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Glossary Term


Supine: An anatomical position that refers to face up, palm(s) up, or lying on one's back (face up). For example, when performing the exercise "floor bridge" (Bridge and Progressions), the person is lying on their back in a supine position.

Supine: An anatomical position that refers to face up, palm(s) up, or lying on one's back. For example, when performing the exercise "floor bridge" (Bridge and Progressions ), the person is lying on their back in a supine position.

The opposite of supine:

For more information on the anatomical directions, check out:

Examples of supine used in reference to anatomy, exercise, and physical rehabilitation:

  • Supinator: A muscle in the forearm responsible for supinating the forearm, which turns the wrist so the palm faces upward.
  • Supine hip mobilization: A hip mobilization in which the patient is lying on their back.
  • Supine Marching: A physical rehabilitation exercise for the core that involves lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, holding the "drawing-in maneuver ," and then lifting one leg at a time in a marching motion.

