0:02 This is Brent, President of B2C Fitness and we're talking about more resistance 0:06 training. In this video we're going to talk about adding a new modality that's 0:10 gotten very popular in the last couple of years in the fitness industry, and that, 0:13 of course, is suspension training. Suspension training gives us some 0:16 interesting new options for our stability training for resistance 0:21 training. So in this particular video we're going to look at how we can 0:24 use these suspension trainers, whatever suspension trainer you like to use, to 0:29 progress the exercises that we have been doing for the back. One of the most 0:33 popular being, of course, the row. I'm going to have my friend, Leanne, come out. 0:36 She's going to help me demonstrate this exercise and how to progress this 0:39 exercise. Now, starting off, I want Leanne to adopt a position where all of her 0:46 kinetic chain checkpoints are in alignment. So we're going to make sure her 0:49 feet are parallel underneath her hips, her knees are nice and lined up, she's not in and 0:53 anterior or posterior pelvic tilt. She's then going to lean back and go ahead and 0:58 place her weight on this suspension trainer. Now, two things tend to happen 1:04 when people do this. They either sag on their backside, or they tend to go into 1:08 a hyper lordotic curve. So what I want Leanne to do is back up just 1:14 a little bit for me, go ahead and tuck her pelvis 1:17 under making sure her glutes are squeezed. So it's going to be her posterior 1:20 kinetic chain that supports her core, as well as the rest of her kinetic chain 1:25 during this movement. Once she's in nice form, then it just becomes the standard 1:30 row that we all know. I just want her to pull back, elbows close to her sides, pulling 1:37 her shoulder blades down and back. Now, with the suspension trainer being a very 1:41 unstable environment, people are going to try to compensate. So what I want to look 1:45 for, is to make sure that Leanne doesn't do this thing. This is the normal 1:50 compensation we see in a row. People want to tuck their hands in, they want their 1:54 shoulders to end up, they might even do that forward head thing. Leanne of course, 1:58 isn't doing any of that, being fairly practiced at this row pattern. 2:04 She's going to keep her shoulder blades down and back, thinking about bringing her 2:06 chest up to those suspension trainers. So if I wanted to progress this exercise, 2:14 because Leanne obviously can do this quite well, I can do so in a few 2:17 different fashions. With the suspension trainer we can go to one arm. Leanne is 2:24 flipping the handles here so that they're nice and stable. She's 2:29 going to keep the same form, and now what I want to watch for is to make sure that 2:33 Leanne doesn't rotate. She's going to try to keep nice and stable, and keep squared 2:38 up, and that is going to be the challenge of this progression. Not to mention, 2:44 we just doubled the amount of weight that one arm has to take on. 2:50 If I wanted to make this even tougher I could do a couple of different 2:53 things. I could either go back to two arms. Let's go back to two arms and 2:58 show on one leg. 3:08 So Leanne's got one leg, make sure that if somebody is doing one leg 3:12 they are focused on the leg that's on the ground. So Leanne should be really 3:15 focused on firing this glute, keeping her form squared up in her upper body. 3:22 She's nice and drawn-in. If I really wanted to make this challenging let's see if we can 3:26 do one arm and opposite leg. So Leanne's once again flipping 3:33 the handles, making sure they're nice and stable, one can't slide out of the other. 3:39 Remember it's this leg that 3:42 she's firing. 3:46 That's pretty challenging. It looks good though. So she's got her chest up, 3:54 getting those shoulder blades down and back, she's not compensating, her arms are 3:58 getting back as far as they can without compensating. She's not torquing anywhere. 4:03 Her kinetic chain checkpoints are nice in alignment. Nice job, Leanne. Now, if this 4:09 wasn't hard enough, we could make it even tougher, and this goes for any of our 4:14 exercises on the suspension trainer, just by bringing her feet a little bit this 4:18 way and having her lean back farther. If you remember from physics, if this is my 4:23 lever arm, the further she gets this way, the more force she's going to have to 4:28 create to pull herself back up because we're increasing the moment arm. So you 4:32 can go ahead and demonstrate that for us Leanne, but we will go back to our nice 4:35 two arm, two leg. So as she gets leaned back further, this is going to become a 4:40 lot tougher. Good. I have seen people even go as far as putting their feet up 4:46 on a bench and getting totally horizontal. 4:54 Of course Leanne's jacked. She's strong, she loves this stuff. So there you 5:00 go, this is adding our suspension trainer as a progression in our inner 5:04 row progression for the back. So you have seen 5:09 rows with a cable, we've done standing rows and all the progressions there. 5:12 This adds a whole lot of instability, and gives us another option to progress. I 5:17 hope you have enjoyed this video, I hope you have a lot of fun with your 5:20 suspension training, and I hope it increases your performance. I'll talk to 5:23 you soon.