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Neuromuscular Efficiency - Glossary Term Illustration

Glossary Term

Neuromuscular Efficiency

Neuromuscular efficiency is the ability of the neuromuscular system to allow agonists, antagonists, stabilizers, neutralizers, and fixators to work together to produce, reduce, and dynamically stabilize the entire kinetic chain in all three planes. This is crucial for optimal movement and injury prevention in sports and everyday activities.

Neuromuscular Efficiency

Neuromuscular Efficiency: The ability of the neuromuscular system to allow agonists, antagonists, stabilizers, neutralizers and fixators to work synergistically to produce, reduce, and dynamically stabilize the entire kinetic chain in all three planes.

Michael A. Clark, Scott C. Lucett, NASM Essentials of Personal Training: 4th Edition © 2011 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins


