0:00 This is Brent coming at you with another one of our collaboration videos. I got my 0:03 friend Rob, PT for many years, certified orthopedic manual therapist and faculty 0:08 for the Maitland courses, to come out show me a few new exercises which i love. 0:13 He came out to my advancements in exercise selection course for upper-body 0:17 dysfunction and all of a sudden I got inundated with all sorts of stuff. This 0:21 is one of those exercises, this is a modified cobra. I know I showed you that 0:26 cobra kind of prone on ball, we're going to do one on a foam roll, and Rob 0:30 showed me a bunch of cues where this nice flat stable surface ends up 0:36 becoming perfect for reinforcing optimal alignment of our spine. I'm going to have 0:40 my friend Rob come out he's going to model for us, figures his punishment for 0:46 showing me this exercises, that he actually has to do the exercise now. So 0:51 set up being first, how you set up on the foam roll is you are going to be face-down, 0:55 and then actually let me have you sit up real quick Rob. Rob's going to end the 0:59 foam roll right here, alright so just below his clavicles, just below this 1:04 notch here. This is where the foam roll is going to end and he'll be face down. 1:13 Great now I'm going to make sure he's in a nice straight line. I got this towel here 1:18 so his face doesn't end up in the floor, his feet are tucked in. I like to try to 1:23 get those the balls of somebody's feet as close to the floor as i can, and we'll 1:27 show you guys a progression here with straight legs. But then what i want to be 1:30 able to do is he's going to have to kind of, you're gonna see we're going to need 1:34 some extension here, and some drawing in here, which now we have to do against 1:38 gravity. Alright this is going to take a little bit of cueing, So Rob go ahead 1:44 and draw in, and you want to make sure when they draw in that they're lifting 1:49 that abdominal wall off your fingers but we don't see any increase in flexion 1:53 here, we don't see any increase in movement here, and then I'm going to have 1:57 Rob go ahead and tuck his chin, bring his head back to the point of 2:05 neutral, which for Rob seems to be a point where his clavicles come 2:11 just off the foam roll, but the rest of his sternum is on the foam roll. We want 2:15 to be very careful that we get thoracic extension, and not thoracolumbar 2:21 extension and an increase in a lordosis. So Rob go ahead and show me the extreme 2:27 here. I see a lot of this in the gym in a lot of different variations of the Cobra, 2:31 but this variation in particular we don't want this because we don't want to 2:36 over stimulate some short overactive muscles. Alright so Rob's going to go 2:40 back down into his neutral position but he's tough, he looks good he's drawn in. 2:45 Notice that his hands are already externally rotated, so as he goes down 2:51 and back with his shoulder blades alright, we're reinforcing that that 2:56 posterior tipping, good that retraction. And then he can bring his hands up and 3:02 into extension and external rotation, and we have a pretty good looking Cobra. Now 3:08 there's a couple of tempo markings we can use, we can either use a 4-2-2 so 3:13 that would be a two-second up, two second hold and then four second eccentric on 3:17 the way down. I've also seen a 2-4-2 count which would be up for two, hold this 3:24 end position for four, three, two, one, and then back down for two. And then Rob 3:31 brought up a really great point, sometimes if he really wants to focus on 3:34 this more than anything else they'll have somebody go all the way down in 3:37 between reps, and the he'll cue them back into that position. In that case if 3:42 you're cueing through all of the different cues involved, you might have 3:47 to kind of toss your tempo markings away for a little bit, and just work on slow 3:51 and controlled. So I would be draw in go ahead and draw in, head back come up just 3:58 a little bit, shoulder blades down and back up, and thumbs towards the ceiling. 4:03 Great, good back down, nice and slow Rob. Rob did that really well so maybe I 4:09 could progress him, add even more cues in. So I'm going to have you 4:12 draw in all right, I want you to go ahead and straighten out your knees, quads 4:18 tight, glutes tight, like you're holding a dollar bill. Try to drive the balls of 4:21 your feet into the floor. Let's go for that cervical retraction good, draw down 4:29 and back, up with the arms, thumbs towards the ceiling, good. Hold, three, two, one, down 4:39 nice and slow. Alright guys as you can see this is a very cue heavy exercise. It 4:44 may take you a few sessions before you can actually put it into somebody's home 4:47 exercise program or trust them to do it effectively on their own, but I think 4:51 what you guys will find as an integrated postural exercise for all of those 4:55 individuals with upper body dysfunction, this is an incredibly effective exercise. 4:59 You can go ahead and get up Rob, thank you big thank you to Rob guys for 5:03 showing me this variation. I hope you guys have a lot of fun with this 5:06 exercise.