0:00 This is Brent coming at you with yet another collaboration video. 0:03 Rob and I will be geeking out over TVA activation, and glute max activation, and 0:09 how are we going to progress these exercises. We've come up with a 0:11 method that not only progresses both, but combines them, which, of course, increases 0:17 the efficiency of our programs as well. I'm gonna have my friend Rob come out 0:20 and help me demonstrate. 0:21 Now, I have to warn you ahead of time, I'm going to go ahead and apologize 0:23 for Rob, he has to turn his back to you. 0:26 This is just so he can demonstrate the exercises. You need to be able to 0:29 see his hips, and what's going on with his hips and reference to this wall. 0:32 Let's talk about TVA activation to start. We use the quadruped position 0:36 a lot. 0:37 Notice that he has his feet tucked, they're in nice alignment here, so his kinetic 0:42 chain checkpoints are in line: feet, knees, hips, and a nice straight spine. 0:47 Now, what you have probably started to notice is, as soon as you start going 0:50 through the progressions of TVA activation, as soon 0:54 as they start any of the marching, or they start lifting legs, - and you can go 0:58 ahead and lift the leg here and show it- 1:00 they start doing this shift, this way. We don't want to shift this way. That 1:05 takes everything out of alignment here. 1:08 That's also a failure of his external rotators and abductors in this hip, to 1:12 stabilize his hip. 1:14 Regardless of whether that is part of our compensation pattern, we know that 1:17 that is a common compensation pattern, we don't want to contribute, or create one, 1:20 we want to find a way to get this stable, and that shift in the spine isn't 1:26 going to help us out either. 1:27 So, Rob has come up with this ingenious way of making sure we don't do this, 1:33 and in the process has made this exercise incredibly hard. 1:37 So, what Rob does, is he takes this yoga block, 1:42 but you could use anything you can find in the gym that soft enough 1:45 for somebody's knees to be able to handle. You just want to get 1:49 their knee off the ground a little bit. 1:52 Now, what you're going to see here is, as soon as Rob 1:55 shifts his pelvis back in a neutral position, and you can use that 1:59 martini glass queue I used in the first video where we pretend there's 2:02 a martini glass on your back, try to get level, don't shake... as soon as he did that, 2:07 he had to abduct slightly at the hip, which is of course going to activate his 2:11 abductors and external rotators, so we're good here, as well as his multifidi on 2:17 this side of his spine, 2:18 so now he's nice and stable here. Queue the drawing-in maneuver. 2:22 I can keep him from shifting this way by just going, 'okay Rob, you're not allowed to 2:28 touch the wall. The wall is right there, if you feel it, you need to back off of it, don't 2:32 lean into it'. Now he's totally set up, and, believe it or not, just doing this, 2:37 is really hard. 2:40 That little movement to take his knee off the ground, is 2:43 super, super hard. If I want to make it a little harder, I can just have him lift 2:47 this foot, and then go into a little bit more triple flexion to get that foot off, 2:52 or triple extension. Good. This is actually the final progression we'll show. 2:56 You could go with keeping the foot on the ground, or 3:00 we could try this arm. Don't try this arm on the same side, same leg. It doesn't work 3:06 out so well, we don't anybody falling over! You can work in some upper body 3:10 stuff on this side. You can work in the lower body stuff on this side. 3:14 Once again, shown that triple extension here... 3:18 And then, of course, Rob was showing me this exercise, and I'm going, 'wow 3:21 this is awesome, this is really, really tough.' Then I thought, 'well you know, 3:24 we should probably do? We should probably just add glue max activation to this, 3:29 and make it really, really tough'. 3:31 So that's what we did! What Rob is going to do is move the 3:36 block to his other knee now. He's going to do the exact same thing, I'm still 3:41 going to keep him from shifting, except now, he's not going to be trying to stay 3:47 away from the wall so much this way, as staying so that he can slightly feel the 3:52 wall. That will keep him from shifting toward me, and then what I'm going to 3:56 have them do with this side, if you guys remember with the glute max, our 4:01 overactive synergists our erector spinae, which we know we already have out 4:05 because of our position, and the fact that he's going to draw-in real hard, and 4:09 then the biceps femoris, which we are going to take out by having him extend his 4:14 knee, flex is quad really, really hard, and then we have posterior fibers of adductor magnus. 4:20 The way to get that out is by abducting into the wall a little bit. 4:25 He can go ahead and point his toe, going into plantar flexion for me, so we 4:28 reinforce triple extension. So, we have TVA activation with the quadruped, and now 4:34 he's actually perfectly set up to go ahead and give me some nice hip 4:38 extension, which, of course, is going to be great 4:41 glute max activation. 4:44 So if you've been working on TVA activation already, and glute max activation 4:48 already, this progression is a wonderful way to take it up a step, increase the 4:53 need for stabilization, increase the need for coordination, 4:57 as well as get these two exercises together which is going to 5:00 make your program more efficient. Now, we did talk about a couple ways we could 5:03 progress this. 5:04 Rob is really fond of the half foam roller under the knee. 5:09 You could use the half foam roller under the knee for the TVA progression, or the 5:14 glute max progression. 5:15 So why don't you show the glute max activation progression. Good stuff! And 5:22 you can see, this just increases the need for stability, and increases the need for 5:26 coordination. 5:27 Good! Then, of course, we could progress this farther by just doing 5:30 something simple like add an ankle weight to this leg, and we could start 5:35 with above the knee, and then at the ankle and increase weight over 5:38 time. You can experiment with time on this, do this for 60 seconds on each side. 5:44 You could do it for your reps of 12 to 20 repetitions on each side, 5:48 our normal activation stuff, and you're going to do that one to three set range. 5:52 Thank you very much Rob, I know that was a tough video for you! 5:56 Thank you, I hope you enjoyed this video!