0:01 This is Brent, president of B2c Fitness and in this video we're doing more strength training 0:05 for our chest. 0:07 We're going to progress in stability using a piece of equipment that has gained in popularity 0:11 a ton in the last 5 years and that's suspension training. 0:14 We're going to take our push up, which we've done before, and now we're going to do it 0:18 hanging from the suspension trainer. 0:20 I'm going to have my friend Salvy come out and demonstrate this exercise. 0:24 Now Salvy's going to grab these handles like she would any sort of cable type equipment. 0:31 She's going to get in position. 0:33 Now one point I'd like to make is just because we put this in our hands, we some put some 0:36 new peice of equipment in our hands, form, cueing, posture, human movement science that 0:43 we're going to apply to this exercise, doesn't change. 0:46 The equipment changed, the human body didn't, alright? 0:49 So I'm going to have her back up into kind of a push up like position and we're going 0:52 to go through the same kinetic chain check points we always go through. 0:56 So feet are going to be hip width, she's going to be on the balls of her feet, not way up 1:01 on her toes but the balls right behind her toes. 1:03 She's going to make sure her quads are locked out, her knees locked out, she's tucked under 1:08 squeezing her glutes like she's got a dollar bill between her cheeks. 1:12 She's drawn in, make sure we get her out of that anterior pelvic tilt. 1:16 Her shoulder blades are down and back. 1:18 Once we get her here and we go into this push up, it's the same type of cueing we always 1:23 use for push exercises. 1:25 Let's go ahead and see this Salvy. 1:27 And you can see right here, Salvy as she went down she did what a lot of people want to 1:31 do which is shoulders up here. 1:33 So Salvy lets try to get those shoulder blades down and back as we do this, and try to keep 1:36 the head facing the ground, perfect. 1:38 Now if this was a little tough for Salvy, I could back off on the amount of force she 1:44 has to generate, or the amount of weight, by having her move her feet a little bit forward. 1:50 She's going to push forward and now she's a little bit more vertical. 1:54 By making her more vertical, if you guys remember your physics, I shortened the moment arm, 1:59 so she doesn't have to push so hard to get back up. 2:03 So let's go ahead and draw in, make sure your glutes are squeezed, get out of that anterior 2:06 pelvic tilt, perfect. 2:08 And now lets try. 2:09 Good, it would be the same if you guys did a push up against a wall or up against a smith 2:15 machine. 2:16 We can change our feet placement to control how much force she needs to produce. 2:23 Now this looks pretty good, force wise. 2:25 Now Salvy's a fairly advanced individual when it comes to stability and coordination, there 2:30 are a few things I could do now that I found the right distance here, to make it harder 2:35 on a stability level. 2:37 So the first thing I'm going to have Salvy do is go ahead and center her feet. 2:42 She's then going to lift this leg off the floor here. 2:45 If she's lifting this leg guys, now this leg is out of it, this is the leg we need to focus on. 2:51 She needs to be locked out here, glute really really tight, driving through the floor, drawn 2:55 in and now let's try. 2:58 Good Salvy make sure you guy down as one piece, don't leave your hips behind. 3:03 And this is pretty tough, this is actually really tough. 3:06 This is a good exercise for Salvy and if she was my client we were just working out I would 3:10 probably stop her here. 3:12 I'm going to go ahead and show you guys one more progression though, just so guys have 3:16 some more stuff to work with, with your clients. 3:20 We could go from two feet, to one foot, to two feet unstable, and then one foot unstable. 3:27 So you guys will notice here I've brought up a bosu ball. 3:33 For safety purposes I put a couple 45 pound plates behind this bosu so it doesn't slip 3:38 out and surprise her. 3:41 Salvy's going to go ahead and put both feet up there. 3:45 Cueing is the same, balls of the foot are pressed into the bosu, quads locked out, glutes 3:51 tight, drawn in. 3:53 Alright Salvy let's see that. 3:55 Good. 3:57 And Salvy's starting to shake a little bit, we're starting to find that limit in her ability 4:02 to stabilize. 4:03 And her shoulders went up there a little bit, so we keep cueing down. 4:07 Shoulders down and back, perfect. 4:08 And then of course we could go one foot unstable, this would be really advanced. 4:16 Salvy's gonna go ahead and center her feet, remember that the foot that's on the ball, 4:18 or the foot that's on the ground is the one that she should be focused on. 4:22 So she's going to really try to drive like she's about to take off with that left leg, 4:25 through the bosu, try to straighten herself out here. 4:29 Draw in, good. 4:34 And that's a little rough for Salvy, but you guys I think get the idea behind this progression, 4:41 thank you Salvy for all of those reps. 4:43 You guys could go onto stability balls, you could take this stability down a step by doing 4:49 something like an airex pad, just make sure it doesn't slide around. 4:52 Alright so some progressions guys, just so we go back. 4:56 It's the same as any pushup. 4:58 So we can go from 2 feet to 1 foot, we could then go 2 feet unstable, 1 foot unstable and 5:04 of course you guys can control the amount of weight that they have to lift by going 5:09 either more vertical, which is going to decrease the weight or more horizontal which is going 5:13 to increase the weight. 5:14 I hope you guys enjoy the suspension trainer, I hope you guys enjoy this video and the progression, 5:19 thank you Salvy so much.