Glossary Term
Fascial System
The fascial system consists of connective tissue. An example is the thoracolumbar fascia which is a sheet of connective tissue that spans from latissimus dorsi to gluteus maximus across the lumbar spine (see image). The function of fascia is to transmit force, provide support, and protect tissues. Fascia can effect motion by transmitting force from one or more muscles (example: throrocolumbar fascia). Restricting motion in cases of adaptive shortening and/or adhesion to proximal structures (example: iliotibial band in cases of lower-leg dysfunction). Elastic recoil after stretching can contribute to force production (example: plyometric exercise)
Fascial System: The fascial system consists of connective tissue. An example is the thoracolumbar fascia, a sheet of connective tissue that spans from latissimus dorsi to gluteus maximus across the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint (see image). The function of the fascia is to transmit force, provide support, and protect tissues. Fascia can also affect motion by transmitting force between multiple structures, restricting movement in cases of lost elasticity, and contributing to force production via elastic recoil following the forceful lengthening (example: plyometric exercise)
There is evidence that fascia may be embedded with a significant amount of receptors and contribute to proprioception and neuromuscular reflex. In this way, the fascia may act as a motherboard for the nervous system. Note, the fascial system does not contract or develop trigger points, and its capacity to adapt to stretching and or strengthening exercises is limited, especially when compared to the adaptive capacity of muscle tissue.
- Connective Tissue System
- Myofascial System
- Fascial Sheaths
- Aponeurosis
- Aponeuroses