0:04 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute, and in this video we're going to go over 0:07 the sequel to our quadruped crawl video. So if you didn't think the quadruped crawl was 0:11 hard enough, which is actually a pretty difficult progression, we got more for 0:15 you. We're going to take Melissa through them, Melissa's the lucky one who gets to 0:18 be tortured. She's going to go ahead and get in the quadruped crawl position, but 0:22 this time we're going to go over not just the sequential crawling and the front 0:27 and back crawling, but the lateral crawls, and we're going to crawl in a circle, and 0:31 then we're going to gamify it. Alright so here's her ball, her ball of course is to 0:36 put on the back, so that she has to keep totally stable here. I've seen a lot of 0:41 bear crawl variations, bear crawl just aren't that hard honestly. I want 0:46 good stability through the trunk that makes this a whole nother level of 0:50 difficulty harder, and of course then brings in some some great TVA activation 0:56 and maybe improving motor control, and of course endurance around our trunk. Now to 1:01 get into the quadruped crawl position Melissa wants to dorsiflex as far as 1:05 she can, extend her toes as far as she can, and then she's actually going to use 1:08 her glutes to drive back into the balls of her feet, and get her knees up off the 1:13 floor, that's an important cue. If somebody doesn't get their toes extended 1:18 and push back into their feet, they tend to just use their knees to extend at the 1:23 knee and try to drive themselves up, and that can cause knee pain over time. 1:26 Melissa is going to be of course nice and protracted through her shoulder girdle 1:30 so she's stable, alright so this is the quadruped crawl position. Now to go 1:34 lateral what we have to do is we either have to get our hands close together, or 1:39 feet close together to start, and you'll see why here in a second. So Melissa why don't 1:44 you start with your hands close together. I find that teaching from teaching 1:47 perspective hands closer together is a little bit more helpful than starting 1:50 with feet close together. Alright so she's going to go back into this position, 1:54 and of course we're going to use cross-body patterns here so she's going to move her 1:58 left arm and right leg, but she's going to do that by pressing really hard through 2:03 her left glute and her right arm. Good, and then back. Alright so press real hard 2:08 through your left glute, make sure you're stable, hold on. You're going to move this 2:12 arm and this arm going to your left, good. And it usually just takes a couple, and 2:17 back, it just takes a couple times practicing 2:19 that before it becomes pretty natural. Good should we try the other way. 2:23 Alright shimmy over a little bit, alright so now we're going to have her get 2:28 back into quadruped position, she's going to start with her hands close together. 2:31 She's moving her right arm and left leg, that means she's got to really press 2:36 through her right leg and left arm to be stable right. So she's going to come towards 2:41 me, nope that wasn't it. Alright let's try that again, oh almost lost the 2:45 ball. Like I said it just takes a couple times 2:48 practicing it. So stay with me here right you're going to press through this leg 2:53 really hard. Press through this arm really hard, hold on press through this arm 2:56 really hard, now move these two limbs to come towards me, there you go now go back. 3:01 Good, stay really stable here, press move these 3:04 two to come towards me, there you go. So it's right arm left leg she's moving. 3:08 Let's just do that a couple more times, Melissa's already sweating this is great. 3:14 Good all right so that's lateral, let's see if we can we can go both 3:20 directions. Can we do that alright so she's going to 3:26 start with her hands close together, and we're going to make her take two steps in 3:29 each direction so that she actually has to work on that cross-body pattern of 3:35 left arm with right leg, followed by right arm with left leg, and then she's 3:39 going to try to come back doing the opposite, you got that. 3:43 Okay, people get a little confused on the rights and left's here. Good so I would 3:52 go away from me first so you're going to go here and here, boom and then boom. There 3:59 you go, now come back, there you go. You can see 4:02 Melissa's already got it, go back a couple times. Yeah and you see the ball 4:07 is staying right on her back, she's staying primarily steady, she's still, 4:11 drawn in good and relax for a second. 4:17 This is definitely a tough progression now we're going to see if she can go in a 4:21 circle, right so the hard part about going in a circle is you have to 4:26 adjust how far you're moving your arms and legs 4:31 and it's not symmetrical, so we're adding a little asymmetry to this. 4:36 Alright so move just a little closer to me, and we're going to start 4:41 with hands close together again because this is basically the lateral pattern, 4:46 but it's the lateral pattern going in a circle. 4:50 Let's have you turn to your left now, ready? Go, cool yeah keep going, keep going, 4:59 all the way around. Can she make it all the way around, looks like spider girl. 5:05 Yeah this is tough stuff man, this is not easy to do. It definitely adds a little 5:12 variety to just the forward and back, go ahead relax. Now something we've been 5:15 experimenting with in the workshops that we teach through the Brookbush 5:19 Institute is trying to find ways to gamify this stuff, and we know that not 5:24 everybody gets a huge kick out of corrective exercise, or core exercise, or 5:29 movement prep stuff. And of course we always have the challenge of 5:33 what happens when we break this out into a group. So what they 5:38 started to do to make fun of me is they created the game Brookbush says, which 5:41 is essentially Simon Says but then they just keep repeating my name which of 5:45 course makes them laugh, but we'll play 'Simon Says' today and keep in mind 5:51 you're only going to play 'Simon Says with whatever you've worked on up to the 5:55 point that you're playing Simon Says. So if all you've done is the segmental 5:59 crawling you can do Simon Says with just right arm forward, right arm back, left 6:03 arm forward, left arm back, right leg forward, right leg back, left leg forward 6:06 left leg back, and then mix it all up. Left leg forward again, right arm 6:10 forward, right arm back, left leg back. It's tough, it's tough just to do 6:15 that, and of course as somebody gets more and more accustomed to all of these 6:19 different progressions you can be like right leg left arm forward, right leg 6:24 left arm back, right leg left arm sidestep. Now you got to be careful when 6:29 you're cueing because if you're going to do side steps you have to make sure to cue 6:32 them to put their hands together first to start, and then you can cue them side 6:37 steps. You ready, let's see how long you last. 6:41 We're going to try to mix this all up and I want you to visualize not just 6:47 Melissa, but imagine if this was a class of 20-25 people. We've posted some of 6:51 these videos on Facebook of us doing anywhere from 15-40 people in a 6:57 group doing BrookBush says on these quadruped crawls. Alright you ready? Up, 7:05 alright so Simon Says right arm forward, Simon Says right arm back, Simon Says 7:10 hands together, Simon Says left arm right leg sidestep 7:16 left, back good. Simon Says right leg left foot sidestep right, and back. Now you 7:28 keep playing this until we have one person left with the ball still on their 7:33 back, it usually takes somewhere between 60 seconds and two minutes. This isn't 7:37 one of those games that goes on for very long because it's just really hard, but 7:41 you can imagine in a group it's a fun way to warm up, and you don't have 7:45 to keep it stationary here. Of course we're trying to keep in the camera, we 7:49 could have walked all the way to one end of the gym walked all the way back to 7:52 the other part of the gym. You can use your imagination, thank you. Melissa you 7:56 can get out of quadruped position. So there you have it, 7:59 these are progressions from the quadruped crawl. Of course the 8:02 quadruped crawl was a progression from all of our various quadruped 8:06 progressions that we had before that. Most importantly have fun with it, this 8:12 is a great way to increase core recruitment, TVA strength and endurance 8:17 which we know for all of our athletes and non-athletes, and just people who are 8:22 trying to get fit and healthy, you know having good control and endurance here 8:26 is probably a good way to help prevent some low back pain or at least the 8:31 severity of low back pain in the future. I look forward to talking you soon.