0:00 This is Brent, President of B2C Fitness, and in this video we're taking a very 0:04 common core exercise, and we're going to take it up a notch. 0:08 We're going to do planks, but progressions of, using this stability 0:11 ball. I'm going to have my friend Salveena come out. Now in a previous video 0:16 of the plank, we kind of went through plank on the floor, and the normal 0:20 kinetic chain checkpoints, and normal progressions. A lot of those same queues 0:23 are going to apply to this exercise as well. So, I'm going to have Salvi set up 0:27 with her forearms parallel on the ball. See, a lot of people internally rotate, I 0:31 don't want people holding this way. Let's work on getting a little extra shoulder 0:35 stabilization, a little extra shoulder girdle stabilization. Going to set 0:40 up, get comfortable, get centered, and then the rest of the kinetic chain 0:43 checkpoints are the same. Let me have your feet a little bit further apart Salvi, 0:46 good! So her feet are hip-width, her knees are locked out, and we make sure that 0:50 her pelvis is in a neutral position. She's squeezing her glutes like she's 0:53 got a dollar bill between her cheeks, she's drawn-in, head down, looking right between 0:58 her hands. We've got a beautiful plank there. She's going to hold that for as long as 1:02 she can maintain perfect form. I don't want to see her descend into this 1:08 al dente noodle that I see a lot of people hold. I see a lot of people go 1:14 into that when they do a plank. It's not how long you can hold it, it's how long you 1:17 can hold it perfectly. So I'm gonna have Salvi take a little breather here, take a 1:20 nice deep breath, and then we'll go ahead and progress this exercise to a single 1:25 leg plank. So this time Salvi, let's go ahead and set you up with a one-legged 1:29 center. Now, a lot of people, when they go into a single leg plank, will lift one 1:33 leg up way high into the air. I don't want Salvi to do that, I just want her to 1:36 point or toe back. She's going to make one leg really nice and long, don't squeeze - 1:41 squeeze your cheeks, not your thighs. Squeezing your cheeks is good 1:44 stabilization, squeezing your thighs is compensation. If she's pointing this leg, 1:50 it's this leg doing all the work, so we really need to queue this glute to fire. 1:53 Whatever leg is on the ground, it's that glute that's firing, that quad, and that 1:58 calf. This leg really isn't doing anything. Good! Go ahead and relax for a 2:03 second. You can see, just to hold a plank, with perfect form, 2:09 10 - 15 seconds is a lot of work. I see a lot of people try to go for 60 seconds. 2:14 Why not do three or four sets of 10 seconds perfectly, or three sets of 15 2:20 seconds. Let's go ahead and try another progression. Now Salvi's going to 2:23 demonstrate just a tiny bit of abduction. Those of you guys who know your side 2:27 laying leg raise, that that glute medius isolated activation, you can add that to 2:34 this exercise to get a little frontal plane stabilization happening. So Salvi's 2:38 going to brace on this leg, with this leg up, and then do a little side lying leg 2:42 raise for me here. So she will go back into extension and abduction. Now, make 2:46 sure if she's doing extension and abduction this way, she's not coming 2:52 towards me, losing that perfect alignment, because then we're not really 2:56 practicing stabilization anymore. We're not increasing the strength of our core 3:01 to keep our spine stable, we're just compensating. Good Salvi! The last 3:08 progression we're going to show is a really, really good exercise, a 3:12 progression, but a really good exercise to start working on those triple 3:17 extension mechanics dynamically. What I'm going to have Salvi do is a plank, with a 3:23 knee up. The point of that knee up is not actually the knee that's 3:28 going up, but the leg that's driving into the floor, and then being able to switch 3:33 back and forth without moving her torso. Good! You can slow down just a little bit. 3:41 Make sure you're driving really well, and that glute is nice and active. Let's try to get 3:46 a little bit more glute drive. Good! Now, as Salvi gets better at this, we can 3:52 see we're not quite getting the glute drive that I would like to see, but 3:58 she's getting there. As we started practicing this, this would be a great 4:01 precursor to what we're going to do in reactive stabilization, or core reactive 4:07 activation, where we'll actually do a mountain climber on the ball. That'll be 4:12 our next video. I hope you guys enjoyed the progressions on this video! Thanks 4:15 again, Salvi for all of your hard work! I'll talk with you soon.