0:04 This is Brent of the Brookbush 0:06 Institute bringing you another 0:07 kinesiology taping video. In this video 0:09 we're going to go after a commonly under 0:12 active muscle that's the glute max and 0:15 glute medius and I should say muscles. So this 0:17 is going to be a technique I use with 0:19 those individuals who have lower 0:20 extremity as well as lumbo-pelvic hip 0:23 complex dysfunction. That could be 0:25 anybody from knees cave in, to an 0:27 anterior pelvic tilt, an excessive 0:29 forward lean. We know that the glute 0:31 complex has a propensity to get under 0:34 active so this is a technique I'm going 0:36 to use to reinforce those activation 0:38 techniques during a session, and try to 0:41 enhance my carryover from session to 0:44 session. I'm gonna have my friend Melissa 0:46 come out she's going to help me 0:47 demonstrate this technique. Now this is a 0:54 technique we want to be a little bit 0:56 more sensitive with taping has to be 0:58 done on the skin for it to be effective, 0:59 and this is not an area that people want 1:02 bared very often right. We need to 1:06 let them know why we're doing this 1:09 technique, we need to let them know that 1:11 if they're not comfortable with the 1:12 technique we'll find something else for 1:15 them to do. We need to let them know what 1:18 we expect to gain out of this technique 1:19 so that they understand that why we're 1:22 doing this, is that it has been proven 1:24 effective in some individuals for the 1:27 lower extremity a lumbo-pelvic hip 1:29 complex dysfunction that they're 1:30 exhibiting. So first things first what 1:33 we're going to do is we're actually 1:35 going to put a little asterisk over the 1:39 side of like the glute max, top of the 1:42 glute medius. Alright this little technique 1:45 is something I learned at the rock tape 1:47 workshop, the fascial movement taping 1:49 workshop, happens to be one of the very 1:51 few techniques that I've found effective 1:53 for the glutes. I've tried putting 1:56 one piece of tape across the glute max 1:58 or one piece of tape across the glute 2:00 medius, and it just doesn't work very well. 2:02 There are some combination tapings that 2:05 work pretty well for the glutes but they 2:07 include things like the posterior 2:08 oblique subsystem, 2:10 or interesting relationships between 2:13 like the diaphragm, TVA, thoracolumbar 2:15 fascia and glute max. We're going to show 2:18 those in future videos but you want to 2:20 start with this technique which is 2:22 specific to the glute max, is a very 2:23 simple technique to learn and something 2:26 that you can you can kind of start with, 2:28 before you get into the more complex 2:31 stuff. So first things first, since I'm 2:33 putting an asterisk and not a single 2:35 piece of tape, what you're going to want 2:36 to do, is you got to cut three little 2:39 pieces of tape that are actually going to fit 2:41 in this area between the greater 2:43 trochanter and posterior ilium. So 2:47 probably just two and a half, three boxes 2:49 for most individuals. Once you get that 2:53 that length down you're just going to 2:55 fold it over, so there's two pieces and 2:59 then fold it over again, there's my three 3:01 pieces. Go ahead and cut that, I'm going 3:11 to round my corner so I don't have any 3:13 edges that could catch on clothing, and you can 3:18 do all three all at once, providing you 3:21 got a good pair of fabric scissors. 3:31 Notice that the whole time I was cutting 3:33 these I didn't have the pants pulled 3:35 down. You want to make sure that you're 3:37 prepared so that the pants being 3:39 pulled down to reveal that skin 3:43 is a short a time as possible to keep 3:45 this as comfortable as possible. Once i'm 3:48 ready i'm going to go ahead and pull 3:49 down, not all the way down but just to 3:52 the greater trochanter here. I'm then 3:58 rather than ripping off a corner like we 4:00 have in the past to do one anchor, I'm 4:01 going to rip in the middle. What you're 4:05 going to do is refer to kind of like a 4:07 decompression taping although that's not 4:09 why we're using it here. You're going to 4:11 pull out a little bit of tension so that 4:13 would be a hundred percent tension, I'm 4:14 gonna back off a little bit. I'm going to 4:16 place my tape, rub my thumb right over 4:20 the top so that the middle is stuck, and 4:22 then to get my anchors I just pull the 4:26 tape off the ends. Now remember I said an 4:30 asterisk, so this next piece of tape 4:33 isn't going to go perfectly cross, but a 4:35 little at an angle to that piece of tape. 4:37 And once again hundred percent, fifty 4:45 percent, run my finger across the center 4:49 so that that tape sticks down, and then 4:52 I'm going to go ahead and pull the 4:53 corners off. These pieces of tape are a 4:56 little short guys but they'll still work 4:59 for now. 5:04 Last piece of tape, once again folding 5:07 those pieces of paper back so that I have 5:09 the center open, and then just my anchors 5:12 are covered with paper, one hundred 5:13 percent, back off a little bit, right in 5:16 the middle there, anchor, and I'm going to 5:20 pull this down just a little bit here. 5:22 Anchor, and what I want to do is make sure 5:25 I don't catch the bottom of that tape 5:27 because that will rip the tape right off, 5:28 and pull that right back up and over, and 5:30 you guys don't have to rub this tape in 5:32 quite like we rubbed in the other tapes, 5:33 because frankly just sitting on her 5:35 backside and their pants pulling tight 5:37 against the skin is going to help warm 5:40 up that adhesive, and keep this tape 5:42 stuck. Thank you. Now guys I think the 5:48 reason why this particular technique 5:50 works, if you think about the shape that 5:53 we just put on Melissa's backside there 5:56 is that tape get stretched out during 5:58 flexion. Alright, so in order to get away 6:01 from that skin stretch you're going to 6:04 want to extend, if you go into internal 6:06 rotation and adduction that tape also 6:09 gets stretched right. Because we have 6:11 various directions going there. So I 6:14 think if we think about this pattern is 6:16 that typically bad pattern, what happens 6:19 with lumbo-pelvic hip and lower leg this 6:21 function right, this whole thing. That 6:23 tape is nicely situated to give you a 6:26 little stimulus like, hey hey get out of 6:29 there, right which hopefully will give us 6:31 a little bit more activity to the glutes 6:33 since this tape stays on, hopefully 6:36 that's a little bit more activity 6:37 throughout the days that follow that 6:39 session that you just did. So that you 6:41 get better carry over for the next 6:43 session. A little warning, i know a lot of 6:46 personal trainers watch my videos, 6:48 obviously if you're a physical therapist, 6:50 a chiropractor, a licensed professional ,taking 6:53 somebody's pants down as part of your 6:56 profession, it is part of our education. 6:58 We know that this is something we have 7:00 to do for exams and what-not so that we 7:03 can see and make assessments of things 7:07 like skin integrity. Personal trainers 7:09 it's not just about your professionalism 7:12 here, please be very careful. The client 7:16 that comes into 7:16 see you is probably not expecting for 7:19 you to even ask for them to pull the 7:22 back of their pants down. So you need to 7:24 make sure that it's not only you being 7:27 professional, but the clients 7:29 expectations that match. And if for any 7:32 reason, my personal trainers, for any 7:35 reason you get the vibe that this is not 7:38 a comfortable situation -don't take the 7:41 risk. Gluteus medius, gluteus maximus 7:44 activation works. Doing those exercises 7:47 as part of a home exercise works. I got 7:50 results before I started using tape, 7:52 that'll all work. Don't put your career, 7:55 your job on the line because of a cool 7:58 new technique you learned maybe on 8:01 youtube, or brentbrookbush.com. I'm 8:03 looking out for you guys on this one. So 8:06 it is a wonderful technique. If you get 8:08 the chance to experiment with it, 8:10 probably try it on a few friends first 8:12 and get very comfortable with it before 8:13 you start trying it with other people. 8:15 Once again lower extremity dysfunction, 8:17 lower leg this function. From a clinical 8:19 perspective that be individuals with 8:21 things like knee pain, hip pain, even 8:24 lumbar spine pain. I hope you guys 8:26 enjoyed this video, I look forward to 8:27 bringing you many more in the future. 8:37