0:02 This is Brent, President of B2C Fitness, and in this video we're doing our dynamic 0:07 pec stretch, as well as getting a little bit of subscapularis involvement. If 0:10 we're doing our dynamic stretching in this video, I'm going to assume that 0:13 you've already done your release techniques for pectoralis minor and 0:16 subscapularis if necessary. That we've already done static stretching to return 0:20 an adaptively short and muscle back to its optimal length. We've used active 0:24 stretching to reinstate optimal reciprocal inhibition and work on end 0:27 range strength, and now we're working on optimizing neuromuscular control at the 0:33 tempo of daily activity, or at the tempo of sporting activity. I'm going to have 0:37 my friend, Laura, come out and help me demonstrate this exercise for once again 0:41 pec dynamic stretching as well as some subscapularis. Now, this ball I have my 0:47 hand is just filled with sand, it's a medicine ball, it weighs about 4 pounds. 0:52 I'm going to have Laura get into a kneeling position first, just 0:56 because it's a nice, stable position for this initial pattern or this initial 1:01 progression. You will see that in dynamic stretching we progress in one of 1:05 two ways. Either we progress through complexity and stability, that's that 1:09 increased neuromuscular control, or we're going to increase in tempo which I'm 1:14 sure you have done in the past. So, the first thing Laura's going to do, an easy 1:19 way to get a little bit of pec stretching, is just to go through our PNF 1:23 pattern. You will note that in a PNF pattern, keep going here Laura, the PNF 1:28 pattern, providing she keeps her scapula depressed, her scapula is still going to 1:32 upwardly rotate and posteriorly tilt, putting a stretch on her pectoralis 1:36 minor. Of course, she's going through horizontal abduction and external 1:40 rotation, so we know we get a lot of pec major stretching in there as well, and 1:43 our subscapularis as an adductor and internal rotator, is also getting 1:48 stretched in this. Now, her first regression, she has great neuromuscular 1:52 control here, she has a nice drawn in maneuver here, 1:54 her glutes are nice and tight in his position, I could just have her speed up. 1:58 If I wanted to progress her, nice and simple, I'd just be like, "alright Laura, go 2:02 ahead, start nice and slow, and as it feels better I want you to go ahead and 2:05 speed up this movement pattern." Now, if I wanted to increase the amount of 2:08 neuromuscular control this takes, I could start adding in other joint motion. So what 2:14 I'm going to have you do this time is I'm going to have you reach down and touch this toe, so 2:17 that you're turning in and flexing at the spine, and you're going to reach back 2:20 out and stretch, good. So, now we've made this movement pattern a little larger. She's 2:27 getting a bigger stretch through her trunk, she's actually getting a little bit of 2:31 glute work here on her right side, so I'm working that cross motor pattern. How does 2:35 that feel? -Good. Feel it starting to loosen up a little bit? -Absolutely. Good. I can take 2:40 this another step, a really easy step, just have her stand up. So I'm going to have Laura go 2:46 ahead and stand up, she's going to mind her kinetic chain checkpoints, with his 2:49 first one's she's going to have feet parallel to each other, draw-in, glutes tight and she's 2:56 just going to go back through that PNF pattern. Of course, in this position you're 2:59 going to be paying more attention to what's going on here. In a standing 3:03 position she's going to be a little less stable. So, once again, we can have her start 3:08 off nice and slow, go ahead and start speeding up as she feels warm. 3:15 Of course, Laura looks great doing this. I can then add to the complexity as well, 3:19 add some other muscles in and kill a few birds with one stone here by having 3:24 Laura turn this into a chop to PNF pattern. So what I'm going to have Laura do 3:29 is she can take a little wider stance this time, I want her to reach down, she's 3:34 going to internally rotate on this side, make sure this knee stays a little bit 3:37 bent, reach to the outside of this foot, and then she's going to stand up into a 3:42 PNF pattern. Alright, so let's see that. 3:52 So if I'm doing this, you can see I'm getting a lot of the external 3:55 rotators of her hip on this side, as well as some dynamic stretching for the 3:59 external rotators of the hip on the side. She might feel it on the biceps femoris, 4:02 that lateral a hamstring on this side as well, as well as getting some calf 4:07 involvement, some peroneal involvement on that side, as well as increasing the 4:11 dynamic flexibility of her shoulder. So there you go, that's our dynamic 4:18 pec and a little bit of subscapularis stretch. We went from a half kneeling 4:23 position PNF pattern, half kneeling with reach to PNF pattern, we've added our 4:28 standing PNF carry away, and then finally we did our chop pattern to PNF carry 4:35 away, and of course, all of those progressions we could go from a moderate 4:41 or slower tempo, up to a little bit quicker tempo. Hope you enjoy the 4:45 video. Thank You Laura.