Research Review: The Effect of Different Rest Intervals Between Sets on Volume Components and Strength Gains.
By David Boettcher MSc, BA, NASM CPT, PES, CES & NPTI
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Original Citation: Willardson, M., & Burkett, L.N. (2008). The effect of different rest intervals between sets on volume components and strength gains. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22 (1), 146-152. - ABSTRACT
Why the Study is Relevant: Recommendations on inter-set rest interval length for improving muscular strength vary between strength training organizations (1 - 3). This 2008 study compared changes in strength among 15 resistance-trained participants when using 2- or 4- minute rest intervals. Strength adaptations were similar in both groups, despite greater volume performed in the 4-minute rest interval group. This suggests that human movement professionals may recommend 2-minute or 4-minute inter-set rest intervals for promoting optimal strength adaptations.

Bench Press
Study Summary
Study Design | Randomized Crossover Design |
Level of Evidence | IB Evidence from at least one randomized controlled trial |
Subject Characteristics | Demographics
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion Criteria:
Methodology |
Data Collection and Analysis |
Outcome Measures |
Results |
Our Conclusions | Both 2- and 4-minute inter-set rest intervals are beneficial for increasing strength. Human movement professionals may use either when structuring a resistance training program with a goal of increased strength. |
Researchers' Conclusions | Rest intervals of 2- or 4-minutes can elicit similar strength gains in the squat exercise in experienced resistance trainers. Inter-set rest intervals can be altered according to age, training experience and exercise selection. Longer rest intervals may be beneficial for novice participants, and shorter periods for experienced lifters. |

Nicholas Rolnick performs a barbell front squat.
How This Study Contributes to the Body of Research:
This study compared the changes in squat 1RM after a 12-week resistance training program using either 2- or 4-minute inter-set rest intervals. Studies have demonstrated that volume and adaptations may be affected by inter-set rest intervals of less than 2 minutes, and some studies have demonstrated that volume may be affected with longer rest intervals (5-14). This study adds to a growing body of evidence demonstrating that inter-set rest-intervals longer than 2 minutes may have no additional benefit for strength adaptations (6, 13, 14). This study adds important data regarding the interpretation of inter-set rest interval research, as strength adaptation were similar with a 2 minute inter-set rest interval, despite a 4-minute rest interval leading to greater total workloads.
How the Findings Apply to Practice:
The findings suggest that 2- and 4- minute inter-set rest intervals do not alter strength gains over the course of an undulating 12-week exercise program. This implies that human movement professionals may recommend either 2- or 4-minute rest intervals for strength adaptations. This allows flexibility in programming that may include shorter rest intervals for conditioned athletes, circuit training which may increase the length of time between sets for similar muscle groups, or increased rest between sets for less conditioned individuals.
- Strengths
- The crossover design reduced the influence of confounding variables, including individual ability.
- The weights were individualized based on the participant’s strength levels at the start of the macrocycle, increasing internal validity and replicability.
- This study’s periodized program and exercise selection allows for replicability by human movement professionals and applicability in various training and rehabilitation settings.
- Weakness and limitations
- The participants had at least 4-years of resistance training experience, which may decrease the generalizability of the findings.
- The participants were regularly contacted via phone to self-report compliance; without outside verification, it is uncertain if participants were compliant.
- Training experience was self-reported, which may decrease the validity of the population included in this study.
How Does It Relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
The Brookbush Institute (BI) continues to refine optimal acute variable selection for program design. Research studies such as this, add 3rd party objective data to client outcomes and the experience of the professional staff at the BI. This study supports the use of both 2- and 4-minute inter-set rest periods to promote strength changes. This is similar to BI recommendations for human movement professionals developing a strength training protocol. To increase the generalization of these training protocols, future research should compare the inter-set rest intervals and volume which are necessary to induce strength adaptations in both upper and lower body muscular. In addition, these results should be compared to similar programming with less experienced individuals.
Sample videos from the Brookbush Institute Video Library (Variations of a Squat):
Squat Form and Modifications
Back Squat
Front Squat
Squat to Row
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© 2017 Brent Brookbush
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