Research Review: Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis and Frozen Shoulder Alters Scapular Kinematics
By Lynn Willford PT, MS, Cert MDT
Edited by Brent Brookbush DPT, PT, MS, PES, CES, CSCS, ACSM H/FS
Original Citation: Fayad F, Roby-Brami A, Yazbeck C, Hanneton S, Lefevre-Colau MM, Gautheron V, Poiraudeau S, Revel M. (2008). "Three-dimensional scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or frozen shoulder." 2008 Jbiomech, 41(2): 326-332 - ABSTRACT
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis) -
Why is this relevant?: Shoulder pain is one of the most common reasons an individual seeks advice from a human movement professional. Two particularly persistent conditions are frozen shoulder (FS) and glenohumeral (GH) osteoarthritis. The clinical presentation of these disorders are similar, both typically presenting with pain and limited joint mobility in individuals 40 year of age or older. Interestingly, based on this study the scapular dyskinesis associated with these disorders is similar to other GH pathologies (impingement syndrome), and exactly what a human movement professional might expect. Having a firm understanding of the mechanical presentation and kinematics of the shoulder and scapula will lead to better management of these issues, refine exercise and technique selection, and result in better outcomes.
Study Summary
Study Design | Non-experimental Comparative Study |
Level of Evidence | Level VI : Evidence from a single descriptive or qualitative study |
Subject Demographics |
Outcome Measures |
The measurements were taken with the subject standing upright. Two repetitions of arm elevation were recorded in each plane for both the affected and unaffected side. |
Results | Demographics
Scapular Orientation at rest Scapular orientation at rest did not differ significantly on either the affected or unaffected sides between the 2 groups Scapular Upward Rotation with humeral movement (SHR)
Variables influencing scapular mobility
Conclusions | This research provides evidence that scapular motion is affected by glenohumeral dysfunction, and/or that scapular dyskinesis may contribute to, or result in glenohumeral dysfunction. The increase in scapular upward rotation to compensate for a lack of GH abduction may be a great example of "relative flexibility." |
Conclusions of the Researchers | Results confirmed that those people presenting with limited arm elevation due to glenohumeral osteoarthritis or frozen shoulder show increased scapular upward rotation. This restriction is most notable with movement in the frontal plane. Additionally, the increase of upward rotation in the presence of limited arm elevation is greater with frozen shoulder than with GH osteoarthritis. Also of note was the observation that scapular protraction and retraction movement is also altered when humeral elevation is limited. This was more notable in the FS group and in the frontal plane |
Scapulohumeral Rhythm - http://
Review & Commentary: Mobility of the shoulder complex involves combined motions of both the scapulothoracic and glenohumeral joints. The two joints must be coordinated in order to perform full arm elevation. Previous studies have demonstrated a clear correlation between scapular and GH motion, and have also shown that a reproducible pattern of scapular kinematics exists during arm elevation. Specifically it has been shown that scapular upward rotation varies linearly with humeral angle and contributes to approximately 30-40% of the overall arm elevation in healthy shoulders of adults. This correlation of movement has been named scapulohumeral rhythm (SHR) (Dayanidhi et al., 2005, Fayed et al., 2006; McClure et al., 2001)
What has not been thoroughly explored in previous studies is the affect different disease processes have on SHR. Several disorders of the shoulder complex could be responsible for limited arm elevation, and each disorders may contribute to a loss in range of motion differently. This study used 3D kinematics to investigate and describe the mobility of the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic joints, resulting in a better understanding of scapular dyskinesis as it relates to frozen shoulder and glenohumeral osteoarthritis.
The methodology of this research was sound but it had its limitations. In general, the average age of onset of those affected by frozen shoulder and those affected by glenohumeral osteoarthritis is nearly 20 years different and the age difference may have impacted the results in the study (mean age in the GH group = 72.4; mean age in the FS group = 48.4). Further, there was a significant difference in the duration of symptoms between the two groups. Although these trends would be expected given the two diagnosis compared in this study, we must also consider that duration of symptoms and age of the individuals may have contributed to, or be the cause of the larger changes in scapular kinematics seen in the glenohumeral arthritis group.
Why is this study important? This study demonstrates the importance of considering the mobility of the scapula when addressing limitations in functional arm elevation and glenohumeral motion. Additionally, it confirms that the mechanics involved in limited arm elevation are similar with both glenohumeral osteoarthritis and frozen shoulder.
How does it affect practice? Despite the disease processes examined in this study being identified as specific to the glenohumeral joint, motion of the scapula was significantly altered. Treatment of shoulder dysfunction should not be limited to the GH joint alone, and should include intervention for optimizing scapular mobility and scapulohumeral motion (SHR). At the very least, improving scapular mobility and SHR may be an opportunity to enhance function and reduce painful ranges of motion when treatment of the glenohumeral joint may or may not be effective (inflammatory phase of FS or late stages of GH osteoarthritis.
How does it relate to Brookbush Institute Content?
This study shows a correlation between glenohumeral and scapular dyskinesis, similar to those found in individuals exhibiting Upper Body Dysfunction (UBD) . Interestingly, the limitations in shoulder mobility lead very specifically to the best scapular motion capable (upward rotation) of compensating for motion. This could be viewed as a very clear example of "relative flexibility" (Shirley A. Sahrmann), a concept that contributes greatly to our understanding of movement impairment/postural dysfunction . Further, the dysfunctional relationship between two separate joint structures examined in this study, may be viewed as an example of "regional interdependence" (although many would consider the shoulder girdle to be a single joint complex). Again this concept influences our understanding of human movement, as well as our assessment and treatment strategies at the Brookbush Institute - The location of pain is a clue that should only be weighed as heavily as the results of any other test in your movement assessment. Last, we come back to the "chicken or the egg" paradox in human movement. Did the scapular dyskinesis noted in this study result from glenohumeral pathology or contribute to glenohumeral pathology? As these studies do not predate the diagnosis of pain or treatment, it is not beyond reason to consider that the changes in scapular kinematics may have contributed to the painful condition of the shoulder.
Techniques for enhancing scapular motion:
Levator Scapulae Release
Pectoralis Minor Release
Rhomboid Release
Crucifixion Stretch
Cobra on Foam Roll
- S. Dayanidhi, M. Orlin, S. Kozin, S. Duff, A. Karduna. Scapular kinematics during humeral elevation in adults and children. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 20 (2005), pp. 600–606
- F. Fayad, G. Hoffmann, S. Hanneton, C. Yazbeck, M.M. Lefevre-Colau, S. Poiraudeau, M. Revel, A. Roby-Brami. 3-D scapular kinematics during arm elevation: effect of motion velocity. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 21 (2006), pp. 932–941
- P.W. McClure, L.A. Michener, B.J. Sennett, A.R. Karduna. Direct 3-dimensional measurement of scapular kinematics during dynamic movements in vivo. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 10 (2001), pp. 269–277
© 2015 Brent Brookbush
Questions, comments, and criticisms are welcomed and encouraged -