0:01 This is Brent, and in this video we're doing yet another resistance training 0:04 exercise for the back. So we've talked about how to increase in stability. We've 0:09 talked about how to increase in strength. This is one of my favorite exercises, a 0:12 very instable exercise, very advanced movement. I have my friend Mike Tierney 0:17 coming out from metropolitan fitness, helping to show this exercise. He's 0:22 going to go ahead and lie down underneath this bar. Now all you guys 0:25 need to do this exercise is either a power squat rack, or a smith machine rack. 0:30 I know you guys have seen this exercise before, it's just an inverted pull-up, or 0:34 an inverted row. I do want to take a little advantage of having this piece of 0:39 equipment though, on a suspension trainer the cables, the straps, it makes it very 0:44 hard to get into the transverse plane row. Right and focus on some of those 0:48 mid-back muscles, your posterior shoulder muscles. However on a smith machine rack, 0:52 if somebody is strong enough, we're actually very capable of doing that 0:56 exercise. So Mike's going to show you the hand position here. It's going to be a 0:59 bit wider than his shoulders, and overhand alright. So he gets into position. It 1:06 takes a little practice to know where you need to be adjusted under the bar, 1:10 because you want that bar to pull up, so that it's just underneath the chest, just 1:14 like you do a horizontal row. So it'll take a couple times for you to play with 1:17 where you should be positioned, other than that your kinetic chain checkpoints 1:21 are the same as any other exercise. We got feet parallel, and hip width, knees 1:26 are between feet and hips, and pointing forward. His hips are in neutral. No 1:30 anterior pelvic tilt, or posterior pelvic tilt. He's drawn in, and his glutes are tight. 1:34 You can see he's looking up a little bit towards the ceiling so that his head is 1:37 up, and that his spine is in a neutral position. And now all we have to try to 1:41 get Mike to do, is pull his chest towards that bar, and this time you saw him kind 1:47 of bow up a little bit. So we're just going to make sure you don't lead with 1:49 your stomach here, squeeze your glutes. You notice Mike's doing great job with 1:53 this form. We don't see those common compensation patterns of the shoulders 1:56 coming forward, of the head coming forward. He's got his head back, he's 2:00 squeezing those shoulder blades at the top. He's dropping his elbows a little 2:03 bit, and getting a little tired. We'll give him a little break here before we 2:06 go on to the next exercise. Now if this was too much weight, much like a push-up 2:11 guys, where we have kind of this in between stability, and the strength it takes to 2:15 take on your whole body weight. We can adjust this bar up and down. Somebody can 2:21 get almost near vertical, and hang back off the bar this way, and pull themselves 2:24 up, and have very low load. I've made this pretty tough on Mike, by dropping it all 2:29 the way down to near horizontal. Now you ready for the next stability 2:32 progression. Alright so Mike's going to get back underneath here. We're going to 2:36 talk about stability progressions for this exercise. Alright glutes tight, you 2:45 can see his forms nice and straight, feet, knees, hips, shoulders are down in back. 2:49 Heads up, and this time I'm going to make him just lift this one foot about an 2:53 inch off the floor. Alright so drop them down, don't let him get all hip 2:57 flexed, and now he can keep going, and now we can see his left glute has to work 3:03 really hard to keep him stable, and keep him from rotating. This is actually a 3:07 good progression for Mike, he's working hard, but not too hard and he's able to keep 3:11 good form. So go ahead and relax for a second. Now if I wanted to take this up 3:15 yet another notch, especially my personal trainers out there. I know you guys are 3:19 always looking for harder exercises to do. Here's a good challenge for you. I 3:24 want you guys to take a stability ball, put it under your feet. If you can do 20 3:31 of these, feet underneath the stability ball, horizontal body line, horizontal row. So horizontal playing wide grip row, you need to write me and tell me you can do 3:43 that. I've met very few people who can pull it off, and it's a great exercise. So 3:46 Mike why don't we show them what it takes. 3:56 Alright glutes tight, quads tight. Get your feet straight pointing up towards 4:01 the ceiling, good, toes in, you ready? Alright hold on one sec. I'm like let's 4:06 back up the ball, you can see there Mike kind of got too far under the 4:10 the bar here, so that he was pulling up towards his neck. This one takes a little 4:14 bit of practice. One of the reasons this is so hard is just trying to maintain 4:16 your position under the bar and not roll out, takes a lot of stability from your 4:20 shoulder girdle. Nice, this is going to take some work for Mike. We can even go 4:32 to one foot on this progression. I've seen people do, maybe we need to bring 4:35 the bar up a little bit, you guys can tell that there's a a wide range of work 4:41 to be done here. You guys should be working with this progression for a 4:44 while. Now I'm going to take this ball away. I do want to show you guys one 4:47 other thing before we get off this video. In an inverted row we can do two 4:51 different planes. So if this is too hard for somebody, you can't get somebody to 4:55 do a good form stable shoulder row in the horizontal plane. You guys can switch 5:01 back to your normal sagittal plane row. Mike's just going to have to back up a 5:05 little farther, because now the bar is going to hit them about here, right just 5:09 underneath his chest. He's going to go shoulder width with his hands, and an 5:13 underhanded grip. This is very similar to that suspension row video we did before, 5:18 and actually the same progressions apply in this. So we can still do the one foot, 5:22 we can do one foot unstable environment, and we can adjust the bar up and down. So 5:27 there you guys go. We have an inverted row on a smith machine, or power squat 5:32 rack. You guys have horizontal plane in the upper body, or sagittal plane, and you 5:37 have all your progressions, which is going to be two foot, one foot, two feet 5:40 unstable, one foot unstable. I hope you guys enjoy this video.