0:06 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute at the independent training spot in New York 0:09 City, bringing you another push up variation. 0:13 In this variation we're going to do a "chaos push up". 0:16 So if you guys saw the chaos row video I think you already know what's coming. 0:19 I'm going to have my friend Melissa come out, she's going to help me show you guys this 0:23 ridiculously hard progression. 0:26 So what we've done is you guys have seen an assisted push up, where you push into a smith 0:30 machine rack, or you have an olympic bar set up, where you can kind of get off the floor 0:37 and help somebody out a little bit with this nice stable bar. 0:40 Well it ends up that if you replace the bar with a rubber band that oscillates back and 0:44 forth you're no longer helping them, you are making this much more unstable. 0:49 So Melissa's going to get down into position and show you how it's done. 0:54 Of course a pushup is a push up guys. 0:57 She's going to get into a perfect plank position, glutes tight, drawn in, quads super tight 1:02 with knees locked, pressing the balls of her feet into the ground. 1:05 You can see her scapulae are down, she's protracted a bit. 1:10 Alright, now the challenge is to do a push up. 1:14 And if you guys see, I'm gonna make her hold it at the bottom too, I don't want her using 1:19 momentum. 1:20 Hold, and back up! 1:22 Good, and you can see that band oscillate, it makes this very hard. 1:26 Guys she's gripping the band, extremely hard on her grip strength. 1:30 She can progress this exercise by going on one leg. 1:34 Good. 1:36 We can get her even closer to horizontal, you can go ahead and relax. 1:39 We can get her closer to horizontal by putting her feet up on a bench, or get her closer 1:44 to horizontal and more unstable by putting her feet up on a ball. 1:48 And of course we could add resistance with something like a vest. 1:51 Just as I talked about in the chaos row, be careful with these bands though. 1:54 You are dealing with a rubber band, make sure that your safety clips here do not have sharp 2:01 edges. 2:02 Make sure that you're pushing the band into the rack and you're not pushing from 2:08 this direction. 2:09 Make sure, most importantly that the band is rated for close to your bodyweight. 2:13 Although some of your bodyweight is being taken up by the floor so you might not have 2:16 to match it perfectly, I don't want to hear about anybody getting snapped by one of these bands. 2:23 These bands will definitely leave a super nasty welt if they snap and come swinging 2:29 back around. 2:30 So are you ready for your next set? 2:32 Of course we have another variation, a variation that I'd like to teach to you guys because 2:37 it's important for those of you guys who are on the postural dysfunction side of what I do. 2:42 A lot of my patients and athletes who come in, when we get them back into an exercise 2:48 program, this isn't such a great idea for somebody with shoulder issues. 2:54 If somebody has a history of shoulder impingement and you start pushing them trough the horizontal 2:58 plane, where the humeral head is abutted against the acromion process, you'll start promoting 3:03 that inflammatory process again. 3:05 So with those people I start them in a sagittal plane press, so that I give them their pressing 3:10 back without helping to contribute to this inflammatory process. 3:15 So long story short, what I'm saying is have a sagittal plane pushup in your repertoire. 3:24 So now Melissa is going to get shoulder width, elbows are going to stay close to her side. 3:31 Same position, good, glutes tight, abs tight, hold! 3:36 And back up. 3:39 It's tough, so tough. 3:41 Let's do one foot, come on! 3:46 Okay we got a no, I think I found the progression that she will be working on for a while. 3:50 I look forward to seeing your videos again, we can make a challenge on this one just as 3:55 we made a challenge on our chaos row, and the hardest quadruped position ever. 3:59 As well as on the inverted row, we did this before. 4:02 If you guys can do 20 reps at a nice slow tempo, this I'm going to make a tempo marking 4:07 on. 4:08 You have to be able to do a 2 second hold at the top, 2 second hold at the bottom, with 4:12 a 4 second eccentric, you can go up as fast as you want. 4:17 If you can do 20 reps like that, you send me the video, I'll go ahead and throw it up 4:22 on all of my social media platforms and try to get you guys a few more hits and a few 4:27 more likes. 4:28 I love seeing the challenges out there. 4:30 I'll talk with you guys soon, I hope you enjoy this exercise.