0:00 This is Brent, President of B2C Fitness, and in this video we're doing one of our more advanced core 0:03 exercises. I'm actually really excited about this! My friend Vinnie is going to come 0:07 out in a second, and he's going to tell you all about this exercise. Just a 0:11 little change on our bridge, makes this a whole lot more work for our glutes and 0:17 core, and I think you guys will see why in a second. So, the first thing we're 0:21 going to do is just demonstrate the basics for our ball bridge, because 0:25 that's where this exercise starts. We've actually already done a video on the 0:28 ball bridge, so you could refer back to that just to pick up a couple of 0:33 extra queues. Alright, so when we set up the ball bridge, we want to make sure 0:37 that this ball is in the middle of our back, not our neck, and not on our low back. 0:41 And, that when he is in a finished position, pelvis up, that his 0:47 head should relax on the ball in neutral. Let me have you scoot down just a 0:51 little bit. Perfect, right there. Good. Now, Vinnie, let's go ahead and hip hinge. Note 0:58 that your torso should stay in one piece, so as he's going down his head should 1:02 come off the ball just like that. You can see, he keeps nice alignment: 1:05 head, shoulders and spine. Make sure you queue drawing-in on the way down. Our tummies 1:10 tend to want to pop out, we want to keep them drawn in, and glutes tight on the way 1:14 back up. So that's our basic ball bridge, you guys have seen that before. We 1:21 then did a progression where we did a static ball bridge with some trunk 1:26 rotation. Now what we're going to do, is a dynamic ball bridge, with rotation. 1:32 This increases the amount of glute activity for a few reasons. Let me give 1:37 you a little kinesiology lesson. If I apply a little bit of a force 1:42 this way, I now have a rotary force that I have to eccentrically decelerate, as 1:48 well as a frontal plane force, that's straight that way, that I have to 1:53 eccentrically decelerate. Your glute max is not only an extensor, but an external 1:59 rotator. If i push it this way, I'm pushing this hip into internal rotation. 2:04 I'm also pushing this way, which is creating a frontal plane force. If you 2:09 guys can think of your anatomy here, your gluteus medius is what resists 2:15 adduction and internal rotation. So, by pushing this way, I'm pushing him into 2:22 adduction and internal rotation. His glute max is going to have to push him 2:26 through extension and external rotation, his glute medius is going to have to push 2:30 him through abduction and external rotation. With just the tiniest bit of 2:36 force, if Vinnie can maintain his center line, we're going to draw imaginary 2:43 line from his nose, through his pecs, right between his knees, and does that 2:49 bridge, keeping his shoulder at 90 degrees, that right glute is going to 2:57 start firing up like crazy. Let's take a little bit more, a couple more reps 3:02 here. Now I know I'm applying some resistance manually, that's just to help 3:06 demonstrate for you guys, I'm actually going to turn Vinnie around here in a 3:09 second. Good. How does that feel Vinnie? -Tough. Yeah, you're feeling it? Good. Alright, 3:15 let's have you go ahead and turn this way so we can show some of the other 3:18 mechanics, show that other view. So instead of manual resistance we're 3:23 going to use a band now. Obviously I want my my athletes, my clients, my patients to 3:29 be able to do this, without my assistance. 3:34 I'm going to give Vinnie this band. It takes a slight amount of force, 3:39 we're not talking about huge amounts of weight. It's not that I'm trying to 3:42 brag, or that my numbers necessarily mean anything, but I can tell you guys I'm a 3:48 220-pound guy, I've been working on these for a little while, I was very excited to 3:52 get myself up to 15 pounds on a dual cable column, maybe 20 pounds on a dual 3:58 cable column. Just the tiniest bit of weight, to try to push you over, taking 4:04 you away from that center, is tremendous to try to overcome. We want 4:10 to make sure his kinetic chain checkpoints are all lined up, you can 4:13 see his feet are parallel, his knees are hip width, and he's nice and drawn-in. 4:17 Then, as he bridges up, you shouldn't note any deviation this way. 4:23 Now, Vinnie, if you let yourself collapse, what happens? Right.Then this pulls 4:29 you this way. -Yes. As you can see, there's that adduction force here, 4:33 there's that internal rotation force that he's getting pulled into, so even 4:37 when he's statically keeping good form, he's having to resist that adduction and 4:42 internal rotation, with external rotation and abduction of this hip. Alright, so 4:47 let's see a couple more of those. Great, Vinnie. Try not to let your feet turn out 4:54 here buddy, I know it is hard to resist that force. Good. Keep going. Once 5:01 Vinnie gets this dynamic bridge with just some lateral resistance, I can then go 5:06 dynamic bridge with trunk rotation, so I'm going to have any bridge up, lock out 5:11 his glutes, and lockout his elbows. I don't want this to be an arm push over, 5:16 I want this to be a little bit of trunk rotation. Good, and back. Notice 5:23 he had a really hard time keeping his hip center. This resistance, even 5:26 though it's probably only a 10-pound band, is probably still a little too 5:30 much yet. Good, and back down. Good. Lock out both glutes, squeeze your 5:40 glutes like you're holding a dollar bill between your cheeks, that's the queue we 5:42 always seem to use. Make sure you're drawn in and keep both elbows straight so that 5:47 we're not only using trunk rotation. How's that right glute feeling? -Fired up! 5:55 Good deal! Alright, so there you go, a little bit of lateral force, and we fire 6:01 the glute max and glute medius up to a whole new level. This is a great way to 6:05 progress your core exercise. You can go back to our 'Ball Bridge', as well as 6:10 our 'Static Ball Bridge With Trunk Rotation' videos, and then you can start 6:13 working on this dynamic ball bridge to take it up to a whole nother level. I hope 6:18 you guys enjoy this exercise, and I hope you end up with a really strong core 6:20 and really strong glutes.