0:05 Let's talk about, a little bit about each major systems of the human body. Are you guys 0:12 ready for this, how many of you guys have heard of the fascial system before? 0:16 How about connective tissue, you guys heard about connective tissue? You got 0:21 different types of tissue in the body; muscle tissue, nervous tissue right, 0:27 connective tissue. Connective tissue is a type of tissue that helps bind 0:33 everything together. So we got ligaments, ligaments attach what to what? Ligaments 0:43 attach bone to bone. How many of you guys have heard of an ACL tear? A few right. 0:49 Anybody from Chicago? You guys are hating ACL tears right now. Derrick Rose kind of 0:55 kind of cost you guys the finals, going down with an ACL tear. ACL stands for 1:01 what? Anterior cruciate ligament. It's a ligament which means it attaches 1:06 what to what? Bone to bone. What two bones is that attached to? Tibia and femur. So 1:14 it's stabilizing which joint? The knee. You guys see how that works? 1:19 All ligaments work that way, they connect the bone to a bone stabilizing a joint. 1:26 Tendons connect what to what? Muscles to bones. For the most part muscles don't 1:34 attach directly to bones, they always attach to a tendon which then inserts 1:40 into a bone. What what muscles are those, since I already have the tendon written 1:46 up there. Everybody's heard of their Achilles tendon? Yeah gastroc and soleus 1:53 connected to that huge Achilles tendon, very powerful muscles which connected to 1:57 this bone, anybody know what this bone is again? 1:59 That's your calcaneus, your heel bone. How many of you guys have ever heard this 2:04 term fascia? Good so fascia we usually when we refer to fascia, although you could say 2:11 that all connective tissue is a fascial component right, like fascia just 2:15 generally refers to sheets of connective tissue. 2:18 So sometimes, anybody planning on doing cadaver study 2:22 like you got to do it for school if you go for DPT right, this right here, this 2:30 white stuff is actually what you see when you open up a cadaver. You don't 2:34 have bright red muscles like this, you have fat, then you have all of this white 2:41 connective tissue, and that white connective tissue does serve a purpose. 2:46 What's a quality of connective tissue that you guys are aware of? Weak stuff? 2:53 It's pretty strong stuff right. Connective tissue, pretty strong, pretty 2:58 hard. Alright so connective tissue makes a 3:01 great reinforcer, why would that part of the human body need a lot of 3:06 reinforcement? Protect the organs that's, I would say that's important. Anybody 3:12 else think that's important? I like my organs where they're at. What else might, 3:18 why else might that be an important part to have some connective tissue? It has to do 3:24 with a region of the body that gets hurt quite often. Yeah there's something about 3:29 this connective tissue protecting the spine, because in this area of the body 3:34 what don't we have that we have here? 3:41 Bone, specifically ribs right. So your ribs are a nice stable, stable support 3:48 for your thoracic spine, however you get to the lumbar spine which has even more 3:56 weight to support , there's no ribs. So we'll add a little connective tissue, 4:00 some fascia. You also have a big piece of fascia on your back, so that's your 4:05 abdominal fascia, 4:08 that's your thoracolumbar fascia. You guys have seen this before right? Big 4:14 pieces of connective tissue just adding reinforcement, protection. Fascia also 4:20 helps to transmit force, and also shapes and supports. One of my favorite myths 4:26 out there, if you do, oh what's a good one, what's a good one, I need to think of a 4:34 good one. Have you guys ever heard of like exercises that shape muscles right. If I 4:41 do this when I do my fly, I'm going to get a nice shape to my pecs. There's no like, 4:47 this whole bodybuilding science right. Can you shape a muscle, no you can't 4:54 shape a muscle. Fascia shapes muscles. You guys they grow or shrink, 5:02 that's what muscles do, like that's all you got, you can't shape them, it's 5:06 already determined by these guys. Does that make sense? A lot of attention being 5:11 given to fascia right now, we did not give fasscia nearly enough attention up until 5:16 very recent times. Alright the skeletal system, and we already went through the 5:21 skeletal system I don't know why that's there, that should say the muscular 5:25 system, thank you typos. Alright 5:38 so the muscular system. I'm about to teach you everything you need to know 5:43 about muscles, everything. Everything you need to know comes down to these three 5:49 rules. If you can get down these three rules you can leave, you're done, you 6:00 don't need any more anatomy classes, you guys believe me? it's almost true, it's 6:06 almost true. I'd prefer if you stayed until what we're going to like seven 6:10 tonight right. 12? Did you just say 12? She just said 12, we 6:16 are here till midnight, it is an Anatomy marathon. Alright 6:22 start with the three rules though. This is all muscles do, muscles only contract 6:30 and relax, that's it. They don't flex, what flexes? Joints flex, 6:40 muscles contracts. Muscles don't tone up, you cool with that? None 6:50 of these stupid toning exercises. How do you look more toned, lose fat, build 7:00 muscle, that's it. People give muscles way too much credit. 7:06 Muscles are stupid, they contract and relax that's it. Muscles only work on 7:12 joints they cross. You're like duh right, how many of you guys just went duh? Well 7:22 this gets a little trickier. Alright because you're going to learn today 7:26 that some muscles that you thought crossed one joint maybe cross more than 7:29 one joint right. How many guys, okay let's talk about the biceps brachii, how 7:35 many you guys are familiar with your biceps ,you walk around flexing your 7:39 biceps. Not really sure why people flex their biceps, does anybody know what the 7:42 biggest muscle in the human body is? The glutes, but you don't see anybody going 7:46 around going dude hypertrophy training, I'm on top of it 7:49 this year, doesn't happen I don't know why. Anyway let's go back to the biceps. 7:54 So we got the biceps, the biceps cross what joint? Elbow, how many of you guys 8:02 also knew though, I see see some of you already are on top of this, it also 8:05 crosses the shoulder, which it might contribute to some shoulder joint 8:10 actions. It also crosses the radial ulnar joint, which means it's also going to 8:15 contribute to what? We're going to go back over this guy's, I'm jumping ahead a 8:20 little bit but it contributes to this too. So there's a muscle that's 8:24 traditionally thought of in almost a single joint fashion right, and most people 8:28 are like biceps brachii duh it crosses the elbow, I know the biceps brachii, but you 8:32 really, did you really know the bicep brachii? It also crosses the shoulder 8:36 and the radioulnar joint, it's a three joint muscle. Then of course there's a 8:41 lot of myths that I could bust right now. Alright all a muscle knows how to do 8:47 is contract and relax, which means there's no such thing as an upper and 8:50 lower part to most muscles; and that includes, who am I about to talk about? 8:55 There's no such thing as lower abs, you hear me. You don't try to work your lower 9:03 butt, you don't try to work your lower bicep, stop trying to pretend like 9:07 there's lower abs. This muscle is stupid, you tell it to contract what is it going 9:13 to do? Contract along its whole length. What joints does it cross? The vertebrate, 9:22 yeah we can call that the lumbar spine. I mean there's several joints but you get 9:26 what I'm saying. Crosses your trunk, does your rectus 9:29 abdominus cross your hip? Not really, not at all. The rectus abdominus does not 9:38 cross your hip. So you're going to do this to work your abs? Dude right, you're 9:51 doing this? How many of you guys were just just before I said that, you don't 9:54 have to admit to it because I know it's out there, I know there's a lot of 9:57 misinformation out there. How many of you guys were doing this to work your lower 10:00 abs, and then I just told you there's no such thing as lower abs and your abs 10:03 don't cross your hip, and you're like.... 10:07 That is so not cool, so not cool. How many how many of you guys are there? A couple 10:13 of you, yeah it's cool. There is another muscle down there, the 10:18 only difference is there's a muscle down there that actually crosses what joint? 10:22 My hip and it just so happens to lay right in this area underneath your abs, 10:28 we'll talk about that later. Does that make sense? You guys see how I broke down 10:31 that logic though, it's not my rectus abdominis working. Muscles work best in 10:38 the direction of their fibers, so this is where you guys get to pick up all of 10:42 your joint actions. This is where if you can get this down, you never have to 10:49 memorize another joint action as long as you live. If you know what a muscle does 10:54 which it contracts, you know what joint the muscle crosses, 10:58 and then you look at its fiber direction, you should be able to tell me how it's 11:03 going to pull on that bone. Alright so we talked about the PEC right, the PEC 11:10 runs mostly in what plane? Transverse plane. So you can create a little word 11:17 box right, what are my transverse plane joint actions. Name them, we'll do this, 11:23 we'll do this. Alright so I'm going to take you through PEC major right now, using 11:31 this and show you guys don't need to memorize joint actions you just need a 11:34 little logic. PEC major, 11:43 PEC major crosses what joint? Shoulder so I know I'm talking about shoulder joint 11:50 actions right. We know most of the fibers run in the what plane? So I'm going to 12:00 make a little word box for myself, I'm going to say okay transverse plane over 12:04 here, what are my transverse plane joint actions guys? Horizontal abduction and adduction; 12:14 12:39 and you guys are missing some rotation, what types of rotation? Internal and 12:51 external. 13:06 You guys see what I did here right. I just made my life a little easier by 13:10 going okay based on what Brent's telling me, I know my PEC major is a muscle, a 13:19 stupid muscle that's only going to contract. I know what my PEC major is 13:22 going to do, and when it contracts it's going to move my shoulder. Now I know my 13:28 PEC works best in the direction of its fibers because that's rule number three, 13:32 and mostly that direction is in what plane? Transverse. Now I know my 13:41 transverse plane joint actions are horizontal abduction, horizontal adduction, 13:45 internal rotation, and external rotation. Now I just have to figure out 13:51 which way my PEC major is going to pull on my humerus and move my shoulder, so 14:00 which way is it going to pull it? You guys know this. This way, what was this 14:09 way, what joint action is this? Horizontal adduction right, check What about 14:24 rotation, you think my pecs going to cause internal rotation? It's on the 14:31 front of my body, attaches to the front of my shoulder, so when it shortens which 14:35 way is going to pull my arm? Oh like this, so that's internal rotation. It's not too 14:44 bad right. You guys want to take it up a notch, let's take it up one more notch, so 14:51 let's do the rest of the PEC, do all of the fibers run in the same direction 14:56 with the PEC? No, If I drew your clavicle right, and your sternum, and then out here 15:07 is your glenoid fossa, your shoulder socket, and this is my humerus, 15:18 you'll start to notice that not all the fibers go in the same direction. 15:24 We've got fibers that run like this right, so they have a definitely a 15:31 different angle than all of these fibers, and then some of the fibers come from 15:35 the bottom of the sternum and go up like this right. What do you think these guys 15:42 might be able to help with? Definitely yeah, definitely could pull in a 15:50 diagonal, but they're also going to be able to assist, who are they running 15:55 parallel to? Anybody know, what muscles right here? Anterior delt, what does my 16:04 anterior delt like to do? Flexion right. Can you guys see how these fibers right 16:15 here, on my clavicular head of my PEC might assist a little bit with 16:21 some shoulder flexion. Everybody do shoulder flexion for me, let me take that 16:27 back, start over. Everybody feel right here, all right now 16:32 do flexion. Can you feel those fibers of your PEC contract and try to help out. I 16:39 said muscles work best in the direction of the fibers, but realize if that 16:42 direction will assist with the joint action, it's going to. You got to think of 16:52 kinesiology functional anatomy; it's kind of like when we talk about joint actions, 16:55 it's like a party and everybody's invited, anybody who can help is going to 17:02 help that's kind of how it works. What do you guys think that these guys are going 17:07 to do, how are they going to be able to pull my arm? 17:15 Maybe not extension that would probably lengthen them a bit right. What's going 17:20 to happen when they shorten, these guys right here. You got it you're thinking 17:29 through it, what is this, what is this? Adduction yeah. So, you guys 17:41 never watched like old school wrestling, Hulk Hogan? Hulk Hogan used to like to 17:46 flex, flex, Hogan used to like to contract his pecs right, but he can't contract 17:54 them this way. Why not why can't he contract his pecs that way? Because his 17:59 hands are in the way silly, like if your hands are anyway you can't see my giant 18:02 pecs that I've been working on right. So which way do i flex, contract. Which way 18:09 do i contract? He does this right, has anybody ever done like a cable like down 18:16 crossover fly thing? Nobody's done that for their lower PEC. It's not necessarily 18:21 your lower PEC, but it is the sternal head of your PEC, does that make 18:28 sense? So that's it guys, you just did it. You 18:32 just did your entire PEC. Did you have to memorize anything? You can figure this 18:38 stuff out. So now we can go ahead and write, my PEC major to shoulder 18:47 horizontal adduction, internal rotation. 18:59 The clavicular head 19:08 will assist with what, which fibers? These fibers right here I said would assist 19:16 with what? Flexion. So assist with flexion 19:28 and my sternal head will assist with what? I'm sorry yes yes sternal head yep, 19:37 sternal head will assist with what? 19:45 Assist with that adduction, good. You 20:01 guys did it. How many of you guys feel ready to do that to any muscle in the body? 20:08 Alright that's why you're staying for the next seven hours, truthfully this is 20:14 what we're going to do, and you guys I think we'll find if you go through this 20:17 logic by the end of the day it won't matter, I'll be able to show you pictures 20:20 of muscles you've never seen before, you'll be able to tell me what they do. 20:24 You guys got three rules of muscles, is that in your sheets? If it's not in your 20:31 sheets why don't you guys go ahead and take a second to write it down, because 20:34 this is one of those things that I definitely teach over and over again and 20:40 I think it's been instrumental, not only in helping other people learn but even 20:45 myself, like I go back to these three rules over and over and over and over 20:48 again. So why don't you guys take a second to write down these three rules. 20:58 The nervous system, anybody nervous about the nervous system. 21:10 Yeah the nervous system, what you should know about the nervous system is it 21:14 controls everything. That's a picture of what? Your brain, that is a picture of 21:22 your brain, and if something goes wrong there man you are in trouble, and realize 21:28 a huge portion of your brain is dedicated to what? Movement motion is 21:36 ridiculously important, ridiculously important. Even an 21:40 expression, expression is nothing more than motion of what? Yeah how facial 21:47 muscles, even speech is motion. Just getting from point A to point B, all 21:55 motion. Alright, so you guys got a central nervous system and a peripheral 22:00 nervous system. Your central nervous system is what controls not just your 22:05 brain but your spinal cord. Your spinal cord actually does like a certain level 22:09 of thinking. Reflexes you guys have heard of reflexes before right. Generally 22:15 speaking are controlled by your spinal cord, not your central nervous, not your brain. 22:23 You guys know what the withdrawal reflex is? If I put my hand on a hot stove, I do 22:29 what? Which is shoulder extension, elbow flexion, and wrist flexion right. You guys 22:38 think I'm kidding but that's a reflex to go through those joint actions, that's a 22:42 series of muscles that are fired to go through those those joint actions that 22:47 never goes to the brain. Isn't that weird. You touch a hot stove and I I don't want any 22:54 of you to experiment with this, but the next time it happens to you, you 22:57 touch something and you withdraw. Notice this, you withdrew before you actually 23:04 had the conscious thought that you were in pain, 23:11 isn't that crazy. It actually yeah, it actually takes more 23:16 time for you to register the pain in your brain than it does for your body to 23:20 react to the heat, the excessive heat or whatever it was that you touched. Alright 23:26 right peripheral nervous system. Your peripheral nervous system is like the 23:31 highway system that carries all of this information back and forth. You've heard of 23:35 like efferent and afferent right, afferent comes in and efferent goes out. 23:45 Alright so efferent nerve, how many of you guys have heard of motor units? Few 23:52 of you alright. So what is a motor unit, a 23:58 few of you guys are heard it what is it? 24:05 It's a nerve and all of the muscle fibers it innervates right, that's a 24:10 motor unit. So one nerve all of the muscle fibers. Could it be one nerve and 24:17 eight muscle fibers, sure that'd be one motor unit. Could it be one nerve and a 24:25 thousand muscle fibers, sure that's still one motor unit. It's the fact that if you, 24:31 if that unit gets the on signal they all turn on. Now what's important about that, 24:40 anybody know what that relates to functionally, practically? All 24:48 right let me give you another rule there's something called the all-or-none 24:52 principle. I kind of talked about it with lower abs, but let's talk about it in 24:58 terms of muscle fibers in general. The all-or-none principle basically states 25:02 when you fire a muscle fiber it fires all the way. Muscle fibers are on off, 25:07 that's it. Which begs the question how do I control 25:14 how much force I put out? You guys with me. So give you an example, 25:24 how much you guys think I can curl, be generous otherwise we're staying till 25:30 seven. Good question, twice, once we'll say once once. He could 25:42 do more than 80, I like you. 140 I wish, okay I really like you but 25:50 that's not true. 95 I definitely could do 95, maybe I 25:55 could do like 120 once right like max, max curl right, when I'm in shape just 26:03 not often lately. But nonetheless let's say I can do sixty pounds in each arm, 26:08 one one time max. All right so that's all of the muscle fibers in my arm, and I 26:15 just told you that when a muscle fiber fires they fire all. All of the muscle 26:20 fibers fire all at the same time. So how do I go about picking up this marker 26:27 which obviously does not weigh 60 pounds, with all of my muscle fibers turning on 26:34 maximally, and not take this marker and launch it through the ceiling. How do I 26:43 control how much force I put into that marker? Yes right, so it's not so much 26:54 that I get to control how much the motor unit puts out, I get to control how many 26:59 motor units I recruit, does that make sense. So for my one rep max curl I'm 27:07 recruiting as many motor units as I possibly can in in a coordinated fashion 27:11 to pick up this marker. Maybe it's just one or two motor units right, just enough 27:20 to overcome the weight of my arm and however many ounces this marker weighs. 27:26 Alright so that's part of like your whole central nervous system thing, part of the 27:30 control is understanding that it's how many motor units are recruited 27:35 and how efficiently they're recruited, how effectively, how coordinated, all 27:44 right. So keep in mind that your nervous system is always receiving information 27:48 continually, right through your receptors, is organizing that information and then 27:55 is trying to activate motor units to do whatever you want it to do given the 28:01 information that's coming in. So even when I picked up this marker there was 28:08 something in my receptors, a certain amount of stretch on the skin, a certain 28:12 amount of pressure on the skin, certain amount of stretch in the muscles they 28:16 gave me an idea of how much it weighed. My brain went okay I kind of get how 28:22 much it's weighed and I think I've lifted a marker before, so I'm going to use that 28:25 information too, and now it knows how many motor units to activate so that I don't 28:29 throw it through the ceiling. Everybody's cool with that example, is everybody as 28:35 fascinated as I am about this stuff? Seriously 28:39 come on, you guys look a little a little down, we need a coffee break, no coffee breaks. 28:47 Yes you need a coffee break. All right let's get to this slide here and then 28:54 we'll go for a little coffee break. All right neuromuscular efficiency, I like I 29:00 like this definition, I stole it from an NASM. Anybody know who NASM is? The 29:06 National Academy of Sports Medicine. I'm faculty for the National Academy of 29:09 Sports Medicine if you guys take any courses in New York, you will see me 29:13 again. But this definition is the ability of the neuromuscular, this is 29:19 neuromuscular efficiency now, which is what we're working for we want 29:22 efficiency. We want everything to work well. The ability of the neuromuscular 29:27 system to allow agonists, you guys have heard these terms before antagonists, 29:31 stabilizers, neutralizers to work synergistically that's together, to 29:36 produce, reduce and dynamically stabilize, that's concentric, isometric 29:39 and eccentric actions, the entire kinetic chain, your whole bod,y in all three 29:46 planes. Now what that definition is trying to 29:50 tell us is that we have more to think about when we train than just how much 29:55 can we lift, a lot more to think about. Now, it all works together. How many of 30:04 you guys, so let's go to to page 7 let me give you guys a second to try to fill 30:09 this out. Just something I want you to think about, so if you read these 30:13 sentences fill in the blanks, like I said it's just something to think about now 30:18 that we've gone through each of the systems. 30:27 Alright so the blank receives information from the environment 30:33 organizes that information and initiates a motor program. The nervous system. 30:40 Movement occurs when blank contract. Muscles, muscles are the only thing that 30:46 contract right. The muscle pulls on tendon, how many you guys put bone? Some 30:52 of you guys put bone didn't you? No, oh yeah well he had tendon in turn pulls 30:58 on a bone. The bone moves is dictated by the, joint type and structure. Joints are 31:06 supported by ligaments. Now realize every time you move this is happening. It's 31:13 kind of crazy to think about right. I picked up that marker, I had information 31:19 coming in about the weight of the marker, the density of the marker, the shape of 31:24 the marker. I used my brain to organize that information, which then goes down 31:30 and recruits a bunch of motor units, muscle fibers; let's say in this case 31:36 it's my biceps brachii, which pulls on my biceps brachii tendon, which of course 31:40 pulls on my radius, which then moves my elbow which is supported by collateral 31:48 ligaments on my medial and lateral side. That happens every time I move, kind of 31:54 crazy right. You want to like practice your anatomy start thinking through that, 32:00 every time you like just pick a new motion and just go through it in your 32:03 head, before you know it you'd be really really good at your anatomy. Especially 32:07 if you looked up the stuff you didn't know. 32:16