0:05 This is Brent coming at you live from Rick Ritchie's Independent 0:10 Training Spot, the new home of the Brookbush Institute. Very excited to continue 0:14 with our self-administered mobilization techniques. In this video we're going 0:19 to start breaking down at knee mobilization. So we going to look past some of 0:23 the muscular dysfunction we talked about in the past. I know we've already talked 0:26 about VMO activation, and how the biceps femoris affects knee motion, and the 0:32 gluteus medius and how important that is to femoral control. But at some point we 0:36 still have to address our arthrokinematic dysfunction. The dysfunction at 0:41 the knee generally speaking, is the tibia can't move from posterior to anterior as 0:48 we move into terminal extension. So what we're going to do, is we're going to use 0:54 one of these monster bands, take that VMO activation exercise we used in a 0:59 previous video, and we're going to turn it into a mobilization, and then i'm 1:03 going to show you guys a fancy little trick at the end, to start focusing on 1:06 lateral compartment mobilization. I'm going to have my friend Jordan come out, 1:10 trainer here at the Independent Training Spot. He's going to take this band and put 1:15 it around the back of his calf. Now in the VMO activation video, I had you guys 1:21 put it around the femur, so that we can increase load during knee extension. This 1:27 one I'm not so concerned with load. As much as I'm concerned with creating that 1:31 posterior to anterior force, that posterior to anterior glide on the tibia 1:37 as I have him squeeze his quad. Now you can see we have a little step set up here, 1:42 that's just to keep this leg soft, keep his knee bent, so that he doesn't rest in 1:47 terminal knee extension on his other side. Make sure the rest of this kinetic 1:52 chain checkpoints are in line here, so he's nice and standing up tall, he's 1:57 going to go soft knee, and then he's just going to squeeze his quad. Now Jordan 2:03 doesn't have knee dysfunction, and this looks probably pretty easy for him, but 2:07 you guys will find that those individuals who are missing that last 2:10 five or ten degrees of terminal extension, this exercise is extremely 2:15 challenging. In fact you may find that they can't even get to the 2:20 terminal knee extension he has, and rather than this larger motion, that 2:26 maybe we could call a grade three mobilization. Sometimes what you end up 2:30 with is somebody who's stuck about here, and then what you're going to do is, this 2:35 will still pull posterior to anterior, and we'll just work on a quad 2:39 contraction for a couple seconds. Good and then relax, right so this is kind of 2:44 equivalent to those grade fours we learned in school. We're going to get to 2:47 end range, just work on some muscle contraction, and getting these little 2:52 oscillations at the end range. How's that feel, doing great, Alright, now a little 2:58 trick if we're going to get really really technical with our arthrokinematic 3:01 dysfunction, it's not just that the tibia can't move posterior to 3:05 anterior, but in fact that the lateral compartment gets stuck posterior, that 3:11 creates some of that knee turn out we see in that overhead squat assessment. 3:14 Right so as somebody gets down their knee can't shift into position, and it goes 3:18 further and further into tibial external rotation. All Jordan has to do to focus 3:24 more on the lateral compartment, is he's going to move this way, we're going to 3:29 turn the band a little bit here, 3:37 alright. 3:40 You guys could look at this as a progression two, we could start with the straight arm 3:44 mobilization, and then move to this. So now I have this band creating two 3:50 vectors right, posterior to anterior, as well as lateral to medial, and providing 3:55 he can get his glute to contract and maintain his femur parallel, so he's not 4:02 adducting right, give me a good squeeze, that'll force a little tibial internal 4:08 rotation, and the posterior to anterior force will force motion in that lateral 4:13 compartment. So now we've taken a knee mobilization from posterior to anterior, 4:19 to lateral posterior to anterior. Same thing here guys, think about all those 4:26 different principles we learned in our mobilization classes right. Like if we're 4:29 going to go to just up to pain free, or up through pain free range of motion. We 4:34 don't want to go into pain, so you could use this with somebody with a painful 4:38 knee, just adjust your range of motion accordingly. If you're going to do grades 4:42 three, you can work through larger ranges of motion. You could do just end range 4:47 oscillations. I would start with 15 to 20 repetitions and see how somebody feels, 4:52 and of course you could use two oscillations per second for 30 seconds, 4:56 as we often do in our manual techniques. How you feeling Jordan? Great, alright go 5:00 ahead and step out, make sure with all of these techniques you're doing them for a 5:04 good reason, and you are reassessing. So let's see your squat, and as I reassess 5:11 Jordan here, I hope you guys enjoy this video and get a lot from these 5:13 techniques. 5:23