to do the same. For the last 10 years Rick and I have continued to teach together, breaking down every aspect of public speaking and education, continuing to spur on one another. Tomorrow we will be teaching together again at Crunch (NASM - CPT Workshop) in NYC. I know we will walk away better instructors than we started the day, as we both bring new ideas and tricks to the workshop and end every co-taught presentation we do ends with "Let me have it…" - We critically evaluate one another and develop some personal teaching goals for future workshops… Your either getting better or your getting worse. Thanks Rick

July 13 at 10:09am

Barbara Kay Of course I will. Two books that I think are excellent for educators and individuals just looking to better themselves in life are The Last Lecture and The Four Agreements. Both of these books will really open one's mind up to different ways of thinking. The one professor I had that solidified my desire to go into higher education was a man by the name of Joe Herzstein. I had him in my master's program for Health Science. What I loved about him was that he told stories and held the class's attention for 3 hours straight. He was an amazing presenter and everyone learned so much - he rarely even used visuals but was so animated and knowledgeable in his lectures that it really wasn't necessary. Another person who has inspired me tremendously and to whom I owe where I am today is Genevieve Zipp. Her amazing mentorship and ability to be a successful woman in every area of her life is something that I look to emulate on a daily basis. She is one of the very few individuals at the graduate level who actually mentors students instead of trying to kill their confidence or spirit. In my mind, a great mentor is one who leads by example and helps others selflessly to be even better than themselves. Those are the true people who make a difference in the world and are a rarity. I feel extremely lucky to have been exposed to such great people throughout my education and career. I also am thankful for the horrible teachers, coaches, etc. for showing me what does NOT work. It's a fine line sometimes, but I think those who genuinely care about others will always do well in any field where they are in a leadership role.

July 13 at 10:11am

Gary Miller I think in order to be the best fitness Professional you can be at least for me was to take a diverse approach. I would try to read books on how to build great organizations like "From Good to Great" when I was working for an organization then reading 'The Magic of Thinking Big" for my own personal chance for success in my own business and life. I also encourage " Success Magazine" great stuff from business to personal development on a monthly basis and it comes with a free CD every month to listen to in you car. Also would try to watch videos on youtube and TV programs like MSNBC to learn from those who are more successful than I am in many different fields just to gain perspective on what it really takes to be successful in business and life.

July 13 at 11:29am

Brent Brookbush Thank you Gary Miller - Great stuff. It seems like there are quite a few books being listed. So here are a few of my favorites. Obviously the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) texts changed the way I view human movement science and have played a big role in how I approach training and treatment. Some big text books that I continually refer to are Neumann, Saladin, Sahrmann, Travell and Simons, and Kendall et al….

For business - "E-Myth Mastery" had the single biggest impact on how I structure my business, while the "5 Dysfunctions of a Team" by Lencioni may be the best written book I have read in the field, and John Maxwell's "21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" is a must. For a more evidence-based approach on leadership you could look to "Transformational Leadership" by Bass & Riggio.

In education Malcolm Knowles - "Adult Education" and "Bloom's Taxonomy" (There are more recent takes on this classic that are likely a better reference) are pillars.

From the perspective of living - "The Art of Happiness" was great and of course the countless biographies of great individuals can never hurt.

July 13 at 1:21pm

Barbara Kay I love "The Art of Happiness" too!

July 13 at 1:27pm

Gary Miller Your right about NASM changing my approach to exercise. This is really the root of where the ProUnit PerformanceTrainer came from!

July 13 at 3:46pm

Brent Brookbush Nice Gary Miller - Hope that thing is selling like hot cakes

July 13 at 3:31pm

JY Kinesiology I was very fortunate to have been a Kinesiology student at Penn State while Dr. William Kraemer (probably the premeire strength/conditioning researcher in the world) was a professor there, as well as the Director of the Center for Sports Medicine. I then had him as my academic advisor my senior year, was involved in a long strength/conditioning study under his direction, and kept up a relationship with him for more than a decade. There's too much to say regarding all I've learned from him over the years in a short Facebook post, but I'd recommend his book on non-linear periodization, "Optimizing Strength Training." He's been my most influential mentor on the exercise science/physiology end. Healthcare providers I currently work with who have taken me under their wing have been my biggest mentors on the sports medicine side. They include a past and current President of the American Society of Osteopathic Medicine, one of which who is the Team Physician for USA Women's Rugby and the other who is the Director of Sport and Orthopaedic Rehab for Beth Israel and also served on the NY Knicks Medical team for 14 years, as well as a physical therapist I work with who served as a primary physical therapist for the Knicks, Yankees, Nets, etc… Advice I like to give students who are interested in increasing their knowledge which corresponds with advice I've gotten along the way would be: become NASM and NSCA certified (a nice mix of kinesiology and physiology); get a degree in the exercise sciences or sports medicine if possible (B.S., M.S., or higher); stay current with scientific research by becoming a member of organizations like the NSCA, ACSM, APTA (etc…) so you can receive their journals and access their archives; use sites like biomed, pubmed, and google scholar; stay abreast of the information the "big names" in the industry are putting out via their websites and social media; never stop increasing your learning when it comes to gross and functional anatomy (muscleandmotion.com is a great site); and seek out people smarter than you in both exercise science and sports medicine and continually learn from them. There's obviously much more, but I believe that advice sets a great foundation.

July 13 at 5:10pm

Melinda Reiner My future will be shaped by______? Maybe, Brent will have a say in the matter? In the past, my mentor, Dr. Kevin Kirby, has had a profound impact on my knowledge and practical application of biomechanics in sports medicine and traumatic orthopedic applications.

July 13 at 7:57pm

Rick Richey Brent, I am honored by your comments. Thank you. I have will give you credit soon, but I first must give a huge thanks, and a biggest reason that I am in this industry is Doug Hatton. I am sure he is also in your list of influences Brent. He saw my ability to teach and influence, even if I didn't have the educational base. He allowed me to learn the content, shadow other educated professionals (Chris McGrath, Peter Shultz, Ken Szekretar Jr, Lisa Priestly, Paul Wang , Angela Rosinski, Charles Inniss, Caroline Dawson, Jessica Smith Gomez, Pete McCall, Nick McNickle, Myrna Brady, Ernest Hudson, and others). Later that group included Brent Brookbush. B2 and I would spend hours talking about HMS, dysfunction, education and presentation skills, and numerous other topics. Even to this day you challenge me and push me to think about deeper aspects of HSM and refine and continually ask me about my professional goals and expectations. Later my peers I learned from and with at NASM such as the great Eric Beard, Rob Rettmann, Scott Pullen, Tanya Colucci, Wendy Batts, Tony Ambler-Wright, Marty Miller. And then later to join to team, yet again, Brent Brookbush! B2, you continue to be a fixture in my life and I expect to continue working with you for a long time to come.

July 14 at 12:23am

Jason Erickson I have so many people that I could name, this list will be far, far too short to do them all justice.

One of my long time friends and training partners, who has often challenged me to think outside the box and introduced me to great sources of information: Paul Keith.

Some of my martial arts instructors: Ward Melenich and Sohn Wehseler of the Kuroinukan and David Arnebeck of the Warriors Cove - who also made me an instructor, not to mention all my training partners, seminar instructors, and the people I fought in competitions.

Two of my chiropractors, Dr. Glick (AKA "God") and Dr. Michael Pierce - one of the smartest minds I've ever met - and the man who first suggested I would make a good therapist… and who referred me to a male massage therapist for my first experience of therapeutic massage.

I've learned a great deal about fitness training from the likes of Pavel Tsatsouline, Scott Sonnon, Mel Siff, and many, many others who are NOT well known. As a personal trainer, I owe an ENORMOUS debt to Jon Watters, who molded me into a successful trainer - he's one of the best I've ever seen when it comes to developing trainers. I also have tremendous respect for Mike Schmidt and Neil Anthony Javener, who continue to teach me a great deal about training methods and nutrition.

My massage therapy instructors, particularly Joanie Holst, Beth Burgan, and Denise Radcliff - all three like living encyclopedias of massage/bodywork and professionalism. Special mention also of Martin Javinsky, who supervised me in massage clinicals and helped me polish raw skills into a coherent whole. The many seminar instructors and TAs that I have trained with, particularly Kate Jordan, who trained me in pre/post-natal massage and also introduced me to Strain Counterstrain and the concepts of positional release techniques.

Active Isolated Stretching teachers Aaron Mattes, Roger McNear, and Michael Persing, along with my fellow practitioners and students.

The many strong minds participating in discussions on the SomaSimple forums, where I first learned of Dermoneuromodulation. Diane Jacobs, who has mentored and encouraged my study and practice of DNM and modern pain science ever since. Walt Fritz, who showed me how the search for truth is important enough to abandon prior positions, risk an assured future, and make peace with former enemies.

Gosh, this list could go on and on… I will cut it short, but not before giving my thanks to my clients, who have taught me as much or more than I have ever taught them… helped me as much or more than I have helped them. They have reflected my successes, failures, and given me insights that have gone far beyond what I previously knew. Their struggles inspired many of my own, and still do.

July 14 at 12:51am

Brent Brookbush Thank you Rick Richey, your the man. Great job listing all of the incredible professionals we work with at NASM… and of course I am flattered by your remarks.

July 14 at 9:15am

Brent Brookbush Thank you Jason Erickson for the incredibly deep list of individuals. I hope all of my followers are paying attention to the names, texts, and schools and adding them to their list of things they need to research; however, most important is the humility and gratitude of the wonderful professionals contributing to this panel - who know the shoulders they stand upon.

July 14 at 9:19am

Joshua Morton First I have to acknowledge my patients over the years who have come to me with problems big and small. Especially the big ones. They make me research for new methods and knowledge. Then there is Aaron Mattes. This man taught me so much in a very short time. Well actually I studied with him a couple of thousand hours. Not only did he teach me how to treat disease in the body he gave me giant insights into how the body works. Tom Meyers has also influenced me as far as that goes. The Anatomy Trains model (which I think we all knew about before his book) gave me the visual to take my practices to a new level of understanding and efficacy. Most recently Arik Gohl has shown me some incredible things regarding ligaments. Then there is my wife (ex) who taught me how to love. My current wife who keeps me on that track. And Hafiz who's poetry inspires me to greater depths of understanding the nature of god and further deepens my love. The list is longer for sure but we don't have that much time Ive still got lots to learn and many people to met to push me along my path. I look forward to every one of them.

Bernadette Im pretty new to this. I like to surround myself with successfull people & people I look up too. I never really found a mentor until I met Brent. So Brent is who I consider my mentor. To me a mentor is someone who really does change you. Someone who makes you "think" differently. Someone who inspires you so much to do more. I found him by accident, but what I've learned from him has changed my life. I live by his website! I havent searched "youtube" for anything sports medicine related since coming accross Brent. There is'nt a need, I can always find the answer from him. I know other people in fitness like trainers & gym owners and I am so different from them. It's because I am so passionate about everything I do that makes me different. I see how Brent is passionate about what he does & that really moves me! Other than that, I agree on the NASM textbook…Although, I dont have anything to compare it to, I found it to be an excellent source. The only book thus far that I've read - that has helped me "in life" is "How to Win Friends & Influence People". I love this book! I am looking for suggestions & I see some on this thread that I might want to read. I love to see people succeed..Especially people who inspire me & has helped me. I will back you up 100% if I believe in what you do. I was very excited to become an NASM personal trainer & proud. Having said that, after learning about Brent, reading his articles (even when I hardly comprehended anything), watching his videos, & finally meeting him at workshops & speaking with him. NOt only is he a great motivator,educator, HMS specialist, but he is as down to earth as can be. That is what shocked me and impressed me. There is this "joke" that Im his #1 fan. Dont know about that, but all I know is that Im doing what I love with a new ---Better understanding of what I do & where I want to take my career because of him. I saw this post & felt I had something to say about the topic. Not as fancy as some of the professionals on here with degrees & success, but I feel good to be able to say what I've said. If someone had asked me before if I ever had a mentor, I couldnt name anyone. Iv'e had dissapointments & have had no luck. Im glad I have one now. All you need is 1 right? Not that im not open to others,lol. Thank you for dedication to Human Movement Science & being so darn good at it!


Bernadette Ricci

August 10, 2013, 01:45:02 AM

© 2014 Brent Brookbush

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