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Glossary Term

component motions

Dive into the intricate world of arthrokinematic motion, characterized by small amplitude motions between bone surfaces at a joint. Comprising roll, glide, spin, compression, and distraction, these motions accompany osteokinematic motions for maintaining joint congruence. For instance, the talus exhibits a posterior glide on the tibia during ankle dorsiflexion.

Arthrokinematic Motion - Small amplitude motions between bone surfaces at a joint. The arthrokinematic motions are roll, glide (slide or translation), spin, compression and distraction (traction). Arthrokinematic motions accompany osteokinematic motions to maintain joint congruence.

  • Example, arthrokinematic motion of the talus includes posterior glide on the tibia during ankle dorsiflexion.




  1. Joint Motion
  2. Joint Movement
  3. Arthrokinematics

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