Kinetic Chain
Kinetic Chain: A concept that has expanded over the past several decades to describe the integration of 4 body systems (muscle, joints, fascia, and nerves), as well as, the coordinated function of various body segments (e.g. hip, knee and ankle) to produce motion. Kinetic refers to motion, and chain is an analogy for the interdependent link between systems.
For example, the posterior kinetic chain, refers to the integrated function of nerves, muscles, fascia, and joints on the posterior side of the body.
The concept of the kinetic chain was originally adapted from the work of a mechanical engineer named Franz Reuleaux (Kinematics of Machinery (1875)) by Dr. Arthur Steindler in 1955 (Steindler A: Kinesiology of the Human Body. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas Co.. 1955).