0:04 Relative flexibility 0:06 is not, "You're relatively flexible." 0:11 This is not, you're standing next to some guy go, "Well, compared to him I'm 0:16 flexible. 0:18 Relatively speaking, he can't even touch his knees and I can touch my shins." 0:23 That's not relative flexibility. Relative flexibility is when one joint gets 0:29 locked down, when one joint loses mobility, the proximal joints will start 0:36 becoming too flexible to compensate that. Makes sense? 0:44 I lose range of motion at one joint, other joints try to make up for it. 0:49 So in this picture where is that guy's feet going? Out. His knees are 0:57 going in, his feet are going out, 1:00 it's a mess, it's a total mess. A very common mess. 1:03 So what ends up happening is if I start losing dorsiflexion because, let's say my 1:09 calves are tight, pretty common right, 1:11 my body will go, "Well, I still have to get down. 1:15 I don't have dorsiflexion, I still got to get down there, 1:19 so you know what, I'm going to do, I'm going to steal from my knees." 1:24 Sounds like a great plan doesn't it? 1:27 I lost some mobility of my ankle, I think I'll steal from my knees and where do my 1:32 knees go? Tibial external rotation. 1:36 I try to shorten that lever length of my foot so that I can get down further and 1:41 on top of it to make my limbs shorter I'm going to go ahead and bow in. 1:45 That's the type of thing that sets up an ACL injury right, or at least a whole lot 1:54 of knee pain. 1:55 Well, 1:58 we can go through this whole thing as we're going here. As length 2:04 tension relationship start to change, 2:06 I increase activity of certain muscles, 2:09 I get altered reciprocal inhibition, which shuts down prime movers so I end 2:15 up with synergistic dominance, because my synergists try to take over. 2:18 Right, maybe this all started with relative flexibility. Of course once that 2:25 happens I have to adopt a compensation pattern. A compensation pattern is the 2:32 new movement pattern you've adopted to make up for the fact that all of this 2:37 stuff is happening. 2:38 Makes sense? 2:42 Where is that guy compensating? His back. Now, don't get me wrong, 2:50 this is a guy arching his back when he benches...a whole lot more weight than I 2:55 could ever bench. 2:56 You could put me on steroids from here into eternity and train the heck out of 3:03 me, I'm not going to be able to bench as much as that guy. I take my hat off to this 3:07 individual. 3:08 This is sport. In sport, we do a lot of things that are very harmful to our body. 3:14 My question is, if you saw somebody compensate like that just pushing open a 3:20 door, 3:21 what's going on there? What is he compensating for? Yeah, so maybe his 3:28 intrinsic stabilizers are weak 3:31 so who is he trying to use a whole lot of to get some stability back in his 3:36 spine? 3:37 Maybe his erector spinae right? We see a lot of extension so maybe it's the 3:42 erector spinae coming in to try to compensate for the fact that he can't 3:46 stabilize here for the amount of force he's trying to produce. Is that kind of 3:51 starting to make sense? 3:54 So what is optimal flexibility? Is that optimally flexible? 4:02 That's actually hypermobile. It's a pretty picture, but it's hypermobile. Where is she 4:08 hypermobile at? 4:09 Yeah, can you guys see how she hinges right here? 4:14 Yeah, that's not a great thing> That will lead to injury in time. She 4:23 might feel great right now, but eventually that's going to cause 4:26 problems. 4:27 It is just as dangerous, remember our U shaped curve, 4:32 think about it, it's just as dangerous to be too tight as it is to be what? 4:39 too flexible. Anybody a dancer in here? You pay the price. 4:47 It's very beautiful and it's great activity and at the end 4:51 of the day, at the end of the day, nobody dies of a bicep attack. Guys get what I'm 4:57 saying? Right, like everybody needs to be physically active. 5:00 Orthopedic challenges are worth a lifetime activity and what it will do 5:07 for your heart and respiratory system and your overall health. 5:11 I'm not taking anything away from sport, but realize if you work for 5:14 hypermobility are you eventually going to pay for it? 5:18 Absolutely. If you don't need hypermobility for your sport, by all 5:22 means do not trained for it. 5:24 So let me just make this a little narrative for you guys and then we'll 5:29 head to lunch. 5:41 How many guys want to analyze an anterior pelvic tilt? You're wooed. 5:52 Alright, so in order to analyze an anterior pelvic tilt, 6:08 I need to start figuring out what joint actions occurred to get me into an 6:13 anterior pelvic tilt. 6:16 Hip...hip flexion and lumbar extension, good. 6:55 Yeah so, an anterior pelvic tilt, your pelvis isn't a joint, right. 7:01 Your pelvis is a bone under the control of your hip and lumbar spine. 7:04 All right just stay with me you'll you'll get it by the time I'm 7:09 done with this picture, 7:10 providing I can get my art skills back together. 7:32 So there's Slim, right? 7:36 We have a cervical spine, his thoracic spine and since we're drawing an 7:41 anterior pelvic to let me give them a pretty good lumbar curve here and and 7:47 then a sloping pelvis, but a femur that goes straight down. Draw his ribcage, 8:01 he's kind of barrel-chested, not really sure why. Actually, you know what, let me change this just a 8:11 little bit. 8:11 I know this won't be perfectly to scale but I want to draw the lumbar spine a 8:15 little bigger so you guys can see. Let's draw his rib cage way up here. 8:25 Does that look like an anterior pelvic tilt you? Good. 8:31 So what happened to his psoas? 8:41 They're definitely weak but they're weak because they're short right. So his psoas is short, 8:50 well if it his psoas is short and he's stuck in hip flexion, who else is also short? 8:55 Iliacus, good. 8:58 So I'll have that one from the pelvis. What else? 9:02 Yeah we could.. your erector spinae as your lumbar extensors, but let's save that 9:08 What other hip flexors do I have? Rectus femoris is tight. 9:14 What's this guy? 9:24 TFL, right. So I got rectus femoris, psoas, iliacus, TFL - all short and overactive. 9:36 Which means, like you mentioned my lumbar erectors are also going to be short and 9:50 overactive because of the way this tilts I end up with excessive spinal lordosis, 9:56 also known as what joint action? Extension. Who are my extenders of the spine? 10:02 Erector spinae. 10:07 And then we have one that attaches to the shoulder... 10:11 Latissimus dorsi is also short and overactive. All right now let's start 10:17 thinking through all the things we know that we just learned. If these guys are 10:22 short and overactive what do they do to reciprocal inhibition? 10:31 They're going to become..that's not the term I'm looking for yet... 10:38 not that term either. So if my hip flexors are overactive they will do what? 10:51 Tturn off your glutes via altered reciprocal inhibition. Right, so they shut 10:56 down my prime mover. 11:00 So we're going...these are going to be our long, under active muscles. 11:16 My extensors are going to shut down who? So my lumbar flexors which are my 11:23 rectus abdominis, obliques. 11:32 I was kind of nice to this guy, right he should be shut down. 11:38 So we got my internal-external obliques, 11:42 who else might be shut down? Some stabilizers over here, yeah the TVA 11:48 probably shut down. 11:54 So those guys are shut down, that sucks. 11:58 This is not a very pretty picture so far. Well if my glute max 12:04 shuts down 12:06 who has to become overactive? Your hamstrings, because they're the 12:17 synergistically dominant, so then we bring out a new color. My hamstrings, 12:29 especially my biceps femoris in this case are long and overactive because 12:39 they are overactive synergists. 12:59 How's this looking so far? Not very pretty right. 13:04 That is not a pretty picture for performance, but is it common? 13:09 Oh yeah. This is definitely common and realize, this is could have all started 13:16 with one restriction. 13:20 What might that restriction of started with? Maybe it's my psoas got tight. 13:27 Maybe my psoas got tight or my rectus femoris got tight from, has anybody ever 13:32 strained their rectus femoris, it's a pretty common strain right. Maybe that's 13:37 what started this, so that all the other hip flexors joined suit - became tight and 13:41 overactive so this would cause what? Relative flexibility. You guys get that? 13:50 So a restriction in hip flexion may have caused an increase in lumbar 13:56 extension, a change in pelvic position and now this whole thing that I've had 14:02 to adopt is called what? Compensation pattern. You guys get how this all works 14:10 together. You guys kind of understand these terms. (Would the relative flexibility be the lumbar extension.) In this case yeah, it'd 14:18 probably be hypermobility at the lumbar spine. Very common. 14:27 Does this kind of help make those terms makes sense? Can you guys see how this is 14:31 all working together all the time? 14:33 We could even go farther and go, "Do you think the change in all of the muscle 14:37 activity here is going to screw up this person's arthrokinematics at the hip? 14:42 Oh yeah, joints stay centered in large part due to muscle activity. 14:48 Well center of gravity is still here, but realize that now these guys are pulling 14:54 harder and these guys aren't pulling hard enough, 14:56 which is going to shift the joint forward will shift the femur forward in 15:00 this case. A little bananas huh? Give you got stuff to think about? 15:06 Glad you learned your functional Anatomy yesterday because we couldn't even talk about this if we 15:09 didn't learn our functional anatomy first.