0:00 This is Brent coming at you with another stability endurance, or strength 0:03 endurance exercise. in this video we're doing a prone ball row, or a prone ball 0:08 road a tricep extension, we'll actually integrate those two exercises. I'm going 0:12 to have my friend Leanne come out, help me demonstrate this exercise. Now you 0:16 guys have seen the prone ball position before, Leanne's going to straighten out 0:20 her kinetic chain checkpoints, feet, knees and hips all in alignment. We're going to 0:25 make sure her ASIS are on the ball, that way she can squeeze her glutes. 0:29 By squeezing her glutes and thrusting her hips forward, that'll keep her torso 0:33 up. I don't want her using her lumbar erectors to go into extension. I don't 0:38 want to actually think about getting long this way, her shoulders are down and 0:42 back and her heads in a neutral position, which means she's facing down. We do see 0:45 a lot of people who go like this and look forward off that way, as soon as you 0:49 tilt the head back you increase erector spinae activity. We don't want that, we 0:53 want good core activity, we want her drawn in. Good glute activity, we want to save 0:58 the low back as much as we can, or those erector spinae muscles as long as we can. 1:01 Now you'll notice here I have a smaller ball that I have elevated, there's a 1:06 reason for that, I've needed to elevate it so that she can keep her arms long, 1:11 right we need to be able to extend our arms all the way down if we're going to 1:13 do this row pattern. I know a lot of people to get up would get a larger ball, 1:19 but that doesn't work out very well. Leanne can you show that row pattern real 1:23 quick. So go ahead and row ,and you guys can see if Leanne had a really wide ball, 1:29 she'd have to row around that bal,l and then we're kind of giving up optimal 1:34 mechanics, to try to gain optimal mechanics, we don't really want to do 1:38 that. So if you guys use a smaller ball, and then some sort of platform to 1:42 elevate, I think you guys will end up in a lot better position. Here we've used 1:45 just this platform that we actually have around the gym just so the balls don't 1:49 roll around, but what I've used in the past that I find really effective and is 1:53 very common in gyms, is actually if you guys have a seated cable row machine, 1:57 usually the bench in front of that is the perfect height. So now let's go over 2:02 this exercise, you guys already know this exercise, you guys have already seen the 2:06 row, you guys have done rows before. She's just going to stabilize through her kinetic chain, 2:11 make sure her calves are active, pushing the balls of her feet through the floor, 2:15 her quads are tight, glutes are tight, drawn in, and then she's going to pull 2:19 back into that row pattern. Good, so we have good stability throughout her whole 2:23 kinetic chain, and we'll get good back work. Now I can make this a little 2:28 tougher on Leanne, we chose a little lighter weight so that we can make a 2:31 little tougher exercise from a stability standpoint, or form a complexity 2:35 standpoint. I'm going to have Leann go ahead and pull up into a row, shoulder 2:39 blades down and back, and then she's going to go into a tricep extension. Good 2:44 and back. Guys if you do your endurance rep range that 12 to 20 repetitions at a 2:51 nice slow tempo, I think you guys will find that these are absolutely killer 2:55 for your back, absolutely killer for your arms. I can even take it up a notch, let's 2:59 say Leanne is somebody who has a propensity towards that upper-body 3:02 dysfunction, and that internally rotated shoulder, the internally rotated humerus, 3:07 I can actually have her go up into a row, and then actually have her externally 3:12 rotate as she goes into this tricep extension. Now that's not going to do 3:16 anything for my triceps, I know there's that whole thing of hands down as more 3:20 lateral head, your triceps don't work that way guys, they all go into the same 3:24 place and that has nothing to do with rotation of the humerus, or rotation of 3:28 the forearm. Alright so, but if I have her go up into that row, and then a tricep 3:34 extension, where she's going to get that external rotation from is her humerus 3:39 or her shoulder, which is definitely going to help strengthen my external 3:42 rotators and reinforce all that corrective exercise I've been doing to 3:45 fix her upper body dysfunction. So let's see one more of those, good. Now let's say 3:53 I have somebody who's a little bit more geared towards hypertrophy, I might have 3:58 them not do the tricep extension and go ahead and increase the weight on this 4:02 exercise just doing the row. This is a really tough great stability exercise, 4:07 and you can actually get up a significant amount of weight, once you 4:11 find a comfortable set up between platform and ball. So let's just see 4:15 that row. You guys see here we have fives, which is probably good for Leanne on 4:20 this exercise if we were doing 20 reps of the row and tricep extension, but if i 4:24 was going to do the row I would be willing 4:27 to bet Leanne here who could pull 10 to 15 pounds pretty easy, lets see one 4:32 more of those, good. So just going through a quick review guys, make sure you got 4:36 your kinetic chain checkpoints aligned, feet, knees, hips, shoulders down and back, 4:41 head in a neutral position. Make sure you got your calves engaged pressing the 4:45 balls of your feet through the floor, your quads engaged, glutes tight driving 4:49 your hips down. You're watching all of your cues for that row, so shoulder 4:54 blades down and back, we're making sure we don't get that anterior tipping or 4:58 that elevation in the shoulders, and for the tricep extension we're just trying 5:01 to maintain that scapular position, and of course you guys can add external 5:05 rotation. I hope you guys enjoy this exercise. I think you guys are going to 5:08 find its killer. I'll talk with you soon