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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

What about taping?

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Panel Discussion: What about taping?

(Rocktape, Kinesiotape, K Tape, KT tape, Kinesiological Taping, Facial Taping, Performance Taping)

Note: This is not a discussion on McConnell or Athletic Taping.

This a preliminary discussion on how it works, why it works, when it should be used, best practice, who should be able to administer taping, available research, and any experience that can be shared comparing the various taping companies.

This is obviously a broad topic, but my hope is that this initial conversation will give me better direction on which sub-topics would be appropriate for further debate and discussion."

Moderated by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS

This Panel Discussion was originally posted on my facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/brent.brookbush - on May 10th, 2014

Ryan Crandall This should be interesting

May 10, 2014 at 11:44am

Brent Brookbush I hope so Ryan Crandall, I just started using some taping and only have a introductory knowledge of what it can be used for. I am signed up for a RockTape course with Perry Nickelston next weekend, so this is very timely for me.

I can say that using the tape to reinforce changes in movement, post intervention, improved carry over from session to session in the few patients I have had a chance to use it with.

May 10, 2014 at 11:46am

Tanya Colucci I love you!! smile emoticon

May 10, 2014 at 11:52am

Rick Richey First off, taping is not bracing. It does not hold joints in place, and is doesn't bind damaged muscles. It does stimulate receptors in the skin to allow recognition of stretch and ROM awareness, allowing the athlete/client to self-limit.

Who can do it?

Anyone really. No one will get hurt by "misuse." There are some really great instructional videos out there that will show an informed audience how to.

May 10, 2014 at 11:57am

Kathy Benson Zetterberg I have been using Rocktape for the past few month and found it beneficial not only for myself but also for my clients. I recently developed an incomplete fracture to the distal end of my fibula ( ouch) and have gained a lot of relief and support from using the Rocktape?I also have a client with chronic tennis elbow from playing golf and Rocktape has given him great results ! I chose Rocktape over KT and other brands of kinesiology tape because I am a triathlete and it stays on in the pool and shower.

Kathy Benson Zetterberg's photo.

May 10, 2014 at 11:58am

Brent Brookbush I love you too Tanya Colucci?

May 10, 2014 at 11:59am

Steve Middleton Oh, Brent, where to begin?

May 10, 2014 at 12:00pm

Brent Brookbush So Rick Richey, You think the effect of taping is dependent on skin receptors alone… how would you apply that to affect movement. Maybe you can give an example. The reason I ask, is don't we refer to most tapings by muscle or joint?

May 10, 2014 at 12:01pm

Brent Brookbush Steve Middleton, I know this is in your wheelhouse so please… pick any subsection you would like… I have not done a research review myself, so maybe you could share a few citations or research studies that have examined this type of taping.

May 10, 2014 at 12:03pm

Perry Nickelston One word. Stability. You will get 16-hours of the who, what, where, when and how my friend very soon. You will gain access to so much research it will explode your brain.

May 10, 2014 at 12:05pm

Brent Brookbush Hey Kathy Benson Zetterberg,

First, thanks for posting a picture… I love when we get to see application. What was the goal of the taping in your picture… or should I say, what was the intent?

May 10, 2014 at 12:04pm

Brent Brookbush Hey Perry Nickelston,

Does that stability come from the physical strength of the tape itself (as was thought with athletic taping), or is it more along the lines of Rick Richey's premise of skin recepetors initiating reflexive increases in muscle tone, and that adds stability?

May 10, 2014 at 12:06pm

Brent Brookbush Good point Rob Fluegel… that may be the outcome of this discussion, is that we need another discussion focused purely on "Best Use".

I have seen the mummy thing, I also have seen it used as an intervention by itself in a shotgun approach to pain and movement impairment - obviously not ideal either.

May 10, 2014 at 12:08pm

Steve Middleton Let's start with philosophies:

Kinesio Tape is used primarily on muscle specific actions. A typical shoulder taping tends to involve the supraspinatus and/or deltoid especially when taping for impingement syndromes.

RockTape and Fascial Movement Taping (RockTapes education branch) uses the Fascial lines of Anatomy Trains to tape for movement patterns. These tend to use single pieces of tape that may extend from head to toe.

Fascial Movement Patterning takes the Fascial lines from Anatomy Trains an analyzes them from a movement perspective to determine where along the line the dysfunction exists and then specifically treats that muscle, fascia, joint.

KT Tape seems to be a waste of time and money. The pre-cut applications are too small for most people. Also, the adhesive is horrible. They do demos at the marathons I run and it starts falling off the people within the first 2-3 miles.

Spider-Tech is too expensive and too bulky with their pre-cut applications. Also, you shouldn't have to tape every muscle around the joint.

May 10, 2014 at 12:08pm

Steve Middleton The stability, in my opinion, comes from joint centration. I do primarily inhibition techniques because, from a neuromyofascia approach, out agonists aren't too weak to perform a movement rather our antagonists are too tight to allow a movement to occur.

May 10, 2014 at 12:11pm · Like · 1

Ryan Crandall It's effect is on the mechanoreceptors of the skin which may help down regulate perception of pain and may give PERCEPTION of support but the structure of the tape (kineseo) give very little mechanical support. I'm very skeptical of the fascial line applications…it is all connected I get it.

May 10, 2014 at 12:13pm

Perry Nickelston You will learn next weekend. All your questions will be answered I guarantee it. You won't ever leave my workshop thinking 'I wonder if this shit actually works?

May 10, 2014 at 12:15pm

Brent Brookbush Hey Steve Middleton,

I can easily rationalize how stretch receptors in the skin would lead to increased tone of the appropriate muscle in the "facilitation" techniques, but I have a harder time connecting the dots with inhibitory techniques. Don't get me wrong, I have used them and have seen them work wonders - for example, inhibition of the extensor mass with decompression taping for lateral epicondylitis - but what's the mechanism of inhibition?

May 10, 2014 at 12:17pm

Rob Fluegel Yeah Brent, this should be interesting especially since at least one of those that you've invited to this discussion (Perry) teaches for one of the taping companies. I'll start with a few of my thoughts with the disclosure of the fact that I've only taken an abbreviated course (basically a 3 hour in-service presented by someone who was beginning to teach for Kinesiotape), read some manuals and done part of an online course (through Medbridge).

  1. I think taping should be considered another tool in the toolbox but needs to be used appropriately. It seems that some practitioners end up having their clients/patients looking like mummies.
  2. I don't buy into that taping for origin to insertion and vice-versa is inhibitory or facilitory because thats not how muscles contract.
  3. I think it may be beneficial for swelling.
  4. I think it may help facilitate muscle activity secondary to stimulation of the skin which bombards the CNS with stimuli allowing the muscles to work better (goes back to Melzak & Wall) which is much like how I think McConnell tape helps in cases of PFPS.
  5. The problem I see is the availability of these products to the general consumer. When someone can go into their local sporting good store and buy the tape and go home and apply it, I think it loses some of the credibility. Anyone could go and buy a roll of athletic tape and tape an ankle after a sprain, but it doesn't necessarily mean they know what they are doing.

I'd be interested in going over some stuff with you after you do your course next weekend with Perry. And maybe one of these days I'll have a weekend free to go to one of his courses.

May 10, 2014 at 12:17pm

Brent Brookbush I know it works Perry Nickelston… otherwise I wouldn't be spending a weekend with you at the RockTape seminar, but it seems that between all of the brands, philosophies, uses, and now an increased market that includes personal trainers, massage therapists, etc… it seems like there is much to refine in how we educate, apply, and promote this modality.

May 10, 2014 at 12:19pm

Perry Nickelston Good luck with that one. Unicorns and rainbows might be in that world too. Lol see ya next weekend my friend.

May 10, 2014 at 12:23pm

Rob Fluegel And don't forget the power of placebo!

May 10, 2014 at 12:27pm

Brent Brookbush Isn't better education why we do what we do brother Perry Nickelston? Yes, I know, I know… I live in an idealized world of perfect education, unicorns, rainbows and of course placebo… somebody has to do it.

May 10, 2014 at 12:31pm

Rob Fluegel Brent and Perry, that reminded me of something someone posted just the other day:

Rob Fluegel's photo.

May 10, 2014 at 12:36pm

Gary Miller I honestly know nothing about it. I see many runner and cross fitter use it. I am wondering if it's a fashion statement… Lol

I do think it must help somehow though because so many seem to use it. What exactly does it do? Help relieve pain? So you can say run or lift? If your hurting that bad wouldn't rest and recovery be better?

May 10, 2014 at 1:42pm

Brent Brookbush I think that without the knowledge of what potential effect the tape is having, and without assessment, intervention and then application of the tape…. it really is just a fashion statement Gary Miller

May 10, 2014 at 1:42pm

Melinda Reiner Placebo? Agree with Brent, and what Rick Richey said earlier.

May 10, 2014 at 1:46pm

Ryan Crandall placebo is powerful

May 10, 2014 at 1:46pm

Gary Miller It sure does look cool… Haha… And great for companies who advertise their brands

May 10, 2014 at 1:51pm

Melinda Reiner Please note that KT Tape is relatively expensive. I'm sure the material is seriously marked up in regards to cost and has to be good business.

May 10, 2014 at 1:54pm

Rick Richey We do refer to most taping by muscle and joints, as we should, but tape doesn't touch muscles or joints. It does not provide compression like a brace does. It touches skin around the muscles and joints and effects the associated area.

It's like when facelift were done by taping. Folks stopped moving their faces! Why? Didn't want to mess up the face or the tape.

May 10, 2014 at 2:21pm

Brent Brookbush This kind of comes back to the original question of what effect does tape have… what receptors are affected? Is the change in muscle activity reflexive or cognitive, can this modality be used as a treatment by itself? or is it only supportive? What outcomes can we expect?

May 10, 2014 at 2:55pm

Steve Middleton The tape can provide immediate changes in tissue tension and sensation. I just taped someone with a "snapping hip" where it was painful with each step. 3" of tape later, no pain. He had not idea what the tape was going to do so to say it works solely on placebo is erroneous.

I tend to take a Fascial approach to treatments. I see that the recoil of the tape decompresses the tissue. This lifts the skin off the superficial fascia which decompresses the vascular ire and increases blood flow while also decompressing the nociceptors to relieve pain. It also lifts the deep fascia off the muscle to allow the muscle to return to a normal resting rate. By decompressing the tissues, thy are able to glide over one another more freely to increase ROM.

May 10, 2014 at 3:01pm

Ryan Crandall It's a small small piece of the puzzle. I use the same principles and down regulating the perception of pain with simple skin stretching. Works very well with "frozen" shoulders and other RCR/Total shoulder patients. Tape can help keep them Ruffi's talking to the NS.

May 10, 2014 at 3:02pm

Steve Middleton

Steve Middleton's photo.

May 10, 2014 at 3:09pm

Rob Fluegel Steve, I certainly didn't say solely on placebo but I also don't think you can disregard it either. How many people (general public) were exposed to Kinesiotaping for the first time watching Kerri Walsh in the Beijing Olympics? I think that really started the "craze". I worked with a competitive skier once who had been taped by the last PT that worked with them (who showed me how they taped the athlete). The athlete layer said that they didn't feel much different with the tape but seemed to ski better in the competition after the taping so they wanted me to keep using it on them.

May 10, 2014 at 3:24pm

Grayson Lane Glorified bandaid!

May 10, 2014 at 5:26pm

Morris Nar Great discussion! But there are so many opinions/anecdotes and 0 citations! Anyone have any peer reviewed research to support their claims?

May 10, 2014 at 6:00pm

Beth Brennan Estrada I have not only used RockTape for my clients, but have also experienced the benefits myself. I find it to be a great muscle re-education tool. Especially for those with chronic fascia issues or people that tend to "guard" injuries. The colors are a bit crazy now and can take the focus away from the therapeutic concept. I mostly apply the tape after working the soft tissue to train the muscles to stay in that state. However, I do have clients that come in just for taping (ie: inflammation taping for acute injuries).

May 10, 2014 at 6:56pm

Ryan Crandall Morris, there isn't a lot of good research that shows its benefits….mainly only case studies.

May 10, 2014 at 6:58pm

Steve Middleton The problem with the research is multi-faceted:

1) many of the studies are in "normal" populations

2) many of the studies standardize a treatment for "knee pain" instead of taping for that person dysfunction that is causing knee pain. If I get 10 patients with knee pain, I may tape them 7-8 different ways

3) the research that does show benefits is often discredited because it is done by someone with an affiliation with a taping company

4) studies that show positive benefits are discredited for being a) case studies or b) being combined with another treatment

May 10, 2014 at 7:02pm

Grayson Lane Please correct me if I am wrong. However if you take a step back and look at what the goal of kinesio-tape…

Gives support and stability to your joints and muscles - WE ALREADY HAVE SOMETHING FOR THAT! Muscles already provide joint stability. If your muscles truly requires stability prior to a high level of activity, you need to find the source of the in ability to contract and produce output or buy an military grade exoskeleton. Several books have noted that contractile tissues can have the tensile strength of steel- even if that were only 1/8th true, would some elastic tape would truly provide the "support"

If we truly learn how to manage the muscles via learning how to contract and then optimizing the output, kensio-tape would be redundant.

I personally think the whole - superhero look - is what most athletes are going for here.

May 10, 2014 at 10:05pm

Brent Brookbush There is no doubt that we have a long way to go before we find research methodologies that correlate interventions with outcomes using movement assessment and integrated intervention. This is one of the weaknesses of research - essentially research is only capable of answering "likely or unlikely" to a single direct question. Although I am a huge proponent of evidence-based practice, we need to be careful not to condemn every rational, science-based intervention because a citation does not yet exist. The truth is, if we only used interventions that were supported by research we would be left with very little we could actually do for any individual case. Further, innovation would no longer be possible. Thanks for the very thoughtful list of potential issues in taping research Steve Middleton.

May 10, 2014 at 10:00pm

Kathy Benson Zetterberg Brent Brookbush Your question to me in a previous post was: What was the goal of the taping in your picture… or should I say, what was the intent?. My answer for using ROCKTAPE… it gives enough support to my ankle to help prevent it from going into inversion and completing the stress fracture I currently have on my fibula (my ortho recommended it instead of a boot or hard brace because he knows I am a trainer and triathlete). While using the ROCKTAPE it has given me additional relief and reduced the swelling . ROCKTAPE states" while applied over a stretched muscle, ROCKTAPE lifts the skin accelerating blood flow to increase the amount of oxygen available to the muscles, helping reduce inflammation". I also use in on a client with chronic tennis elbow from golf and it has helped him with inflammation giving him the ability to play golf pain free. Enough said without being a commercial for ROCKTAPE lol smile emoticon .

Kathy Benson Zetterberg's photo.

May 10, 2014 at 10:33pm

Rob Fluegel The commercial was the fact that you used the tape with their logo on it! wink emoticon I'm glad it seems to be helping you Kathy. It's refreshing to see someone think "outside the box" and touches into Brent's comment on innovation being impossible if you only used interventions that were validated through high level research. If one of the effects of the tape is to lift the skin and promote better blood flow to the muscles, I think it would be safe to say "area" instead of just "muscle" which in theory would help in bone healing. Thanks again for sharing.

May 10, 2014 at 10:49pm

Mark Jamantoc So far so good! I am a big fan of Mulligan and McConnell Taping

May 11, 2014 at 12:48am

Jason Erickson First, I have no particular interest in the different brands of tape. I use about six brands mainly because my clients like a variety of colors/patterns and because they all have similar adhesive properties. The only brand I've found to be worthless is one that was sold at WalMart. Never buy stretchy therapeutic tape at WalMart.

I have a manual from the Kinesio Taping folks, and it's a handy reference for seeing how others might tape a particular area or for a particular issue. That said, I often create my own taping application for that individual client.

The concept of taping along fascial planes seems to be a wasteful use of too much expensive tape, and I've long suspected it was developed simply to increase tape sales - kind of like Young Living Essential Oils created the "Raindrop Technique" (a wasteful and potentially dangerous practice of putting "neat" EOs directly on the skin). When the tape manufacturer is selling CE classes that teach their own trademarked method of applying large amounts of tape to (most) clients, my spidey sense tingles.

As Steve Middleton described earlier, it's possible to get great results with just a bit of tape applied in the right spot. One of my former clients (now recovered) was in an MVA. We figured out how to eliminate her headaches and vertigo with a single 6" piece of tape. She learned to apply it herself, and was able to give herself relief whenever those symptoms arose. In time, she no longer needed the tape. smile emoticon

I know that Perry is teaching a class soon, but simply saying "take the class" or "see you in class" in a discussion of this kind is unhelpful. Why not take a few minutes to outline the basic concept of why/how the tape is applied? If he made a good argument for the premise of the method, I'd be more inclined to take the class. Right now all I have to go on is the pamphlet that comes with Rock Tape, and that's just not enough to inspire me to shell out money for more of the same. He posts a lot of good stuff on FB and I've heard he's a great teacher, but holding back information the way he's done so far (in this discussion) seems unlike his usual habits. I hope he chooses to contribute more fully as this discussion progresses.

As others have pointed out, Rick Richey being the first in this particular discussion, tape adheres to skin and stimulates mechanoreceptors. Understanding which mechanoreceptors and how their input may result in modulation of sensory and motoric changes must be an important consideration regardless of what taping method/philosophy you subscribe to. Ignoring it to focus solely on deeper tissues (fascia, muscle, etc.) is to overlook the largest, most obvious point(s) of interaction. I feel that any effects derived from a mechanical pull on deeper tissues are of secondary importance, but still worth consideration.

There are also psychosocial factors involved. Consider how the client became aware of taping, their prior experiences, what others have told them, what color options they have, the facilities you're in, the way you incorporate it, how well you educate them, whether they're an athlete, a kid, a grandmother, a salesman… also, do they admire/dislike someone they know of who uses taping?

It's important to consider that tape isn't safe for all conditions. For example, some skin conditions contraindicate taping. So do some neurological issues.

If a client experiences central sensitization after a taping experience, they may not be able to tolerate tape again. Here's an example from my own practice:

A female client, 50s, with a long-time chronic back pain issue. After several positive massage sessions, she was improving. I suggested taping and she agreed. Her friend (with a similar complaint) had a good experience with the tape. I applied two long strips of 2" tape along her right erector spinae. Very simple, and I educated her to remove the tape slowly (if at all) rather than quickly. Two days later, she ignored my advice and ripped them off quickly. She experienced a sharp pain followed by a wave of "cold pain" that went up her spine and into her right shoulder and neck.

Soon after, she started to experience rapid changes in pulse rate and blood pressure (up and down throughout the day regardless of activity level). After a few days of this, she went to the ER, and they couldn't figure it out. After a few more days, she started to get dizzy spells that came and went. She tried to see me a few more times, but her vertigo gradually increased to the point that I could barely touch her without setting it off, and then she started getting dizzy spells as she drove to see me. I'd already referred her to a neurologist several times, but after that I refused to see her again until her neurologist had helped her get things back under control.

So, before I teach clients how to put tape on, I always teach them how to take it off. If they don't learn how to do that much correctly, I don't teach them how to self-apply, and I won't use it again unless they agree to follow my instructions. I've only had one case of central sensitization following a tape application, and that's the last one I want to see.

May 11, 2014 at 4:09am

Steve Middleton Taking a class is great if you want a new credential for marketability.

I am certified through Kinesio Tape (CKTP - 24 hours) and RockTape (FMT - 12 hours) plus an additional 12 hours of RockTape instructor training. After 48 hours of training, I only use a handful of the applications as shown.

If you understand muscle actions and/or movement patterns, you will get all you need to know in the 1st 20 minutes if class because most of the classes are how to EVALUATE to find what/how to tape in the first place…

May 11, 2014 at 8:36am

Rob Fluegel Steve, regarding points 2 and 4 of your post about the problem with research on taping: #2 is why I'm not a fan of the tape (especially in pre- cut package form) being readily available to the general public at a local sporting goods store. You have someone, maybe a runner with knee pain so they go and buy the tape and slap it on to fix it but fail to try to strengthen their gluten med and/or tibialis posterior whose weakness is causing their knee pain. And #4: Case studies are still research, just not top tier research and as for the fact of a study being discredited because the tape was used along with another treatment is silly because that's how we treat our clients/patients. I'm willing to bet that no one on this discussion would treat someone by evaluating them, slapping some tape on them, and then sending them on their way.

May 11, 2014 at 3:21pm

Brent Brookbush This has been a great discussion thus far… I think in the future we will have to do a panel discussion sharing our "favorite" techniques Steve Middleton, Rob Fluegel, Jason Erickson, Rick Richey Perry Nickelston. As an educator my goal is always better comprehension, retention and application. It would be great to find out how "application" has panned-out in day-to-day practice of various professionals. Start taking pictures kats, I would love to get a library going of the various taping strategies from "integrated human movement professionals".

May 11, 2014 at 8:17pm

Rob Fluegel The funny thing is this discussion popped up on my LinkedIn page today: http://www.waltfritzseminars.com/online-courses/online-courses/blog/?p=917

Therapeutic Taping for Pain Control

If your daily mail reads like mine, hardly a week passes when I do not receive a course listing for some sort of…


May 11, 2014 at 8:23pm

Rob Fluegel So, hate to bring up old shit but there just happens to be some coverage of the AVP Cincinnati Open on TV at the bar where I'm having lunch. I just realized it may be from taped from 2013 as they had an ad for upcoming AVP events in September 2013. But… there's Kerri Walsh (Jennings) with KT tape on her R shoulder. The same tape placement she had in the 2008 Beijing Olympics which I think started the boom in kinesiotaping. I'm sorry but 3 or 4 years later, you should not need the taping.

May 19, 2014 at 4:39pm

Jason Erickson Rob, I agree, but then I remember reading an article about it years ago and even in the 2008 Olympics her shoulder was fine but mentally she felt better about how she performed with it on. It may have become a mental crutch, or an endorsement deal, or both.

May 19, 2014 at 9:59pm

Brent Brookbush Hey Rob Fluegel and Jason Erickson,

I think Jason is on to something with the effect of placebo, but we also must consider how much time was given to her reconditioning and reinforcement of a better motor pattern post therapeutic intervention. I feel like once the body learns to compensate it loves to keep returning to that old pattern. We may even question her dedication to her training program post competition.

May 19, 2014 at 10:21pm

Sandra Weber I vote yes. I have been using it in my practice for about six months. I suffer from severe cramping and swelling each month from 3 previous surgeries. This edema taping helps me immensely. Great results with prego taping for clients as well.

Sandra Weber's photo.

May 19, 2014 at 11:34pm


Hicks, M.R., Cao, T.V., Campbell, D.H., Standley, P.R., 2012 Aug. Mechanical strain applied to human fibroblasts differentially regulates skeletal myoblast differentiation. J. Appl. Physiol. 113 (3), 465e472. Epub 2012 Jun 7.

Meltzer, K.R., Standley, P.R., 2007 Dec. Modeled repetitive motion strain indirect osteopathic manipulative techniques regulation human fibroblast proliferation interleukin secretion. J Am. Osteopath. Assoc. 107 (12), 527e536.

Meltzer, K.R., Cao, T.V., Schad, J.F., King, H., Stoll, S.T.,

Standley, P.R., 2010 Apr. In vitro modeling of repetitive motion

injury and myofascial release. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 14 (2),

162e171. Epub 2010 Jan 29.

Standley, P.R., Meltzer, K., 2008 Jul. In vitro modeling of repetitivemotion strain and manual medicine treatments: potential roles for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 12 (3), 201e203. Epub 2008 Jun 30.

May 19, 2014 at 11:34pm

Adam Wolf Leon Chaitow, I'd love to watch your brain work one day. You're amazing, man.

May 20, 2014 at 6:50am · Like

Sandra Weber Perry Nickelston, thought you might like Leon Chaitow's phrase on taping; a "tissue time out".

May 20, 2014 at 7:27am

Perry Nickelston You would be right:) Sandra Weber

May 20, 2014 at 8:28am

Mike Mcaleese I Like Rock tape .. however i actually used duc tape and it worked was on a pro triathlete who forgot hers so i saw the due tape and used it

May 20, 2014 at 8:45am

Brent Brookbush Thanks again for the input Leon Chaitow, love all the homework you give us… ah I mean research studies you cite. Like Perry Nickelston, Sandra Weber, and Adam Wolf I also love the shorthand of your thoughts on how taping is affecting tissues. My question would be… do you think all taping techniques work this way, or is this specific to something like a "decompression" taping. Would a taping with tension, with the intent to stimulate skin receptors and activate muscles (for example a tibialis anterior taping) work the same way?

May 20, 2014 at 9:02am

Sandra Weber Brent Brookbush I actually did that this week. My right obliques are testing inhibited (surgery related I am sure..) ofcourse ipsilateral pecs min facilitated, so I did my homework of pecs release-activate RT oblq- then taped them. I wore ROCK TAPE application for 3/4 days and definantly recognized more communication and awareness of RT oblq.

May 20, 2014 at 9:09am

Brent Brookbush Nice Sandra Weber… take a picture next time. I think visuals of these techniques always enhance the learning process. I thought I had a picture of my tibialis anterior taping, but some how it disappeared. I will be taking a new picture soon.

May 20, 2014 at 9:16am

Leon Chaitow Brent Brookbush….not all taping works the same way as my post above suggests, and some most probably 'simulates' fascial function….but 'unloading' tissues most probably does offer time-out/ease/comfort etc as in positional release technique….I remain a student of the possibilities

May 20, 2014 at 9:51am

Steve Middleton Brent: I agree that the decompression (RockTape) or spacing (Kinesio Tape) works more to take the stimulation away from the sensory receptors (nociceptors, Meissner's, Ruffini) to alleviate pain.

I also agree with Dr Leon Chaitow that the facilitation/inhibition techniques function more by creating Fascial creep to pull the fascia into a certain direction to allow a movement to occur more so than affecting the neuromuscular in the region.

This is the premise behind the versions if the taping that I teach.

May 20, 2014 at 9:56am

Joseph Schwartz I had a yoga professional with a T3/4 spinal compression injury. This person has been working on this issue for two years with passive massage and movement practice. Combining NKT and RockTape has cleared the pattern in three sessions.

I think of taping as neural reinforcement to enhance awareness through the proprioceptive feedback loop. A great tool when combined with movement reeducation.

May 20, 2014 at 10:06am

Steve Middleton I'm if the mindset that we aren't too weak (neuromuscular) to move we are normally to tight (fascia) to allow the movement to occur. That is what I think the fascia approach makes more sense as opposed to the inhibition techniques.

May 20, 2014 at 10:14am

Ryan Crandall I'm more of the mindset that it's neural and not fascial.

May 20, 2014 at 10:27am

Joseph Schwartz Form follows function, the structure follows kinetic integration.

May 20, 2014 at 10:32am

Brent Brookbush Hey Steve Middleton, Joseph Schwartz, Ryan Crandall and Leon Chaitow… It sounds like we need some foundational research to determine the effect taping is actually having… Now who has access to a facility with a functional MRI, possibly some cadavers and millions in grant money? wink emoticon

May 20, 2014 at 12:06pm

Joseph Schwartz Does the imaging technology exist to see how the Motor Control Center responds to mechanoreceptor feedback?

May 20, 2014 at 5:01pm

Brent Brookbush I am by no means a researcher in neuroscience Joseph Schwartz, but I don't think we have the technology to be that specific. We can see how certain actions increase blood flow to certain key areas of the brain and we are able to make certain assumptions based on those findings. Leon Chaitow may have something to add about the capabilities of our current research methods to assess what you propose.

May 20, 2014 at 6:17pm

Leon Chaitow As I understand it Joseph Schwartz, at least some local mechanoreceptor responses to load (including altered gene expression) are biochemical, and are shape dependent and not neurologically mjediated….therefore not likely to show in altered brain activity. ….a great deal more researchwill be needed before we understand these processes adequately

May 20, 2014 at 10:57pm

Brent Brookbush Great thoughts Leon Chaitow, in essence much of this would be mediated at the spinal cord level similar to what we know of stretch reflex and autogenic inhibition (simplistically speaking). I have often wondered, how intricate and complex these facilitory and inhibitory pathways are between the various mechoreceptors and motor units. I even wonder if specific mechorecetors may be linked to specific motor units and it is actually groups of receptors that lead to muscle (or groups of muscles) recruitment in response to stress. My own personal account of this (that lead to this thought) resulted from a few fascicles in my vastus lateralis that become incredibly hypertonic (first to fire and last to "let go" during all knee extension and eccentric knee flexion activities) after constant wear and tear and a specific instance of twisting my knee lead to de-lamination of a 2cm chunk of hyaline cartialage in my posterior trochlea (confirmed by MRI and later surgical intervention - arthroscopy). You could even palpate the increased tone during rest in these fascicles. Even after surgery, these fascicles remained my primary source of pain. It took a tremendous amount of work and what I can only imagine was desensitization and an increase in motor unit recruitment of my quadriceps that eventually resulted in normal function. Could that specific part of my trochlea have contained mechanoreceptors that were inhibitory to those specific fascicles? I hope one day we have the research to find out.

May 20, 2014 at 11:19pm

