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The muscles on the anterior side of the body

Lesson 20: More on the Human Movement Systems

The study of human movement science includes the relationships between the skeletal, fascial, nervous, and muscular systems. This course covers more detail regarding arthrokinematic motions (slide/glide, roll/spin, pivot), the fascial system, the function of the nervous system/mechanoreceptors (Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini endings, Golgi tendon organ, and muscles spindle fibers), and the "rules of muscles" (function).

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Course Summary: More on the Human Movement Systems

This course describes the human movement systems with more detail than “Lesson 5: Basics of the Human Movement Systems ”.

The additional information covered in this course includes:

  • The articular system and the arthrokinematics motions, including spin, roll, glide (slide), compression, and distraction (traction).
  • Every muscle that crosses a joint will contribute to all of the joint actions of that joint.
  • The facial system and its integrated function within the movement system, including storing elastic energy, contributing to the stability of joints and soft tissue structures, transferring force between muscle fibers (muscle synergies and core subsystems), and contributing to proprioception and kinesthesia.
  • The nervous system, sensory receptors, and neuromuscular reflex, including muscle spindles and stretch reflex, and golgi tendon organs and autogenic inhibition. Additionally, Ruffini endings, Pacinian corpuscles, and nociceptors are introduced, and their influence on muscle activity and movement dysfunction.
  • The integrated function of the movement systems, and a discussion on how the information discussed in this course contributes to all physical activity, including exercise, therapeutic intervention, sports motion, and daily activity.

Sports medicine professionals (personal trainers, fitness instructors, physical therapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, athletic trainers, etc.) must develop deep knowledge of human movement and the movement systems for advanced movement analysis and the identification of movement dysfunctions, which is necessary for developing optimal exercise programs and therapeutic (rehabilitation) interventions. Further, this course is essential knowledge for future courses discussing biomechanics (e.g. the influence of glide on maintaining optimal joint motion), muscle synergies (e.g. the anterior oblique subsystem includes the obliques, abdominal fascia, and adductors), the relationship between signs of altered movement and injury (e.g. movement dysfunction, movement impairment, postural dysfunction, kinetic chain dysfunction), and sports performance (e.g. core strength, power development, proprioception, and agility).

Pre-approved Credits for:

Pre-approved for Continuing Education Credits for:

This Course Includes:

  • AI Tutor
  • Video Lectures
  • Study Guide
  • Text of Material
  • Learning Activities
  • Practice Exam
  • Pre-approved Final Exam

Sample from Course:

Arthrokinematic Motions:
Small amplitude motions between joint surfaces.

  • Roll: The movement of an object, usually in one direction (inferiorly, medially, etc.), by turning over and over on its axis. Similar to the way a ball might roll across a field. An anatomical example would be the posterior roll of the humeral head in the glenoid fossa during external rotation of the humerus.
  • Glide (or slide): A linear movement of an object across a surface parallel to the plane of that surface. Similar to the way skis slide down a snowy slope. An anatomical example would be the posterior glide of the humeral head during internal rotation of the humerus to maintain congruence with the glenoid fossa.
  • Spin: A rotational movement around a single axis. Analogous to the way a top or dreidel "spins" on a tabletop. An anatomical example would be the posterior spin of the femoral head in the acetabulum during hip flexion.
  • Compression: The approximation of two surfaces; that is, a force that reduces the space or increases the pressure between two surfaces. Similar to the way the teeth are "clenched" together during a bite. An anatomical example would include forces that direct one bone surface into another resulting in a reduction in intra-articular volume. Although often thought of as a "destructive force", it is likely best to consider compression as a naturally occurring, and stabilizing force. Any arthrokinematic force in excess (spin, glide, roll, traction) may be viewed as potentially deleterious.
  • Distraction (traction): A force applied that separates two surfaces; that is, a force that increases the space or decreases the pressure between two surfaces. Similar to the way a suction cup is pulled from a window. An anatomical example would include forces that pull one bone surface apart from another, increasing intra-articular volume. For example, hanging from one's hands (e.g. in preparation for a pull-up) results in a traction force on the glenohumeral joint (shoulder).

The muscles on the anterior side of the body
Caption: The muscles on the anterior side of the body

Course Study Guide: More on the Human Movement Systems (Human Movement System, Part 2)


The Muscular System
3 Sub Sections

The Arthrokinematic System

The Fascia System

The Nervous System and Receptors


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