0:04 This is Brent of the Brookbush Institute, and in this video we're going over 0:07 kinesiology taping technique to help support our interventions for foot 0:11 dysfunction. Now one of the components of foot dysfunction is excessive adduction 0:16 of the first and fifth toe, where the first and fifth metatarsal phalangeal 0:21 joins. You guys have probably heard terms like bunion, or hallux adductus, or 0:27 hallux valgus referring to the first MTP, and tailor's bunion or bunionette, referring 0:32 to the fifth MTP. Overall, this plays a role in the common impairment that 0:39 starts to create some pain and dysfunction of the foot. Now while the 0:42 interventions to start correcting some of that dysfunction can get a little 0:47 complicated involving mobilization of all of the little joints of the foot and 0:51 toes, as well as the altered length of all the muscles that cross the toes and 0:56 all of those joints in the foot. The taping technique to reinforce those 1:00 interventions, super, super, super simple. I'm going to have my friend Melissa come 1:05 out she's going to help me demonstrate. 1:08 Now usually I combine some taping with these gel inserts you guys have probably 1:15 seen at your local drugstore. You can buy them for of course between the first and 1:20 second toe, to help improve that adduction. You can also buy ones that 1:26 look like a smooshed out pac man, and they're a little flatter for between the 1:31 fourth and fifth toe, and they work they work pretty good. But i have found that 1:39 they don't do a whole lot to help reinforce some of the corrective stuff, 1:44 as far as like our activation techniques So if i'm working on somebody with 1:48 activating their their short toe flexors or the adductors of their pinkie and 1:55 first toe, i find that the tape maybe because of the way it irritates the skin, 2:02 or because of the way it stretches the skin, helps me get a little bit more 2:08 muscular involvement and i think overall improves carryover. So to give you guys 2:14 an idea of how to put this tape on its actually 2:18 very very simple. What I'm usually going to want to do, is I want to first 2:22 start by finding something that's going to abduct their toe, and I'm going 2:26 to stick it between the toe I'm trying to abduct and the next toe. Mostly 2:31 because I want my hands-free, both hands-free for the tape. So I've used 2:36 pens, I've used folded up pieces of paper, for between the fourth and fifth toe 2:42 I could use the spacer for the first and second toe. You just need something that 2:46 goes a little beyond the abduction you're looking for. You're then going to 2:51 take the tape and you're going to pull off as much paper as you have length of 2:56 the toe. So we're going to use the whole side of the toe as an anchor here, 3:01 obviously pinkie toe is not going to be as much tape as the first toe. 3:12 I'm going to lay that down just like so, get a nice anchor point. Good, make sure 3:23 once again that my spacer is working out for me, I got lots of abduction. I'm 3:30 then going to go ahead, and while at other videos have shown you guys putting 3:34 muscles in either shortened or lengthened positions, and just using tape 3:38 off tension. The foot because it's so rigid, it's so resilient because we walk 3:43 on it, I'm going to go ahead and put quite a bit of tension in this tape. if 3:47 this is a hundred percent I'm just going to back off a little bit. Since we're 3:52 doing the fifth toe I'm go right across her fifth metatarsal. I want to go all the 3:57 way back to the heel with that tension, and then I'm going to go ahead and leave 4:03 the rest of it with no tension, and create my anchor just behind the heel. 4:08 Now with this taping technique, the length is going to be set by you being 4:14 able to get a piece of tape from her toe all the way around her heel. This is 4:20 the foot so the tape tends to come off pretty easy already, just from 4:25 putting socks on and off, walking, and the rubbing of shoes, from the way we move 4:30 our feet in our sleep. If you don't get it all the way around the heel, this tape 4:35 will fall off in a few hours. It doesn't last very long. I do find that if I get 4:39 it around the heel, usually I can get to that 24 to 48 hour point and get at 4:44 least some good carryover. So let's go ahead and do the other toe here since I 4:50 just happen to have two spacers handy. I'm going to use that to help me abduct 4:56 her first MTP. Once again I wouldn't use two spacers necessarily with somebody, 5:02 that's a lot of abduction, but just while I'm setting this tape to help increase 5:06 the tension, I'm going to go ahead and pull off as much paper as I have toe. 5:11 Which in this case being the first toe is a lot more space, 5:16 or a lot more tape rather. Once again once i get a good anchor, go ahead and 5:22 pull off with a lot of tension, a lot of tension there. Go ahead and follow the 5:30 arch of your foot. make sure there's no bubbles in the tape, no folds on the 5:37 tape. I'm going to get to her heel, and then with no tension lay down the anchor. 5:48 Go back and fix my spacers here, 5:55 and hopefully Melissa's foot pain will be reduced. Hopefully it will stay reduced 6:04 now that we've done our intervention and reinforced it with tape for a couple 6:08 days, and then hopefully she'll come back I'll get the chance to do this again. If 6:13 it continues to be successful we could even possibly teach Melissa how to do 6:17 this taping on herself, since this taping is actually extremely easy to do. 6:22 I hope you guys enjoy this technique. It's one of the first videos that we've laid 6:28 down on correcting foot dysfunction. I think you guys will find that foot 6:32 dysfunction is a hidden killer to performance with a lot of athletes. I 6:37 look forward to hearing your comments on this technique, on you using this 6:42 technique and the results that you get, and of course any modifications that you 6:46 can think of on this technique that might make it a little better. I'll talk 6:48 with you guys soon. 6:57 you