0:03 This is Brent, President of B2C Fitness, and we're talking about more integrated 0:07 exercise in this video. In this video we're going to take an exercise we did in 0:11 a previous video, the standing cobra, and we're going to turn it into an 0:14 integrated exercise. In this case, we're going to take our standing cobra, and 0:18 involve the glue complex, the core, as well as the lower leg, to create a full 0:24 body movement pattern that is a wonderful balance exercise, a wonderful 0:28 exercise for all of my jumping athletes, as well as being just a great, integrated 0:33 exercise, for anybody who has been working on their lower leg dysfunction. 0:37 I'm going to have my friend Salvi come out and help me demonstrate this 0:40 exercise. Now like I said before, we're going to start with that standing cobra. 0:45 In that standing cobra, we're going to keep our arms kind of straight, it's not 0:50 a tricep extension, we're going to keep our hands supinated, or palms up, that'll 0:56 externally rotate my shoulder, and then Salvi is going to pull down and back, 1:00 squeezing her shoulder blades down to the back as much as she can. 1:05 She's then going to draw in. Let me see one more cobra, Salvi. 1:13 Now, to turn this into an integrated exercise, the first thing we're going to 1:17 do, is have Salvi draw in, and squeeze her glutes, and then she is going to raise 1:22 one leg, while driving the other leg into the floor. 1:27 She's going to lock out her knee on this leg, squeeze her glute, and this side is 1:31 coming up. So now we've gone to a single leg cobra with balance, but ensuring 1:37 that the leg that is on the ground is totally active, driving into the floor. 1:42 Good, Salvi. Let's try that one more time, and this time we'll integrate the entire 1:47 kinetic chain. So, she's going to pull down and back, going to draw-in, leg up, squeeze 1:54 the glute, and she's now going to spread her toes, and press off the ball 1:58 of her foot, to go into a little calf raise. Good. Down nice and slow, leg down, 2:05 arms up. So, this takes a lot of queuing, and takes a lot of work to get somebody 2:12 to understand the full repertoire of what's going on, but if you can integrate 2:16 all of these movement patterns, let's try it out one more time, you can see that 2:21 it is a great exercise for getting the core involved, and training somebody to 2:27 use all of those muscles that are so integral, especially in things like 2:33 jumping, and other triple extension movement patterns. So, once again, I would 2:36 go, "arms down, draw-in, glutes tight, spread your toes, press through the ball of your 2:45 foot". 2:48 Let's do one more, Salvi. Arms down, draw-in, glutes tight, drive your leg through 2:57 the floor, spread your toes, press with the ball of your foot. So there you 3:03 have it, integrated exercise. This is the cobra, to balance, to calf raise. Pay 3:09 special attention to the queuing, make sure the form's in alignment, and you'll 3:12 have somebody with much better balance, much more core activation, and hopefully 3:16 better performance in all of their triple extension jumping, and running 3:21 patterns. Thank you.