0:05 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute, and in this video we're going to go over a 0:07 variation of tibialis anterior activation that requires no equipment. 0:11 Now this isn't my favorite variation, I prefer the previous video we showed 0:15 where we had a monster band around a treatment table, or a monster band hooked 0:19 to something heavy and you were in long sit on the floor. That external 0:22 resistance becomes real handy and you can get that recruitment pattern of heel 0:27 strike, but I understand that those monster bands can be hard to hook up if 0:33 you don't have a treatment table, if you don't have something really heavy to 0:36 hook up to, if you don't have room behind that heavy object to hook up to that you 0:41 can actually get in long sit position, you're kind of out of luck. So this idea 0:46 of having a variation where you don't need equipment, that becomes very handy 0:50 for things like home exercise programs, for group exercise classes and for team 0:56 training where you're trying to do a little movement prep. Obviously tibialis 0:59 anterior activation is going to help get some inversion, help fight against pes- 1:03 planus, or feet flat during an overhead squat assessment, which we know is going to 1:07 be beneficial for all of our athletes. I'm going to have Melissa come in, she's 1:10 going to help me demonstrate. Melissa does have a little lower extremity 1:14 dysfunction. Alright, she definitely works with some stuff in her ankles and she 1:20 can get a little flat-footed from her running and what-not. She's going to get in 1:23 plank position on the wall here to start. it is important to kind of be leaning 1:27 against the wall, we want stability. We don't want to make somebody have to try 1:32 to balance or stabilize because I want to be able to focus on getting some 1:36 activity in my tibialis anterior. Now the cueing is the same. I need her to dorsiflex 1:43 and invert to get her tibialis anterior drive up, but I also need to 1:46 her to reciprocally inhibit her overactive synergist, being her long toe 1:51 extensors, especially her extensor digitorum longus which is not only in 1:55 dorsiflexor, but an eva durand pronator of the foot. So it can really really 2:00 contribute to that flat-footed-ness. So what she's going to do is she's going to 2:06 try to get into as much dorsiflexion as she possibly can, by driving the this 2:11 big toe knuckle right her first MTP up as high as she possibly can. That'll 2:17 that'll get her thinking about dorsiflexion and inversion, and then 2:20 she's going to curl her toes at the same time to try to shutdown extensor 2:28 digitorum longus (EDL). Now you can see here Melissa is having a hard time with her 2:32 dorsiflexion. So we're doing this barefooted only 2:36 because we want you to be able to see her toes, but you could technically put 2:41 something under her heels and have her put her shoes on as you probably 2:45 would in a group environment anyway. What you put your heels on could just be a 2:49 couple weight plates that are around. Alright and now she's going to have some 2:52 room to actually get some dorsiflexion. A good thing for you guys to watch out for 2:57 is if the person can't get their fifth metatarsal or the lateral side of their 3:02 foot off the floor, they probably need a little heel rise to make this really 3:05 effective. Now the reason this isn't my favorite variation is effectiveness on 3:14 this exercise, actually getting some observable objective outcomes like let's 3:19 say an improvement in dorsiflexion goniometry is 100% dependent on Melissa's 3:25 effort. So if she just goes through the motions and just flops 3:30 her foot up and then back down, show them that flop foot up back down, just flop 3:33 foot up back down, she just kind of does this thing then you're not you not 3:37 getting any results. But if she really really tries to get in as much 3:44 dorsiflexion as she possibly can and hold it with toes curled, I know she's 3:49 going to activate the heck out of her tibialis anterior, and the reason being 3:54 is she's working against her overactive calf complex. So as long as she puts 4:01 in effort, she really tries to get to the end of dorsiflexion, I know she's going 4:06 have to work against her own resistance here. How's that going? We 4:12 usually have to go a little drill-sergeant at this point -so up, hold 4:16 two three four, squeeze and back down. Right I'll do like two-four-two count 4:22 right and one of my favorite tempos for activation exercise -hold three four back 4:29 down, come on up. Let's go for some sexy shins because everybody wants sexy shins, back 4:36 down, up, hold. Now if she gets really good at this maybe I've had a couple 4:42 sessions with her, you have had a couple group training sessions where 4:45 everybody knows what they're doing, you can do both feet at once. 4:47 So we can dorsiflex on both sides once they get a handle on it, 4:52 kind of cut our time in half for this particular exercise. Hold, squeeze as hard 4:57 as you possibly can. Good up -two, three, four. I don't see the 5:04 lateral side of your foot high enough come on. I mean how are you going to have 5:08 sexy sexy shins if you don't, that's what everybody wants right I heard that sexy 5:14 shins were in this year. Alright back up good and then back down. Now the way 5:19 your ankles set up your tibia isn't at the end of your foot, so if you 5:24 dorsiflex it's not like this where your tibia wouldn't move, your 5:28 activity is actually a bit forward kind of in the middle-ish of your foot, the 5:32 middle third of your foot. So when you dorsiflex your calcaneus actually goes 5:35 down and you end up lifting up your whole body-weight, which means that if 5:40 you do one foot at a time it's actually really hard. Alright so I'm going to have 5:45 her lift this leg, you will be able to see the dorsiflexion and inversion on 5:48 this side as she struggles, which she is definitely struggling. Melissa you got to 5:54 work on this. Obviously this would be a little easier for her if we maybe did a 5:58 little bit more mobility work to start off with. We you know release her calf, 6:04 mobilize her ankle, stretch her calf and then do this stuff. But with that being 6:10 said you guys can see how this variation doesn't require much equipment. It's 6:13 fairly easy to coach right, you can just once they get foot up and in with toes 6:18 curled, you know you can kind of queue a bunch of people through that once, and 6:22 then the nice thing is that we can go straight into our reactive activation 6:26 which is that heel walk video I have up. Alright and we can even gamify that in 6:30 a group and do what we call penguin walk marathon, where you get heel walks 6:36 and you time it and see who can walk the longest. Alright so have a little fun 6:41 that way and it all starts of course with this, 6:44 and of course it took no equipment. Again it doesn't get the same effect that I 6:50 get out of something like the tibialis anterior activation that's resisted, but 6:55 it does get me some pretty good results. Obviously it comes in handy, 7:00 obviously for home exercises it's perfect, and I'd really like to see a 7:05 little bit more corrective exercise than our in our group environments. So if you 7:09 guys have any questions, if you have any comments please leave them in the box 7:12 below. I look forward to seeing a lot more of this out in the field and in 7:17 classes.