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1 CreditCEC

Comparing Shoulder External Rotation Exercises

A comparison of shoulder external rotator (infraspinatus, teres minor, and posterior deltoid) exercises based on EMG activity and percent maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Selection and progression of optimal rotator cuff exercises, loads, and positioning for optimal rotator cuff (SITS) activity, rehabilitation, and recruitment.

Nicholas Rolnick

Nicholas Rolnick


David Boettcher

David Boettcher

MSc, BA, BI CPT, HMS (PhD Candidate)

Sasaki, et al. (2017). Electromyographic Analysis of Infraspinatus and Scapular Muscles During External Shoulder Rotation with Different Weight Loads and Positions
7 Sub Sections

Dark, et al. (2007). Shoulder Muscle Recruitment Pattern During Common Rotator Cuff Exercise
7 Sub Sections

Ha, et al. (2013). Selective Activation of the Infraspinatus Muscle
7 Sub Sections

Reinold, et al. (2004). Electromyographic Analysis of Rotator Cuff and Deltoid Musculature During Common External Rotation Exercises
6 Sub Sections

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