0:00 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute coming at you on a cold New York day to give you more power 0:04 exercises. In this video we're going after the shoulders. If I'm talking about 0:08 power, we're not talking about just more load or more stability, we're talking 0:14 about more velocity. I want more speed, that's what power exercise is all about. 0:19 These exercises are going to have slightly different cueing than we would 0:23 for some of the other exercises we've talked about where we're just trying to 0:27 lift weight, or we're trying to increase stability. I'm going to have my friend 0:30 Mike Tierney come out and help me demonstrate this exercise. Now, first 0:35 thing first, he's going to get his kinetic chain checkpoints lined up. His feet are 0:38 parallel to each other, the feet are underneath his hips, his knees are in line, he's got 0:43 great posture in his upper body and he's drawn-in. Now, mike has already set up his 0:47 distance. We practiced this a couple of 0:48 times and you will see, when you do 0:51 this shoulder press power movement, it kind of takes a couple tries to figure 0:55 out how far you should be away from the wall so the ball doesn't bounce back 0:58 behind you, instead it keeps landing just right in front of your face. Mike's 1:03 going to grab this ball. The first thing we're going to need to work on I'm 1:05 willing to bet, is keeping his body soft. This isn't like a shoulder 1:11 press where I want you totally static from waist down. It's okay for him to 1:15 bend his knees and use a natural motion that includes some of his lower body. 1:20 Some of that extra strength from his lower body will help get the power out of this movement. 1:25 After we get that first one off, I'm willing to bet that learning how to 1:30 catch the ball is going to be the hardest thing we have to do, which is 1:33 something that is often forgotten in power exercise. Let me go ahead and 1:37 see your first rep here Mike, good. Notice first, go ahead and 1:45 stop for a second here, you can kind of hear that catch, you can hear his hand 1:49 slap the ball. It's a little cold out here which makes it a little tougher, but 1:53 what I want Mike to do is catch like he's catching an egg. I don't 1:58 want him to break that egg, I want it to be super soft so that I know he is 2:02 eccentricly decelerating as efficiently as he possibly can. Let's try 2:07 that one more time to let you concentrate on the soft catch. Much better! 2:13 Now, assuming that I'm getting that eccentric deceleration 2:17 efficiently, we can work on the big cue in power exercise, which is the 2:23 amortisation phase. That is that quick turnaround from eccentric to 2:28 concentric that allows me to use stretch reflex, and the stretch in his connective 2:33 tissues, to add to the concentric force produced by his shoulder complex. Now 2:40 Mike is going to catch softly and try to turn around at the bottom, which is here, 2:45 as fast as he can. Are you ready? Catch soft, turn around quick, - good! 3:00 Just one cue, you can kind of see the ball coming back and forward, you need to 3:05 be careful to set up a marker on the wall that you're using so that you 3:09 have an aim. This will also have to do with how many reps we're going to do for 3:14 this exercise. Remember, since this is power training, it's not reps until 3:18 fatigue, it's reps until we stop getting maximal power production. So, once he 3:23 couldn't hit that mark anymore, the set is over, even though he could 3:27 probably throw the ball ten more times. Let's try that a couple more 3:31 times, trying to be consistent. Let's hit that white brick right up there. Are you 3:34 ready? Go. Nice! Catch soft, up quicker... 3:44 and we're starting to slow down just a little bit, so that'll be the end of that 3:48 set. Then we take our two to five minutes to rest. That doesn't mean that we can't 3:51 turn this around and do a back exercise followed by a leg exercise and keep 3:56 things moving, we just need to give his shoulders rest. We could progress 4:00 this exercise in a number of different ways. We could set the mark even higher 4:04 if we started getting to a plateau in height, we then could consider increasing 4:10 the weight of the ball. We could also increase the stability and work on 4:14 reactive stabilization by just going on one leg. We'll show you guys a couple 4:19 of those. Alright, one-legged medicine ball shoulder press. Ready? 4:23 -I am. 4:25 Hit it. 4:27 Let's get six. You can get higher than that, come on! Turn around faster, catch soft, 4:32 turn around fast. You can see it gets very challenging to keep that 4:36 amortisation phase and keep that power production when you're also working for 4:40 stability. You can go for max power and increase the height, you could 4:45 probably go for some level of endurance by setting a mark and going for reps, you 4:49 could also go for stability by challenging them going on one leg or one 4:53 leg with a stability device such as an Airex pad. I hope you enjoyed this 4:57 exercise, I hope you enjoy the progressions, have fun!