0:06 Adductors, peanut butter leaves me greasy. 0:12 What? What did he just say? My favorite acronym in all of anatomy, peanut butter 0:28 leaves me greasy. Pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor Magnus and 0:43 gracilis. These are more or less in order of attachment on the femur to. Till here 0:54 and then its attachment on the tibia, but you guys get what I'm saying. So the 0:59 adductors kind of go like this, they kind of splay out, each one getting a little 1:04 longer than the last one, as you can kind of see in this picture. Anybody have a 1:14 dog, have you ever fed a dog peanut butter? So I had this dog growing up 1:25 named Amigo he was a great dog, he was a 40-pound rich Chihuahua. No I know that would be a 1:35 monster Chihuahua. Dingo is my only monster Chihuahua, 22 pounds. He was a, 1:40 Amigo was a retriever lab mix with one ear up and one ear down all the time, 1:46 super super cute dog. But I had this thing when I was in high school, he used 1:51 to love to come home and have peanut butter on a bagel. Has anybody ever had 1:54 peanut butter on a bagel, delicious, delicious. Super high in calories too, which is 1:59 probably why I enjoyed it so much as I was growing a lot in high school right. 2:03 But amigo would always beg for the peanut butter, always beg for the peanut 2:09 butter, so what did i do? You know exactly what I did. I did the nicest and meanest 2:18 saying I could ever do to amigo, I took a big finger full of peanut butter, right 2:26 behind his teeth; because what did it do? 2:32 He walks away with his tail wagging, like 20 minutes later tail not so wagging 2:39 anymore, still sucking on the back of his teeth, and my when, as soon as I saw 2:47 peanut butter leaves me greasy, I don't remember where I got this, that was the 2:51 first thing I thought of, is poor Amigos greasy little mouth and I'm trying to 2:57 get that peanut butter out of his back teeth. He was happy for most of it, it was 3:02 just at the end he would start getting a little annoyed. Alright so hopefully that 3:06 helps you guys remember your five - pectineus, brevis, longus, Magnus, gracilis, 3:10 adductors; and if you remember them in this order, it does become a little 3:15 helpful to remember which ones do what actions. So being that these are called 3:20 the adductors, what do we think they probably do? I'm going to guess a 3:25 adduction, just a thought. 3:34 I don't have a pelvis over there, oh I do have a pelvis over here. This is your 3:50 pelvis alright, and then this pelvis is broken too, it's got a lot of broken 3:58 bones around here alright. So can you guys see how the pubis for the most part 4:04 lies in front of the hip, guess where most of the adductors start, pubis 4:11 right so they all go from pubis to femur; which means they'll probably contribute 4:18 to a little bit of what? Good call, as well as a little bit of flexion right, 4:28 because they're in front of the hip. So they'll contribute a little bit 4:32 flexion, a little bit to internal rotation, as well as a whole lot to 4:37 adduction. Have a spine. 4:46 So we start there, this is what the adductors do, all of them, I guess I'll 5:01 write down a little nicer, but we have a couple with some special functions. the 5:23 gracilis is the only adductor to cross the knee, all right and it crosses behind 5:33 the knee and attaches to the inside of the tibia. So other than these the 5:42 gracilis will also contribute to what? If it goes behind the knee then it 5:47 contributes to? Knee flexion. If attaches to the inside of the tibia? Tibial 6:02 internal rotation. 6:10 Nice job, we only have one more addition to this. And it's the muscles so big we 6:20 literally have to divide it in two. Magnus means big right, like that's what that 6:26 word means. Anybody watch the strongman competitions? You guys remember Magnus 6:31 Ver Magnuson. I'm like really, your name is big ver son of big. That's literally 6:40 what your name translates to, and you're a strongman competitor, go 6:45 figure right. But you're adductor Magnus is kind of the same thing, it's huge. So I 6:53 talked about most of your adductors attached to your pubis. This is your 6:59 ischium right, you're adductor Magnus is so big it goes from pubis to ischial 7:07 tuberosity. So you have a group of fibers that run in front of the hip, and then a 7:14 posterior head that actually runs behind the hip right, you guys with me. So the 7:25 anterior portion of the adductor Magnus we're fine with, however we have to make 7:32 like a note here that the posterior adductor Magnus if it goes behind the hip, 7:44 what is it going to contribute to? Extension and external rotation, is it 7:55 still going to contribute to adduction? Yes it's an adductor, 8:04 fair enough. Has anybody ever felt there aductor Magnus before, soreness. This is 8:11 actually a very common place, we'll talk about it a little bit when we get to 8:15 postural dysfunction; where somebody will do leg workouts and they'll continuously 8:21 get sore and like the back of their inner thigh, not their glute the back of 8:27 their inner thigh, and what that generally means is they're adductor 8:30 Magnuss is working harder than it should, and who's not working as hard as they 8:35 should, the glutes exactly. Alright flexors and extensors of the hip. Alright 8:48 so hip flexion and extension, 9:10 who does flexion? Who else does flexion? Psoas, iliacus, TFL, rectus femoris, glute min 9:32 nice call, adductors everybody except 9:42 posterior head of addductor magnus which goes over here. 9:51 Alright who else does extension, who's the big one? Glute Max. 10:06 You're going to have to name those. So I'm going to end in fact let's break it 10:11 all the way down hamstrings, medial are, 10:19 here's what I hear from you guys it's like semitendinosis, so that's semi 10:29 tendinosis, semimembranosus and then who's my lateral? Biceps femoris. For 10:55 another exciting graph, oh maybe not that far, but hip internal rotators? TFL good 11:04 call, gluteus minimus, not medius, adductors, 11:21 medial hamstrings good, 11:33 pectineus is part of this adductors right. So this is PBLMG -pectineus. What 11:43 was that? Anterior, yeah that would be here, which means if anterior Magnus as 11:55 well as all the other adductors are here, who's here? Posterior. 12:14 Yeah let's let's just leave piriformis as an external rotator, that's kind of like 12:22 somebody said gluteus medius, well technically gluteus medius has anterior 12:27 and posterior fibers and the anterior fibers do internal rotation, what we need 12:31 to worry about is the posterior fibers that get weak, and our external rotators 12:35 and are probably in need of a little work. Medial hamstrings all right so lets 12:43 name those -semimembranosus, 12:49 semitendinosus. 13:06 Good if psoas is up here, who else should be iliacus? Who are we missing? Biceps femoris. 13:21 Yeah if you really want to get technical somebody said it's the long head of the 13:25 biceps femoris, I heard somebody started. Yeah so the deep rotators would go on 13:40 this side which is actually piriformis, gemellus superior and gemellus inferior, 13:47 obturator internus and externus, quadratus femoris. Yeah you got it in your 13:54 notes. Glute max good call. We'll also put glute medius, sartorius where does sartorius go? 14:09 It does. 14:19 Nice job guys. 14:28