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Distal - Glossary Term Illustration

Glossary Term


Distal: An anatomical direction that refers to a location or structure that is further from the center of the body. The opposite of distal is proximal.


Distal: An anatomical direction that refers to a location or structure that is further from the center of the body. For example, the shoulder hand is located on the distal end of the arm, and the foot is located on the distal end of the leg. It may be helpful to think of "distal" as referring to "more distant from the center."

The opposite of Distal:

For more information on the anatomical directions, check out

Examples of distal used in practice:

  • Distal attachments are most often the "insertion" of a muscle, and proximal attachments are most of the "origin" of a muscle.
  • "Proximal stabilization before distal mobilization" suggests that "core stability" needs to precede strengthening of the more "distal" extremities.
  • A distal biceps tendon rupture occurs when the biceps brachii tendon that attaches to the radius (crosses the elbow) is torn off the bone. As opposed to a proximal biceps brachii tendon rupture that would imply the tendon closer to the shoulder has been torn.


