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Glossary Term


Inferior: An anatomical direction that refers to a structure located "below" another structure. Generally, this term is used to describe the relative position of a structure when the body is in the anatomical position. For example, the chin is inferior to the mouth.

Inferior: An anatomical direction that refers to a structure located "below" another structure. Generally, this term is used to describe the relative position of a structure when the body is in the anatomical position. For example, the chin is inferior to the mouth.

  • Note that this term does not refer to "under", or "deep to". For example, inferior to the lower segment of the rectus abdominis is the pubic symphysis. Deep to the rectus abdomonis are the peritoneum and internal organs.

The opposite of inferior:

For more information on the anatomical directions, check out

Here is a list of anatomical structures with the word "inferior" included in their name:

  • Inferior Vena Cava: A large vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body to the heart.
  • Gemellus Inferior: The "lower" of two gemelli muscles that aid in hip stabilization, and are part of a group of muscles referred to as the deep rotators of the hip .
  • Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament: A glenohumeral ligament that is relatively inferior to the other glenohumeral ligaments (e.g. middle and superior glenohumeral ligaments) that aid in the stabilization of the shoulder joint .

