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June 6, 2023

EMG Analysis of Transverse Abdominis and Lumbar Multifidus During Lumbar Stabilization Exercises

Learn how EMG analysis can help understand the activation patterns of the transverse abdominis and lumbar multifidus during lumbar stabilization exercises.

Brent Brookbush

Brent Brookbush


Research Review: EMG Analysis of Transverse Abdominis and Lumbar Multifidus During Lumbar Stabilization Exercises

By Jinny McGivern, PT, DPT, CFMT, Certified Yoga Instructor

Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, COMT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS

Original Citation: Okubo, Y., Kaneoka, K., Imai, A., Shiina, I., Tatsumura, M., Izumi, S., & Miyakawa, S. (2010). Electromyographic analysis of transversus abdominis and lumbar multifidus using wire electrodes during lumbar stabilization exercises. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 40(11), 743-750. ABSTRACT

Why the Study is Relevant: The terms "local" and "global" were used to describe the different functions of the various trunk muscles by Bergmark in 1989 (Bergmark, 1989). Local muscles were described as those that provided single segment stability and had direct attachments to the spine, whereas global muscles were categorized as those that spanned multiple spinal segments and may not have direct attachments to the spine. This 2010 study by Japanese researchers investigated the activation levels of both local and global muscles during a series of common exercises often used with the intention of improving the stability of the lumbar spine. Lumbar spine stabilization exercises are key components of exercise programs that range in purpose from reducing low back pain (LBP) to improving performance. The findings of this research place the exercises observed in context as to where and how they should be most effectively utilized to aid clients in achieving their activity goals.

Image of Transverse Abdominis and Rectus Abdominis
Caption: Image of Transverse Abdominis and Rectus Abdominis

Modified image from Gray's Anatomy - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse_abdominal_muscle

Study Summary

Study DesignExperimental descriptive laboratory study
Level of EvidenceIII - Evidence from non-experimental descriptive studies, such as comparative studies, correlation studies, and case-control studies
Subject Demographics
  • Age: 24.1 +/- 0.8 yrs
  • Gender: 9 male subjects
  • Characteristics: Healthy, former athletes, without LBP, who previously performed regular abdominal and/or back exercises but did not regularly perform stabilization exercises.
  • Inclusion Criteria: n/a
  • Exclusion Criteria: History of lumbar spine disorder, neurological disorder, spinal surgery
Outcome MeasuresBilateral muscle activation was recorded via EMG for the following muscles during a single rep of each of the following lumbar stabilization exercises:

Activity levels during exercises were reported as a % of Max Voluntary Contraction (MVC) recorded against manual resistance prior to performance of exercises.

The 8 Lumbar Stabilization Exercises (LSE) observed were:

  • Forearm plank
  • Forearm plank with contralateral arm & leg reaches (performed bilaterally)
  • Quadruped with contralateral arm & leg reaches (performed bilaterally)
  • Bridge (pelvis lifted to 0 deg hip extension)
  • Bridge with single leg lifted (performed bilaterally)
  • Forearm side plank (R) (knees straight - right elbow down)
  • Forearm side plank (R) with top leg lifted (right elbow down - left leg lifted)
  • Abdominal crunch (head lifted until scapula off floor)

*Subjects were cued to maintain neutral spine for all exercises except crunch and to hold each position for 3s.


 EMG Findings


  • There was a statistically significant interaction between sides and exercises (P<.001).
  • There was a statistically significant difference in muscle activation between the right (R) and left (L) halves of TVA for the following exercises:
    • Forearm plank with contralateral arm/leg reaches
      • With (R) arm/(L) leg lifted -> significantly increased (R) TVA activity as compared to (L).
        • This exercise also demonstrated the highest (R) TVA activation of any exercise (41.8% +/- 20.2% of MVC)

      • With (L) arm/(R) leg lifted -> significantly increased (L) TVA activity as compared to (R).
        • This exercise also demonstrated the highest (L) TVA activation of any exercise (50.6% +/-28.4% of MVC)

    • Quadruped with contralateral arm/leg reaches
      • With (R) arm/(L) leg lifted -> significantly increased activity of (R) TVA (approximately 30% MVC on (R) and 10% (L)*).
      • With (L) arm/(R) leg lifted -> significantly increased activity of (L) TVA (approx 30% MVC compared to approx 15% (R)*).

    • Bridge with single leg lifted
      • With (R) leg lifted -> significantly increased activity of (R) TVA (approx 20% compared to 10% (L)*).
      • With (L) leg lifted -> significantly increased activity of (L) TVA (approx 25% compared to 10% (L)*)

    • Forearm side plank (R) with (L) leg lifted
      • Significantly increased (R) TVA activation (approx 35% compared to 15% (L)*).

    • Forearm side plank (R) demonstrated increased activity of (R) TVA, however it was not significant.
    • During  forearm plank, bridge & Abdominal crunch TVA did not demonstrate significant differences between sides.  Of these exercises the highest level of activity was demonstrated during abdominal crunch (approx 35% MVC*).


  • There was no significant interaction between sides and exercises.  Therefore LM activity was analyzed as an average of the two sides for all exercises.
  • The back bridge with the (R) leg lifted demonstrated the highest average activity between (R) & (L) sides of LM (51.7% +/- 34.0% MVC).
    • This was significantly greater than activity during all other exercises except back bridge with (L) leg lifted, the exercise with the second highest levels of activity (approx 40% MVC*).

  • The bridge demonstrated the third highest levels of LM activation (approx 35% MVC*).
  • LM during the quadruped with contralateral arm/leg reaches demonstrated activity levels between approx 15 & 40% of MVC*.
  • Forearm plank, forearm plank with contralateral arm/leg reaches and the abdominal crunch demonstrated the lowest levels of activity for the LM (generally <10% MVC*).
  • During the forearm side plank (R)& forearm side plank (R) with (L) leg lifted, the (R) LM demonstrated greater activity than (L) although not significantly ((R) side approx 15-20% MVC vs. <10% on (L)*).


  • There was no significant interaction between sides and exercises.  Therefore RA activity was analyzed as an average of the two sides for all exercises.
  • RA demonstrated it's highest levels of activity during the abdominal crunch exercise (43.8% +- 14/3% MVC)
    • This was significantly greater activation than all other exercises except: forearm plank and forearm plank with contralateral arm/leg reaches (approx 20-40% MVC for all forearm activities*).

  • There was a trend for the (R) RA to demonstrate higher activity levels than (L) during the forearm side plank (R) and  forearm side plank (R) with (L) leg lift although this was not significant. ((R) side approx 20% MVC, (L) side closer to 10% MVC*)
  • Generally speaking the RA demonstrated activity levels approx 10-20% MVC* during quadruped contralateral arm/leg reaches, bridging & bridging with leg lifts,


  • There was a statistically significant interaction between sides and exercises (P<.001).
  • There was a statistically significant difference in muscle activation between the right (R) and left (L) halves of EO for the following exercises:
    • Forearm side plank (R)
      • (R) EO approx 80% MVC, (L) 20%*

    • Forearm side plank (R) with (L) leg lift
      • (R) EO approx 80% MVC, (L) 20%*

  • The exercise with the highest activity for (R) EO was forearm plank with (L) arm/(R) leg lifted (87.0% +/- 36.1% MVC)
    • This was significantly greater than all exercises except forearm plank, forearm plank with (R) arm/(L) leg lifted, (R) forearm plank & (R) forearm plank with (L) leg lifted.

  • The exercise with the highest activity for (L) EO was forearm plank with (R) arm/(L) leg lifted (92.6% +/- 43.2%).
    • This was significantly greater than any other exercise except forearm plank & forearm plank with (L) arm/(R) leg lifted.

  • Respective sides of the EO demonstrated  slightly asymmetrical activation (not statistically significant) during quadruped contralateral arm/leg reaches and bridging with leg lifting.  The trend was for EO to be more active on the side of the lifted leg, i.e. (R) EO more active when (L) arm/(R) leg lifted in quadruped & when (R) leg lifted in bridge, and vice versa for (L) (all approx between 30 and 40% MVC*).
  • EO demonstrated relatively symmetrical activation during forearm plank (approx 50% MVC*), bridge (approx 25%*)  and abdominal crunch (approx 40% MVC*).


  • There was a statistically significant interaction between sides and exercises (P<.001).
  • There was a statistically significant difference in muscle activation between the right (R) and left (L) halves of ES for the following exercises:
    • Forearm plank with (R) arm/(L) leg lifted
      • (R) ES slightly greater than 10% MVC, (L) ES slightly less than 10% MVC*

    • Bridge with (R) leg lift (see below for values)
    • Bridge with (L) leg lift (see below for values)
    • Forearm side plank (R)
      • (R) approx 25% MVC, (L) <10% MVC*

    • Forearm side plank (R) with (L) leg lift
      • (R) approx 25% MVC, (L) <10% MVC*

  • During forearm plank with (L) arm/(R) leg lifted  the (L) side of ES trended toward a slighter higher level of activity but it was not significant (both sides <10% MVC*).
  • The (R) half of ES demonstrated the highest levels of activity during the bridge with (R) leg lift (45.0% +/- 20/3% MVC).
    • (L) side approx 30% MVC*

  • The (L) half of ES demonstrated the highest level of activity during the bridge with (L) leg lift (39.0% +/-16.8% MVC).
    • (R) side approx 25% MVC*

  • During quadruped contralateral arm/leg reaches, the ES on the side of the lifted arm tended to be more active although this was not statistically significant (between 15-25% MVC for both sides*).
  • ES demonstrated relatively symmetrical activity during forearm plank (<10% MVC*), bridge (approx 25% MVC*) and abdominal crunch (<10% MVC*).

*Authors displayed data in bar chart thus estimations are reported to provide context of approximate activation levels.

Our Conclusions

This research recorded the activity level of "local" stabilizing muscles (TVA, LM), as well as "global" muscles (RA, EO, ES) of the "core" during a wide variety of lumbar stabilization exercises. It highlights that these muscles work synergistically during these exercises, and that these exercise do not isolate the TVA nor the LM.


Conclusions of the Researchers All exercises generated activity in all muscles observed.  The abdominal musculature tended to be more active during exercises in the prone position and the extensors tended to be more active during supine activities.  During the side plank exercise, activity of the (R) side of all muscles observed increased as compared to the (L) with varying degrees of asymmetry.  The exercise that generated the highest TVA activity was the forearm plank with contralateral arm/leg reach.  The exercises that generated the highest LM activation were the bridge exercises, especially when one leg was lifted.  It is important to note that although TVA and LM were activated during these exercises, they activated at low-mod levels (no activity greater than 60% for either) and that there were many other muscles working as well.  The exercises observed in this study may not be the most optimal activities to train isolated firing of the specific local, segmental lumbar stabilizers in individuals who are prone to over use "global" stability strategies.

Dr. Brent Brookbush instructs Personal Trainer, Laura DeAngelis on proper form for the Quadruped Opposite Arm Leg Raise (Transverse Abdominis Activation)
Caption: Dr. Brent Brookbush instructs Personal Trainer, Laura DeAngelis on proper form for the Quadruped Opposite Arm Leg Raise (Transverse Abdominis Activation)

Quadruped Opposite Arm and Leg Raise - Transverse Abdominis Activation (TVA)

Review & Commentary:

This study adds to a significant body of research on trunk muscle activity during stabilization exercises. It provides information about how to classify, and potentially how to integrate the exercises observed into practice. The authors described these activities as "high load lumbar stabilization exercises" because they result in recruitment of both local and global core musculature. The authors acknowledge that these exercises may not be best for specific training of local muscles in isolation.

This study had many methodological strengths. The authors utilized validated and clearly described procedures for data collection. Surface electrodes were used to collect information from the superficial muscles (RA , EO and ES ) whereas fine wire electrodes were used to collect data from the deeper muscles (TVA and LM ). This minimized errors related to signal interference or crosstalk; which may occur when surface electrodes are used to collect information from deeper muscles. The placement of the wire electrodes was guided by ultrasound and confirmed with active muscle contraction. Electromyographic (EMG) data collected from each muscle, during each exercise, was normalized to a percentage of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) against manual resistance for that muscle. By performing a bilateral assessment of each muscle group, the authors were able to collect information about the symmetry of muscle group activity during each exercise. Finally, the results of this study fill gaps in the literature about activation levels of different muscles considered "core stabilizers" during a variety of exercises commonly used in practice as "core stability exercises".

This research also has several limitations. The study used a small, homogeneous sample (n=9) of active, healthy, pain-free, male subjects. The results may not generalize to other populations, particularly individuals who have low back pain. Previous research has shown that this group demonstrates altered recruitment patterns of lumbar stabilizing muscles (Hides et al., 1996). The authors did not report excluding individuals who had a history of lower extremity injury or surgery. Alterations in trunk motor patterns have been noted in individuals with peripheral lower extremity injuries/pain (Dos Reis et al., 2015). The authors only collected data from a single repetition of each exercise. Collecting the mean of multiple repetitions may have provided a more accurate representation of muscle activation. The sequence of exercises was not randomized. It is possible that a muscles's activity during a specific exercise may have been influenced by earlier exercises.

How This Study is Important:

As human movement professionals, exercise is one of our primary options for addressing dysfunction. It is important that we understand the recruitment patterns of various exercises to aid in exercise selection. This study demonstrates synergy between local and global stabilizers of the core during various commonly recommended lumbar stabilization exercises.

How the Findings Apply to Practice:

This research study aids in refining exercise selection. The authors found that while the LM and TVA were active during these exercises, they were active in conjunction with, and at comparable or lower levels, than the RA , EO and ES . In the event that a client demonstrated motor patterns that implied synergistic dominance of global core muscles, these exercises (Forearm plank , Quadruped , Bridge , Forearm side plank , and Abdominal crunch ) might not be the best choice for starting a neuromuscular re-education program for local stabilizers. For performance goals, these exercises may not be the most appropriate either. With the exception of EO activity during the forearm plank with contralateral arm/leg lifting, and the forearm side plank, all muscles demonstrated activity levels of less than 60% MVC for all exercises. It is likely that resistance or more difficult progressions of these exercises would be necessary to optimize athletic performance.

How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?

The results of this study support core exercise selection based on consideration of the Anterior Oblique Subsystems (AOS) and Posterior Oblique Subsystems (POS) in conjunction with the Instrinsic Stabilization Subsystem (ISS) - in so much as core motor patterns almost always include a combination of musculature from both local and global stabilizers. The Brookbush Institute (BI) recommends core exercise selection based on movement assessment and the implied relative activity of core subsystems. Further BI recommends that core (lumbar stabilization) exercise follows activation techniques, with the exception of Transverse Abdominis Activation (which may be used as an activation technique). Although the Brookbush Institute may need to consider "more accurate word choice," it is worth noting that BI recommends the "Quadruped" exercise and progressions for Transverse Abdominis Activation . Although other muscles were active, of the exercises investigated this study, the transverse abdominis showed the highest relative activity during the Quadruped Opposite Arm/Leg Reach. The Brookbush Institute has published several progressions of these techniques, including specific approaches to cueing that may aid in optimizing performance. The videos below show a sample sequence (circuit) of exercises progressing from isolated activation, to core integration, to reactive activation techniques, all with the goal of improving trunk or core stability.

Transverse Abdominis TVA Isolated Activation

Ball Bridge

Side Plank

Modified Mountain Climbers:


© 2016 Brent Brookbush

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