Lower-Leg Dysfunction and the Recreational Athlete
By Brent Brookbush MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
History: 34yo, former collegiate athlete, history of knee pain
Goal: Increase Performance for Recreational Basketball (League Play)
Results of Movement Assessment: Lower-Leg Dysfunction
Flexibility (Tight/Overactive Muscles):
- Calves
- Biceps Femoris
- SI Joint Dysfunction
Activation Circuit (Long/Underactive Muscles):
- TVA weakness
- Gluteus Medius Compensation (TFL Dominance)
- Posterior Tibailis Weakness
- Anterior Tibialis Weakness
Subsystem Integration:
- Underactive Posterior Oblique Subsystem'
- Underactive Lateral Subsystem
Relative Flexibility Resistance Training Progressions:
- Upper-Body Movement: No Restrictions
- Lower Body: Carefully follow Lower-body progression (Modified Squats & Deadlifts to reduce compensation from dorsi-flexion restriction)
Program: 2 Phase, Daily Undulated, Periodization
Integrated Warm-Up: Lower-leg Dysfunction
Phase 1: (4-6 weeks)
- Day 1: Strength Endurance Circuits
- Day 2: Strength/Stability Supersets
Phase 2: (4-6 weeks)
- Day1: Strength/RNT Supersets
- Day 2: Metabolic Training - Power
Click on the link below to see the program and exercise routines:
Lower-Leg Dysfunction and the Recreational Athlete
© 2011 Brent Brookbush
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