0:04 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute, and in this video we're doing a very 0:07 challenging progression of the box jump, the depth jump. I'm going to have my friend 0:12 Jeremy come out and help me demonstrate this video. Now we're going to use all of 0:16 the same cueing we did for our other power training videos: we're going to talk 0:20 about form, we're going to talk about the eccentric load which the depth jump is 0:25 all about, the quick amortisation phase, speed and of course control and landing 0:31 soft. So the big addition that the depth jump adds to our box jump exercise is 0:39 now Jeremy's going to jump off of a box, which is now going to create a bunch of 0:44 momentum which is going to increase the amount of eccentric load. So that 0:49 eccentric load of course is what we need so that we can use things like myotatic 0:53 reflex, the elasticity of our connective tissues to increase our force output 1:00 with volitional muscular contraction. The hard part about this exercise from a 1:05 practical standpoint as Jeremy already knows because we've practiced this a few 1:10 times, is trying to learn how to land and quickly spring back up. So he's going to 1:18 start with his hands up just like he did before, and just like on the Box jump how 1:22 we have to go down as our hands go down, he's going to have to practice the timing 1:27 so that his hands are at the bottom of this movement when he's at the bottom of 1:31 his movement on the floor. You with me? (Yep). Alright and then the other big cue, 1:36 make sure when they land they land on the ball of their foot or the area 1:40 just behind the ball of their foot. Sometimes it helps if you have seen 1:44 the tibialis posterior activation video for somebody to step out this way 1:47 lift up their toes, and aim the ball of their foot off the floor and 1:52 then just fall off the box. 1:56 Pretty good, pretty good that was a lot of leg let's try to get a little bit 2:00 more of those upper body mechanics back into it. If you have to just land, let's 2:04 try it just landing a couple times. So what I want you to work on is just fall 2:08 off and I want you to land at the bottom right here with your arms at the bottom, 2:12 nice and soft. There we go that was nice, let's try doing that a couple more times. 2:20 Pretty good, your arms actually beat you down that time. Okay better, let's try a 2:28 little quieter this time, ninja. Alright now let's do that followed by 2:35 the jump. There we go, okay so now we're starting to get the form together, 2:44 remember form counts more than anything else on power exercise. For some reason 2:48 people forget about that, they think height, they think speed, they're like 2:51 I have to make this as explosive as possible and form goes out the freaking 2:56 window. Power is a lot about technique, so let's see that wonderful thing 3:01 you just did except this time I want you to one notch up on the speed. 3:06 Okay that was like four notches up on the speed, let's make sure we get to 3:13 the bottom of our squat, make sure our arms match up. Yeah your arms beat you down, 3:22 this takes some time this does take some time, but if you get their technique 3:26 straight you are going to see huge huge huge improvements in their power 3:30 training, much better than you've had in the past. Alright so start with your 3:33 arms up, now we're getting somewhere. That started looking 3:40 really good. Let's do a couple more like that, this time I want you to concentrate 3:43 on landing soft two heel to toe. That was fantastic, 3:51 that was fantastic. Now think about this, how would we progress this exercise? 3:57 Again a few ways to go, weight is not the . Be 4:03 careful just with going with a higher box here 4:06 because we still want to make sure that this doesn't become a hip flexion 4:10 technique, where people are landing up in here. We could increase the height of 4:15 this box a little bit, but that would be tough. Make sure when you guys do that 4:19 you increase the height of the box they're jumping off of, you're doing that 4:21 in like four or six inch increments. You don't want to go up a foot, 4:25 somebody's going to really feel that probably not in the place they want to, 4:29 like their low back or their knees, or something like that, so we could 4:32 increase the height of this box. If Jeremy really started producing some 4:35 more power we could increase the height of this box. So let's try, lets 4:44 start increasing the height of that box first. Let's see how good Jeremy is at 4:52 eccentrically decelerating here. It's going to be tight, this is a New York clinic 4:59 space is a little tighter out here in New York. That was nice, how did that 5:06 feel? Felt alright. That puts a lot more load on his legs, 5:11 you have to remember acceleration due to gravity -the higher he gets the longer he 5:16 has to accelerate through that fall that increases the amount of momentum a 5:21 tremendous amount, if you don't believe me just ask a physics professor. There 5:27 you go, that was pretty good. Now we could go the other way, and sometimes you're 5:33 going to have to experiment with this see which one you think is going to get a 5:40 better result. This is kind of where the art of training comes in, do I need 5:49 to increase that box or that box. Nice job, let's try that a little quieter, that 5:59 looks pretty good that look like a challenge. Really nice job. Now a huge 6:08 huge monumental step and you can you can stop for a second here Jay, a huge 6:12 monumental step would be trying to do this on one leg. Now if I was going to 6:15 have him do this on one leg I would actually need much much shorter boxes. 6:20 You'll find that even like a 12-inch box to a 12-inch box is a 6:24 significant challenge. You want to give it a try? I'm not sure we'll do the 18 6:31 inch box here but maybe just for demonstration purposes we'll go 6:36 with 12-inch and then we'll just jump on the 6-inch box. So I'm landing on one foot 6:48 and then jumping up one. Yep remember all your 6:54 mechanics still apply. It's really tough, even just a little bit of 7:01 height creates huge force, think about it when he landed not only did the 7:07 stability component increase by a ton because his base of support went from 7:10 this to just the width of his foot, but he also increased the load on that leg 7:17 by double. So that is a huge jump, I wouldn't normally do this with somebody 7:23 same height box, I would have started over with like a 6-inch box and 6-inch box 7:26 here. Jeremy's a beast though. Not bad. Alright there you go, so we did 7:37 that depth jump let's do a real quick review, recap here Jay. Remember your 7:44 goals of form counts, eccentric loading, quick amortisation phase at the bottom, 7:50 speed is the most important thing which we talked about in this video as I 7:54 started slowly speeding him up, and then of course he tried to land soft. If we're 7:58 talking about a depth jump his amortization phase is the bottom here, so 8:03 it's real important to get his mechanics to line up so that his arms match the 8:08 bottom at the bottom of the floor and he doesn't beat himself before he gets 8:14 there, and then try to get up as fast as he can. I hope you guys enjoyed this 8:21 video, I look forward to hearing your questions, please leave those in the 8:24 comments below.