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Dyskinesis - Glossary Term Illustration

Glossary Term


Dyskinesis is faulty or abnormal movement; an alteration of normal kinematics. This condition can lead to a reduction in arthrokinematic motion and limited osteokinematic range of motion, such as inadequate inferior glide of the femoral head resulting in limited abduction of the hip. Dyskinesis can be caused by a variety of factors, including neurological disorders, musculoskeletal injuries, and even medications. Synonyms for dyskinetic include abnormal movement, atypical motion, and faulty kinematics.


Dyskinesis: Dyskinesis is faulty or abnormal movement; an alteration of normal kinematics. This condition can lead to a reduction in arthrokinematic motion and limited osteokinematic range of motion, such as inadequate inferior glide of the femoral head resulting in limited abduction of the hip.


