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June 6, 2023

Rest Interval Required for Power Training with Power Load in the Bench Press Throw Exercise

This article explores the optimal rest interval for power training with power load in the bench press throw exercise. Discover the science-backed recommendations for building explosive strength.

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Research Review: Inter-set Rest Interval Required for Power Training in the Bench Press Throw Exercise

By Crystal Chariton MA, LMT, NSCA- CSCS, NASM- CPT, USAW

Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS

Original Citation:

Hernandez-Davo, J., Solana, R., Marin, J., Fernandez-Fernandez, J., and Ramon, M. (2016). Rest interval required for power training with power load in the bench press throw exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(5), 1265-1274. Abstract

Why the Study is Relevant:

Research on the optimal duration of inter-set rest periods for power training in not conclusive (1,2). This 2016 study adds to the body of research, investigating the influence of various inter-set rest periods on the ability to maintain power output during multiple sets of the bench press throw. Data was gathered on peak power, lactate concentration, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) 24- and 48-hours post-training sessions. The findings suggest that longer (2- or 3-minute) inter-set rest power are necessary; however, there may be little difference between 2- and 3-minute rest intervals.

Dr. Brookbush instruct Laura DeAngelis on proper form for a Bench Press
Caption: Dr. Brookbush instruct Laura DeAngelis on proper form for a Bench Press

Bench Press

Study Summary

Study Design Within-subjects
Level of EvidenceIB evidence from at least one randomized controlled trial
Subject CharacteristicsDemographics:
  • Age +/- Standard Deviation (in years): 24 +/- 3
  • Gender: 13 female; 18 male
  • Number of participants: 31
  • Physically active college students

Inclusion Criteria:

  • 12 months of strength training experience
  • Currently strength training at least 2 days/week
  • Males required to bench press at least 100% of their body weight
  • Females required to bench press at least 60% of their body weight

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Physiological disorders
  • Illness that may increase risk associated with participation
  • Participants attended 2 familiarization sessions 1 week before the first testing session: They performed 3 sets of 8 reps of the bench press throw using an estimated 40% of their bench press 1 repetition maximum (RM).
  • Participants attended 4 training sessions in a 4-week period. In session 1, the baseline 1RM bench press was measured using a Smith Machine, following NSCA protocol (3).
  • Training sessions 2-4 followed the same protocol: A warm-up of 2 sets x 10 reps at 50% of 1RM, 3-minute rest interval, 5 sets x 8 reps of the bench press throw using 40% of 1RM on a Smith Machine, with varied rest intervals (1- 2- or 3- minutes). The order of rest intervals was randomized, and all participants completed the exercises with all inter-set rest intervals.
  • Mean power (MP) and peak power (PP; maximum value of the power-time curve) were measured during each set. The percentage of change in MP and PP from the first set and the PP of each repetition were calculated.
  • Blood lactate concentration was measured 1-minute before and 1-minute after each session.
  • Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was measured after the last set of each session.
  • Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) was measured 24 hours and 48 hours post session.
  • The same researcher conducted all sessions, and participants were scheduled to attend each testing and training session at the same time of day.
  • Participants were instructed to maintain normal lifestyle habits, diets, and hydration status.
  • Participants were instructed to refrain from anti-inflammatory medications. They were also instructed to refrain from caffeine 3 hours before the sessions and from strength training 72 hours before the sessions.

Data was analyzed separately due to statistical differences between genders in 1RM, mean power, peak power, blood lactate, and rating of perceived exertion.

A 1-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to evaluate the influence of the inter-set rest intervals (1- 2- and 3-minutes) on mechanical, physiological and perceptual variables.

Statistical significance: P ≤ 0.05

Outcome Measures

Power Output

Participants were instructed to throw the barbell as high as possible while keeping their head, shoulders and trunk on the bench and their feet on the floor.

  • A T-Force System and T-Force Dynamic Measuring System (Ergotech, Spain) were used to calculate kinematic and kinetic data.
  • Peak power was calculated from: barbell velocity (bar displacement with respect to time), instantaneous acceleration (from the velocity-time data), instantaneous force (force = mass, acceleration + gravity), and instantaneous power output (power = force x velocity).
  • Validity and reliability of this system was previously established (ICC = 0.81 to 0.91; coefficient variation = 3.6%)(4).
  • Mean power and percentage of change in mean power and peak power based on the first set was also calculated.


  • Capillary blood samples (25µl) were taken from the ear lobes and analyzed with a portable device (Lactate Scout; Senselab, Leipzig, Germany).
  • Samples were collected 1 minute pre- and 1 minute post- training sessions.

Rate of perceived exertion (RPE)

  • The Borg scale (0 = rest, 10 = fatigue) was used to measure the physical intensity experienced by the participants. This helped to determine their perceived exertion during the bench press throw.
  • Participants were asked for their RPE immediately after the last set of each session.

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

  • No muscle soreness was reported before the start of each training session.
  • Participants were asked “How painful do your muscles feel?” and answered with a rating scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 (a lot of pain). This was asked 24- and 48- hours post-session.
ResultsMean Power
  • Females and males had a significant decrease in mean power with 1-minute rest intervals in sets 2-5.
  • Neither gender showed significant differences between 2- and 3-minute rest intervals.

% Change in Mean Power

  • Females demonstrated a decrease in mean power with 1-minute rest intervals when compared to 3-minute rest intervals in sets 3-5.
  • Females demonstrated a decrease in mean power when comparing 1- and 2-minute rest intervals, only in set 2.
  • Males demonstrated a decrease in mean power with 1-minute rest intervals when compared to 2- or 3-minute rest intervals in sets 2-5.

Peak Power

  • Both genders had a decrease in peak power with 1-minute rest intervals when compared with 2- and 3-minute rest intervals in sets 2-5.
  • Females had a decrease in peak power with 1-minute rest intervals in sets 2-5, with 2- and 3-minute rest intervals in sets 4 and 5.
  • Males had a decrease in peak power with 1-minute rest intervals in sets 2-5, with 2-minute rest intervals in sets 3-5, and with 3-minute rest intervals in sets 4 and 5.

Intra-set Peak Power

  • Neither gender demonstrated significant differences in total reps performed across inter-set rest intervals.
  • Females had a larger decrease in peak power in the last set with 1-minute rest intervals than with 2- and 3-minute rest intervals.
  • Females demonstrated no difference between sets with 2- and 3-minute rest intervals.


  • Females had higher post-lactate levels with 1-minute rest intervals compared with 2- or 3-minute rest intervals.
  • Males had higher post-lactate levels with 1-minute rest intervals compared with 3-minute rest intervals.


  • Both genders had higher RPE with 1-minute rest intervals than with 3-minute rest intervals.
  • Males jad higher RPE with 1-minute rest intervals than with 2-minute rest intervals.

DOMS (24 hr. and 48 hr.)

  • Females did not report significant difference in DOMS with varied rest intervals.
  • Males reported higher DOMS scores 24 and 48 hours with 1-minute rest intervals when compared with 3-minute rest intervals.
  • Males reported higher DOMS scores 24 hours after training with 2-minute rest intervals when compared to 3-minute rest intervals.
Our Conclusions

A larger decrease in power output (mean power and peak power) from set to set was noted when 1 minute inter-set rest periods were compared to 2- or 3-minute rest periods of the bench press throw (40% of 1RM).

Lactate, RPE, and DOMS (24 hr. and 48 hr.) were more favorable with 2- or 3-minute rest intervals.

These results suggest that upper body power training (40% of 1RM) is most effective when 2- or 3-minute rest intervals are used.

Researchers' ConclusionsThe researchers' conclusions are similar to our conclusions. In addition, the research hypothesize that 1-minute rest interval may not allow adequate recovery between sets, resulting in greater fatigue, reduced power and increased blood lactate concentration (as demonstrated by higher lactate concentrations). Maintaining performance during power training sessions with a light load (40% of 1RM) requires a 2-minute inter-set rest period.

Dr. Brent Brookbush coaches an athlete through optimal mechanics for power production during a plyometric/power push-up.
Caption: Dr. Brent Brookbush coaches an athlete through optimal mechanics for power production during a plyometric/power push-up.

Power Push-up

Review & Commentary

This study investigated the influence of inter-set rest period on the ability to maintain upper body power output over multiple sets of the bench press throw. Data was gathered on mean power, peak power, lactate concentration, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), and delayed muscle onset soreness (DOMS) 24- and 48-hours post-training session. The findings suggest that 1-minute rest intervals are inadequate to maintain power output over multiple sets of upper body power exercises. Both genders had greater power output and better recovery (as measured via blood lactate concentration, RPE, and DOMS) with the 2- and 3-minute rest intervals.

This study had many methodological strengths, including:

  • Standardized procedures, validated by prior studies, enhance the strength of the study results.
  • One researcher conducted all testing sessions, minimizing confounding variables.
  • Participants attended familiarization sessions to ensure proper exercise technique and comprehension of expectations for the protocol.
  • Extraneous variables (caffeine, anti-inflammatory medications, supplements) were controlled.
  • Strength training was restricted 72 hours prior to the sessions.
  • Randomization of the order of the rest interval minimized the impact of training affects on subsequent sessions.

Weaknesses that should be noted prior to clinical integration of the findings include:

  • Upper body power output was measured using a Smith Machine, which may the results difficult to generalize to commonly used exercises. In addition, the bench press throw does not use the stretch shortening cycle, while many other power exercises do. Future studies should utilize other upper body exercises for power measurement, such as the chest pass, soccer throw, or overhead medicine ball throw.
  • The participants’ experience level with power exercises was not clear. Differences in power training experience may have affected the outcome. Future studies should include athletes who have a specified level of power training experience.
  • Females used 60% of 1RM and males used 100% of 1RM. This may have affected the results when comparing gender differences. Future studies should use equal percentages of 1RM when comparing genders.

How This Study Is Important

This study's findings allow human movement professionals to make evidence-based decisions regarding the optimal duration of inter-set rest periods in upper body power training sessions. Results for male and female participants were similar, suggesting there is no apparent need for gender specific protocols. This study is congruent with other studies, suggesting longer inter-set rest intervals (2 to 3 minutes) may be superior for power training (1, 2)

How the Findings Apply to Practice

The findings suggest that when using upper body power exercises with light load in a fitness or rehabilitation setting, human movement professionals should recommend an inter-set rest period of approximately 2 minutes to maintain optimal power output throughout a session. 2 minute inter-set rest periods resulted in similar performance from set to set when compared to 3 minute inter-set rest periods, but superior performance when compared to 1 minute inter-set rest periods. 2 and 3 minute inter-set rest periods resulted in less DOMS, lower lactate concentration and lower RPE, which could enhance recovery between sets, aid in maintenance of intensity throughout a training session, and potentially reduce recovery time between training sessions.

How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?

The Brookbush Institute encourages practitioners to consider all variables of program design and to individualize training programs according to the needs and goals of the client. The common range for inter-set rest intervals is 1- to 3-minutes depending on the training phase. The load and intensity of the exercises must also be considered. Based on results from this and other studies, the Brookbush Institute may have to consider reducing current recommendations of 3 - 5 minute inter-set rest periods to 2 minutes, and/or potentially have separate recommendations for upper and lower body exercise.

The following videos illustrate Brookbush Institute recommendations for Upper Body Power, Chest/Pushing Exercises.

Medicine Ball Chest Pass

Power Push-Ups

Power Sled Push


  1. Ratamess, N., Falvo, M., Mangine, G., Hoffmann, J., and Faigenbaum, A. (2007). The effect of rest interval length on metabolic responses to the bench press exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology, (100), 1-17.
  2. Nibali, M., Chapman, D., Robergs, R., and Drinkwater, E. (2013). Influence of rest interval duration on muscular power production in the lower-body power profile. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, (27), 2723-2729.
  3. Earle, R. and Baechle, T. NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2004.
  4. Gonzalez-Badillo, J. and Marques, M. (2010). Relationships between kinematic factors and countermovement jump height in trained track and field athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, (24), 3443-3447.

© 2017 Brent Brookbush

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