Muscle Length Testing
Explanation of muscle length tests, including the reliability, validity, and relevance of the Ely's Test, Ober's Test, Thomas Test, Gastros/Soleus Length Test, Lat Length Test, and the Hamstring Length Test. How to use muscle length tests, outcomes (what muscle length tests show), and recommended interventions.
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Course Description: Muscle Length Testing
Why Assessment? All fitness, performance, and rehabilitation programs should start with an assessment. The goal of assessment is to refine exercise and technique recommendations, with the intent of improving client or patient outcomes. This course describes Muscle Length Testing (MLTs)
- Muscle Length Testing (MLT) - "Muscle length testing involves elongating the muscle in the direction opposite of its action while assessing its resistance to passive lengthening (1)"
Why Muscle Length Tests? MLTs are used to identify changes in muscle extensibility that may be contributing to movement impairment and/or symptoms. Generally, positive muscle length tests indicate a loss of extensibility of one or more muscles. This may imply release, mobilization, and/or lengthening techniques are recommended. When used in conjunction with dynamic postural assessment, and a continuous interval measure (e.g. goniometry), these tests can aid in differentiating which muscles are affected by alterations in joint motion.
- For example, If an Overhead Squat Assessment results in the identification of an anterior pelvic tilt (excessive lordosis) , and this is followed up with a measurement technique (continuous interval measure) like hip extension goniometry implying a measurable loss of hip extension range of motion (ROM), this still only provides enough information to implicate all hip flexors as potentially short/over-active. However, muscle length testing can be used to aid in identifying which hip flexors are exhibiting a loss of extensibility. A positive Ely's Test implies rectus femoris over-activity, Ober's Test implies tensor fascia latae over-activity, and the Modified Thomas Test , implies iliacus/psoas over-activity. Identification of which muscles exhibit over-activity may aid in refining recommendations for specific techniques, and an integrated intervention plan (combination of optimal techniques).
The Brookbush Institute recommends that these assessments are added to the repertoire of all movement professionals (personal trainers, fitness instructors, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, etc.).
Muscle Length Tests Covered in this Course
This course includes a quick review of the research demonstrating the reliability, accuracy (sensitivity and specificity), and relevance of each test, a description of test results and interpretation of findings, and thorough descriptions of how to perform the techniques including videos with a breakdown of anatomical landmarks, the optimal position for the extremities, client and practitioner positioning, the use of tape measurer or goniometer, etc.
- Lat Length Test
- External Rotation Goniometry for Differentiation
- Ely's Test (Rectus Femoris )
- Ober's Test (Tensor Fasciae Latae )
- Thomas' Test (Iliacus/Psoas )
- Hamstring Length Test
- Gastroc/Soleus Length Test
Printable PDF of the Movement Assessment Template:
Pre-approved credits for:
Pre-approved for Continuing Education Credits for:
- Athletic Trainers
- Chiropractors
- Group Exercise Instructors
- Massage Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Personal Trainers
- Physical Therapists
- Physical Therapy Assistants
This Course Includes:
- AI Tutor
- Text and Illustrations
- Audio Voice-over
- Technique Videos
- Practice Exam
- Pre-approved Final Exam
Course Study Guide: Muscle Length Testing
The Difference Between a Good Assessment and a Bad Assessment
How to use Muscle Length Tests
Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Length Test (Lat Length Test)
Ely's Test (Rectus Femoris Flexibility Assessment)
Ober's Test (Tensor Fasciae Latae Flexibility Assessment)
Modified Thomas' Test (Psoas and Iliacus Flexibility Assessment)
Hamstring Length Test
Gastroc/Soleus Length Test
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