Research Review: The Influence of Local Muscle Vibration During Foam Rolling on Range of Motion and Pain
By Arran McManus MSc, BSc (Hons), ASCC, PGCAP & FHEA
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Announcement and Review of Findings Prior to Journal Publication - Enrique, D; Mauntel, T; Pietrosimone, B; Clark, M; Padua, D. The Influence of Local Muscle Vibration During Foam Rolling on Range of Motion and Pain. Submitted for publication to the Journal Strength and Conditioning Research in 2017 - Link to Manuscript
Why the Study is Relevant: A reduction in dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM) has been correlated with several lower extremity impairments (1-13). Research has demonstrated that release of the gastrocnemius /soleus with a foam roll may result in an increase in dorsiflexion without a decrease in force production, when combined with stretching will increase ROM more than either release or stretching alone, may decrease post onset muscle soreness and recovery time, and may enhance rehabilitation from plantar heel pain (13 - 18). Research has also demonstrated that vibration training may increase flexibility and performance (19-21). To our knowledge, this soon to be published 2017 study is the first to investigate the effect of foam rolling with vibration on ankle dorsiflexion ROM. The findings suggest that the addition of vibration enhances the benefits of foam rolling, resulting in greater change in ROM and reduction in pain pressure threshhold. The technology used in the study was the VYPER™ by Hyperice . Viper Vibrating Foam Roll
Study Summary
Design | Cross-over study |
Level of Evidence | IB evidence from at least one randomized controlled trial |
Participant Characteristics | Demographics
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion criteria:
Methodology | All participants completed a screening session consisting of:
Four criterion were used to identify myofascial trigger points (22-23):
Study Outline:
Intervention groups (randomly assigned crossover):
Stretching Protocol (performed after self-myofascial and trigger point release):
Range of motion measurements: Weight bearing lunge test:
Ankle Dorsiflexion
Pain Pressure Threshold and Numerical Rating Scale measurements:
Outcome measures:
Data Collection and Statistical Analysis |
Results |
Our Conclusions | The findings suggest that combining vibration with foam rolling results in greater improvements in ankle dorsiflexion than foam rolling alone. Human movement professionals may consider recommending self-myofascial release techniques using the VYPER™ to optimize mobility programs. |
Researchers' Conclusions | Greater increases in all ankle dorsiflexion range of motion measures were recorded following foam rolling with vibration than following traditional foam rolling. |
Review & Commentary: This 2017 study investigates a new tool, that is gaining popularity. Specifically, the study investigated combining vibration with self-administered release techniques on the gastrocnemius /soleus complex and the effect on ankle dorsiflexion. The findings suggest that immediate benefits in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion may be achieved by adding vibration training to release techniques.
This study had many methodological strengths, including:
- Participant randomization increases the strength of the study and confidence in findings.
- The use of well-described, commonly used self-myofascial release techniques (with the exception of the vibration tool) make the study easily applicable and reproducible.
- Individuals were assessed for ankle dorsiflexion ROM prior to intervention, ensuring that the intervention was used on individuals who may benefit.
- Multi-faceted data collection included pain pressure threshold. No difference was found between vibration and standard foam rolling which may have implications for the mechanism by which vibration training increases range of motion.
Weaknesses that should be noted prior to clinical integration of the findings:
- The pain pressure threshold is a subjective measure that may be affected by tolerance and expectation.
- The vibration component was measured only at setting 2 (32Hz). The significance, if any, of varied intensities of vibration was not measured.
- This study was limited to the gastrocnemius /soleus complex and the effect on ankle dorsiflexion, release techniques with vibration should be researched on additional body segments.
- Electromyography and movement assessment may have provided additional information on the impact of release techniques with vibration.
Why This Study is Important:
This study investigates the effectiveness of a new device designed to combine the benefits of self-myofascial release and vibration training. More research should be done comparing techniques, modalities and equipment with the intent of optimizing intervention selection. This study demonstrated that local vibration may be beneficial for reducing myofascial trigger-points and increasing range of motion. Additional research is needed to determine whether the same benefits can be realized for other muscles and joints of the body.
How the Findings Apply to Practice:
Human movement professionals should consider incorporating local vibration therapy and self-myofascial release techniques using devices like the VYPER™ by Hyperice . This study demonstrated that the addition of vibration training to self-myofascial release of the gastrocnemius /soleus resulted in a larger increase in dorsiflexion ROM when compared to self-myofascial release using a standard foam roll. This may have important implications for movement preperation, prehabilitation and rehabilitation programs, as a lack of ankle dorsiflexion has been correlated with various lower extremity impairments (1-12).
How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
The findings support the addition of a new modality/technique to the Brookbush Institute’s (BI) integrated approach to addressing movement impairment. Similar to the protocols used in this study, BI recommends addressing ankle dorsiflexion restriction with release , mobilization and lengthening techniques in individuals exhibiting signs of Lower Extremity Dysfunction (LED) . Further, the BI introduced the VYPER ™ and Hypersphere ™ into programs when these products were introduced to the market and noted impressive results. This study adds objective 3rd party evidence to those findings.
These videos illustrate self-myofascial release techniques recommended for assessing and improving ankle dorsiflexion ROM, and a more recent video that includes the use of the Hypersphere ™
Dorsiflexion Goniometry:
Gastrocnemius and Soleus Muscle Self Administered Static Release
Tensor Fasciae Latae Release:
Rhomboid Release with Hypersphere:
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© 2017 Brent Brookbush
Questions, comments, and criticisms are welcomed and encouraged -