0:04 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute, bringing you another kinesiology taping video. In 0:09 this video we're going to do a diaphragm / low back decompression / glute taping. 0:16 It's going to end up looking like the British flags on your low back, and it's 0:19 going to start all the way up at your xiphoid process. This is a really big 0:23 taping technique that i have used to support my lumbo-pelvic hip complex 0:28 dysfunction interventions, as well as some acute low back pain. I think you 0:32 guys are going to see where when we tie all of this together, we get a little bit 0:35 better recruitment of the intrinsic stabilization subsystem, a little bit 0:38 better recruitment of the glutes, and those are all good things when it comes 0:43 to correcting dysfunction and pain around our core. I'm going to have my friend 0:48 Melissa come out, she's going to help me demonstrate this technique. Now you need 0:51 two pieces of tape, the first piece of tape is going to be quite long between 0:55 26 and 30 boxes here guys. This is a very long piece of tape, and the way we 1:00 measure this is I actually had Melissa go ahead and get into this kind of cat 1:03 position over the table. She went ahead and held the piece of tape for me at her 1:09 xiphoid process, and then I measured the tape out so that I had little flaps that 1:15 went over just the side of her glutes. So hopefully you guys can see how to 1:19 measure that there on the camera. I went ahead and rounded my corners. The next 1:24 thing I would do is fold this piece of tape in half, because my first anchor is 1:31 actually right dead center in the middle of the tape, 1:39 go ahead and rip that right down the middle, pull those flaps back. Then I'm 1:44 going to have Melissa face me, she's going to lift up her shirt up towards 1:51 xiphoid process, maybe the bottom of our sports bra there, and I'm going to go 1:56 ahead and set that anchor right over the middle of her xiphoid process. 2:08 Alright now from here what I'm going to do is I'm going to have Melissa turn 2:13 around, other way, and what I'm going to do is I'm going to start this off by 2:22 following the bottom of her rib cage, you guys got to put just a little bit of 2:27 tension initially so that it follows the curve of her rib cage. Alright because we 2:35 just want, we want to establish a good anchor, so that this tape doesn't start 2:40 falling off as I have her turn around, and I take care of the back portion of 2:46 this taping. Alright same thing with this side, you got to put a little 2:51 tension on otherwise you end up with creasing right around the bottom of her 2:56 rib cage. Melissa you can turn around and face the camera there, kind of show them 3:04 what you got going on there. So you guys can see it starts at her xiphoid process, 3:08 and then follows down her rib cage, follows down her rib cage. Now I'm going 3:12 to have her get back into that cat position right, because I want this part 3:18 of the tape to actually be put on with kind of her rib cage expanded, so the 3:24 tape is nice and long. I almost wanted to be more distracting to her, more 3:30 stimulating to her skin receptors when she exhales, and her ribs are as small as 3:35 they can be, because I want to kind of stimulate that deep diaphragmatic 3:40 breathing. I want the tape to be at its normal less irritating length when she's 3:46 actually expanded a bit here, and I'm hoping that diaphragmatic breathing 3:49 helps then stimulate those intrinsic core muscles, and I get a little bit more 3:54 intrinsic stabilization out of those muscles. So I'm going to keep coming 3:59 around the low back. If I wanted to get really fancy here guys I could ask her 4:04 which segment hurt, or if I've already done my my assessment I know which 4:08 segment hurts, and I could have this cross right over that segment, but I'm 4:14 just going to follow the bottom of the rib cage in her case, and I think we're 4:18 going to end up right over about L4. I'm just going to go right to the 4:23 bottom of her pants there. Now i'm going to try to be as symmetrical as possible, 4:29 try to stay away from asymmetrical patterns here with the tape. 4:34 You guys think this is a lot of awareness they get from their skin over 4:41 a pretty long period of time. I can't imagine it's very hard to set up a 4:45 asymmetrical movement pattern. Alright so now I'm right over to the top of her 4:50 pants, and now we have to change position again. I'm going to have her stand up so 4:56 I'm long tape here, now I want the tape kind of in a shortened position / glutes, 5:01 because I want our glutes as active as possible all the time. So I'm going to 5:05 have her step back into extension, good and then I'm just going to pull down the 5:10 side of her pants as much as I need to to get the tape down. Make sure you've 5:19 explained what you're about to do to your patient or client, don't go moving 5:27 around clothing without asking permission, and you don't have to rub 5:32 that much, because the pants they're wearing will do a lot of the 5:39 heating up of the adhesive and keep that stuck. Alright go ahead and switch legs, 5:44 all right okay, there you go same thing on this side. 5:55 Lay down the tape 5:59 pull that back up, and then the last thing is I figure out which segments hurt, hopefully 6:07 cross my tape over that, and then I'm going to add decompression taping on top 6:10 of this. Now you could probably make a good argument for putting the 6:19 decompression tape on the bottom, Okay so I'm going to go, you guys know with that 6:24 decompression tape you pull off the center, pull to 100, back off to 50, just 6:31 like so. 6:39 In Melissa's case I probably got a whole lot of stimulus to all those muscles, 6:44 that hook into the thoracolumbar fascia there, and you can see here as I was 6:52 talking about before, if Melissa turns around and faces the camera you have a 6:57 quasi british flag going on. Alright so we got a whole lot of stimulation to the 7:02 diaphragm, and a little bit of stimulation coming from that, those 7:07 anterior core muscles, going down across her glute max on both sides, and then 7:13 decompression tape a little bit in the middle, maybe stimulating some of that 7:16 thoracolumbar fascia, the muscles that are that invested in that thoracolumbar 7:21 fascia. You want to do a little spin for us, and so once again all the way from 7:26 here all the way down, across to each glute. So once again guys i would use 7:35 this in support of the any intervention I had for lumbo-pelvic hip complex 7:40 dysfunction. I might use this for somebody who has some acute low back 7:44 pain, at the very least there's so much stimulus here, you might find it to be a 7:49 little bit of a counter reactant therapy where at least it gives them something 7:52 to think about other than that acute pain that they've had, maybe helped start 7:56 reset some of some of those cognitive processes involved in pain. How do you 8:01 feel, you feel pretty stable. The times I've used this everybody looks 8:06 with just feeling like I totally stabilized them all the way around I've 8:12 got great results. I look forward to hearing how you guys use this taping, and 8:16 how you feel using this taping. So please add your comments to the bottom of this 8:19 video. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Thank you 8:30