0:00 This is Brent, coming at you with one of our more advanced core exercises. So if 0:05 you guys enjoyed the down chop video, you're definitely going to enjoy this 0:08 variation of a chop pattern. This is going to be our static up chop. I'm 0:13 going to have my friend, Leann, come out and help me demonstrate this exercise. 0:16 Now, we're going to start in a half-kneeling position, which is the 0:19 traditional way I see this done, and then we're going to talk about all of the 0:22 different ways we can progress this exercise. First things first, set up. 0:27 If you are pushing with your left arm, you're going to want your right knee on 0:32 the floor. These cross body patterns are very important, so I want 0:37 her stabilizing with her right glute, as she's pushing, primarily, her left 0:41 arm through this chop. She's going to work on what looks, kind of like, rowing a 0:45 boat, and a single arm chest press at the same time. Alright, so she's pulling 0:51 this down like she's rowing a boat, but she's going to push straight through 0:54 this arm to help create that torque force that she's now stabilizing through 1:00 her core. So, we could think of this as one of those anti-rotation exercises. Her 1:07 core has to work very hard, not to twist her. I do see a lot of individuals do 1:12 this exercise, and I see a lot of trunk rotation. We could probably think of 1:18 a better exercise to work toward rotational strength, than this particular 1:22 exercise. This is our first variation, as you see, Leanne actually makes thi look 1:27 very easy. We can probably progress her a little bit, so let's go ahead and go to a 1:31 full kneeling pattern. Obviously, with the full kneeling pattern, I just reduced her 1:37 base of support a whole lot. She's going to have to work a lot harder to keep both 1:40 of her glutes engaged and stable. Keep up nice and tall. She's drawn-in. Once 1:45 again she's pulling down, like she's rowing a boat with this hand. This hand 1:48 is going straight up, just outside of her eye, like if you think of a parallel line 1:54 to this, and about forehead level. Once again, Leann has this mastered. You 2:01 think she might have practiced this before. So we're just going to keep 2:05 progressing her until we find the level that is most challenging for Leanne, but 2:10 that she can still control. So, we're going to go ahead and have her 2:13 stand up, and she's going to go into that staggered stance. Once again, she's 2:24 pulling down like she's rowing this way, pushing up this way. Great. Drawing-in, glutes 2:31 tight. Now, just from a form perspective, I know this looks like 2:35 a complicated pattern, but all I'm looking for is the same thing I've 2:39 always looked for, which I know you guys have heard me say over, and over, and over 2:42 again on previous videos, and that's those kinetic chain checkpoints. Her 2:46 feet are parallel, actually this foot is just a little turned out, so I'm going to 2:49 turn this back for her, her glutes are nice and tight, her feet are hip-width, 2:54 knees parallel, she's tucked under, no anterior pelvic tilt, she's up nice and 3:02 tall, and of course she's drawn-in. This looks really good Leann, so let's 3:07 go ahead and make it harder for you. Let's go ahead and bring your feet 3:10 together. I think as we were practicing for this video before, this is where 3:16 Leann started to be challenged. Of course we could also increase the weight 3:26 here, Leann's already done about 20 of these. 12 to 20 repetitions is our 3:30 endurance acute variable, so if she could do more than 20 repetitions I'd definitely 3:34 up the weight. And this, once again, looks great. Leann makes this look easy. You 3:40 might note that we are using one of these solid bars that you can hook a 3:44 cable to. I do find that, I've seen this done with the cable, it's harder to do 3:49 with like cable handles, it doesn't feel as comfortable. If you guys haven't 3:53 invested in one of these, this isn't a particularly special one, it's just a 3:57 solid bar with a foam covering, and two little eye-hooks on the ends there. The last 4:04 variation we're going to try here, is one legged. What do you 4:08 think? So, if we're pushing from the left side, it would be 4:13 the right leg that we're standing on. I'm going to have her go ahead and lift 4:16 the left leg, 4:20 and I think we just found the challenging variation. This is 4:24 definitely where I would keep Leann. We could progress further, or 4:29 progress some of the previous variations by using balance equipment. Before I 4:34 had the Airex pad underneath her knee just for comfort, but I could use an Airex pad to 4:38 increase the stability. I will tell you that this up-chop pattern is a 4:42 great pattern for increasing stability in the core, unlike the down chop pattern 4:46 which works the obliques in a way that is flexion, and rotation, which is what 4:50 they do. You have to work towards more synergy of all of the core muscles, 4:56 because resisting that extension and rotation requires a whole lot of our 5:01 anatomy in our trunk. This last variation we did, also that single leg 5:06 variation, I'm actually going to attempt, so if we Leann will excuse me for just a 5:10 second... Some of you guys know that I've been 5:15 been recovering from knee surgery, I'm about seven-eight months post. The single 5:20 leg variation, that anti-rotation pattern, has been very, very important to my rehab, 5:25 very important to getting me back on the basketball court. If you think of me on a 5:29 single leg, it's not like I'm not going to have rotation forces when I step on 5:34 the court. So, holding this, on one leg, I can not only feel this through my trunk, 5:40 but I can feel all of that stabilization musculature, from ankle, to knee, to hip, 5:46 also working to keep me from rotating. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to 5:51 do this, but we're going to give it a shot. It's been a couple weeks since I've 5:54 given it a try. I can definitely feel that through my entire kinetic chain as 6:01 I try to stabilize, and of course if I'm using this for my core activity, I'm 6:06 doing a better job of setting up some of that transverse plane reactive agility, 6:11 or power activity in the future. I hope you enjoy this video. I hope you 6:15 get great performance for both your clients, and maybe yourselves. 6:19 I will talk with you soon